repair dotmatrix display

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Is there anyone that repairs dot matrix  displays on Jack pot party machines. I purchased a power supply for the upper board it didn't help'  The display jumps around.

Have you ever had another game  in this machine to make sure it isn't a board or chips that are causing the problem?


I unplugged the board and the machine for 30 days it worked well again for about 2 days the it started to act up again.

Well Ok, just trying to eliminate some possibilities. How about this, do you have any spare games, IO boards, CPU boards or dot boards so that you can start the elimination process? You would be surprised how many problems with these Dotmations can be traced to power supplies or IO boards.


Dale is correct....
And another note....
These displays are FRAGILE...I mean REALLY fragile
Treat it gently, leave it alone if you can.
If you need to go into it, place it facedown on a SOFT towel.
Suspect the top box power supply....



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