Home Gameroom E2000 Mod's


I've been going thru many E2000 machines and intend to get them all working. They've been sitting in storage since the early 90's, grease turned to tar on everything, years of nicotine stains throughout, and generally beat up from long term casino use. The perfect home-owner gameroom machines...

First, I have been lightening them up, removing any metal components that aren't necessary. This includes all of the coin diverter chutes and brackets that deal with coin overflow - diverting coins into the cabinet base. Even the weight sensing micro switch on the hoppers can be removed, as well as the door-open micro switch on the door lock cam (connect those wires together when removing the switch).

There are two other solenoids that can be disabled; one is the coin diverter solenoid and the other is the door-open buzzer. You can cut the orange wire on the diverter solenoid (and bend the limit stop inward), and simply unplug the door buzzer and remove it from the cabinet.


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