New Life Games Tech Forums

NLG Members who host their own Repair Logs of Various Games. => Channelmaniac's Arcadecomponents' Old School Repair Logs => Topic started by: channelmaniac on February 20, 2009, 02:14:08 PM

Title: Incredible Technologies Games
Post by: channelmaniac on February 20, 2009, 02:14:08 PM
Model: Capcom Bowling
Symptom: No graphics. Just blocks on the screen.

Board was missing all graphics elements. It was running the Bowl-O-Rama program and sound ROMs.

Bowl-O-Rama uses the same board as Capcom Bowling but requires a daughterboard with a 2Mb EPROM for the graphics elements. This daughterboard was missing. Programmed a new program ROM and sound ROM to replace the existing ones. Programmed the 3 27C256 EPROMs for the graphics elements and inserted them into the empty sockets. Replaced a bad 74LS138 IC in the memory decode circuitry to finish the repair.

Title: Re: Incredible Technologies Games
Post by: channelmaniac on May 28, 2009, 01:12:56 AM
Model: Rim Rockin' Basketball
Symptom: Will not keep settings

Replaced dead battery and tested.

Title: Re: Incredible Technologies Games
Post by: channelmaniac on June 05, 2009, 02:04:20 AM
Model: Capcom Bowling
Symptom: Dead. Missing chips.

Replaced two missing 68B09E CPUs and a Yamaha 2203 Audio IC. Tested.

Title: Re: Incredible Technologies Games
Post by: channelmaniac on December 04, 2010, 04:22:02 AM
Model: Golden Tee 99
Symptom: Dead

Board had physical damage. Pins on the custom IC at U1 were bent and solder joints on the ODD Plane A video RAM were broken.

Board would intermittently attempt to boot. When the logic probe was put on address line A4 of the CPU RAM the board would stop trying to boot. Replaced bad 74LS04 at U40. Board would then still try to boot at fail. When the logic probe was put on address line A12 of the EPROM at PROM0 the board would quit trying to boot. Soldered a jumper wire to fix a bad trace and the board would boot but had corrupt graphics.

Resoldered the IC at U1 to fix most graphics problems. Resoldered the cracked solder joints on the ODD Plane A video RAM to fix the remaining graphics corruption.

Title: Re: Incredible Technologies Games
Post by: channelmaniac on December 11, 2010, 08:14:23 PM
Model: Golden Tee 2K
Symptom: Dead, Stuck in watchdog

Board had rodent damage.

Resoldered the 0 ohm resistors to properly match the 4Mb ROMs that were on the board. Checked the address lines and found line A12 stuck high. Found that U26, Pin 8 was dead. Soldered a jumper wire to fix and the board booted but had graphical corruption. When pins on the Odd and Even Pallette RAMs were touched with a finger the corruption would change. A trace between pin 10 (I/O3) on both RAMs was bad. Soldered a jumper wire to fix the graphic corruption.

Title: Re: Incredible Technologies Games
Post by: channelmaniac on August 12, 2011, 09:58:28 PM
Model: Pairs
Symptom: Reboots constantly

Board would power up, fail with dead battery, then reboot when you pressed the start button to continue. After this it was stuck in a reboot loop. Chip at location U28 had a split top. Replaced the IC. Custom IC chip at U1 had three bent pins that had popped loose from their solder pads. Straightened the pins, resoldered them, and tested the board. The game would play but would randomly reboot. Cleaned the fuse holder and JAMMA edge connector then tested.

WARNING: This board has a backwards JAMMA connection with the key on the right instead of the left. If plugged in backwards the 12v will pop the IC at U28.

DIPS: 1: setup, 2: modesty, 3: horiz flip, 4: sync