IGT S-Plus WBA11 issues.


Ok here we go
I have a hot peppers  with a WBA11 transport and WBA13 head. The Eprom is a WBA-11SS ID 022/023 VER 3.00 right from JCM
The machine is set to 5 1 Player initiated credit with the Bill payout set to standard mode 8 0.
I can get the insert bills light to light when I test input 27 0 and it flashes 101010
I get the bill to go in and out when I test output 26

When I go back to game mode the BV cycles, but never does the insert bills light come on and of course wont even take a bill in.
This machine was working fine in the customers house...saw it myself. When I turned it on in the shop this issue came up(its a trade in)
I have cleared and BV/Set Denom chipped it (9-1)
Any ideas?

Are you sure it's setting up completely?  They're a certain sound (da da) that it makes at the very end of the cycle.  If you're in a cold building you might need to warm BV with a hair dryer. 

Hi Bob
Yes I set it up completely.
I just cleared and BV/Denom set for the third time. Its working. :279- So could have been the cold, its cool in here. Thanks.
Could have been I was holding my tongue to the left. Or maybe sunspots :97-

Thanks again for the input Bob.
Can you or anyone else tell me what might be the difference between version 3.00 and version 3.60? I have a 3.60 but im hesitant to upgrade this finickey machine.  :96-


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