Atronic Emotion error codes

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IS there anyone who has a list of error codes for the atronic emotion. i have a machine giving me a message   "please wait busy (CB) did rechip and it still popping up?

I don't think Atronic has a list of error codes for the Emotions. If one exists I haven't seen it. I have seen that error before though. A complete ram reset should cure it. It's important to clear BOTH the Comm board and the Main board at the same time for those machines. If you do one without the other you can cause other problems. If a complete ram doesn't work and you still get the same error or other errors, you may need to replace the multimedia board. The board inside of the logic box that the graphics/video board and dvd-rom plug into. Hope this helps!

Thanks for the info i did it and it did work

Dear jaysee0069 this error is generated by the communication card, sometimes I managed to correct that flaw by changing the dallas (U28) or at other times by short circuiting the ADRs as they sometimes are charged with static.
I hope you serve.
a hug

Communications card = multimedia board. How well we work together with a language barrier.


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