Slot machine safe....?

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What does everyone think?

Except anything a burglar would normally expect to find money in would be a primary target :89-

TITO still means money in the vault.

might be an interesting idea. it will draw attention to where your money is but these things are heavy and can be bolted down and i dont think many burglars would have the time to get in if you do it right.
if i were to convert one i would start out by backing the glass with el paper and a sheet of steal so they cant just smash the glass and get whats inside. second plug the standard locks and get a servo or solenoid and build a new lock mech for the doors that is controlled by the player tracking display and keypad that is already inside most of these things. if you make the machine free play or bill only you can strip out the hopper weld in a small box and you can actually store a good bit of stuff in one and it will still be functional.

4 Deuces:
Do all that and then put your money under the mattress. :72-


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