Ever see one of these slot machines?

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4 Deuces:


This slot machine is from the Harvey's Resort Hotel. It was on the floor in which the bombing took place in 1980. Three men planted a bomb in Harvey's which is now Stateline, Nevada. Famous for its time the FBI tried to defuse the bomb and failed.
We are asking $850 or BEST offer for this collectible.

Would this be a pure mechanical or EM?

David B Fowler:
It has the round window a Pace machine would have but I feel it is an Aristocrat machine from the late 60's into the 70's.

It is definitely an Aristocrat: it bears the Aristocrat "Crown" logo. The entire name bar is essentially Aristocrat, with the name simply replaced by Harvey's.
I would guess it to be mechanical, from the small wheel icon size: the smaller the icons, the more stops they could get on a wheel.

looks like a 22 stop we used to play ones like that in flitz in reno , bad part is   one those it was easy to pull off a hand pay if you had one to many


This is an Aristicrat machine and I have seen on in person at an Estate sale over the summer.  Nice looking machine with lots of chrome.  If you look at the handle it has an electric cord wrapped around it.  The machine does have lights if I remember correctly and is wired 110V internally. 

I was advised against buying it and I took the advice.  Does not seem to be built sturdy like the old ballys and IGT's.  Primarily for a foreign market I understand.



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