Konami Repairs
<< < (7/11) > >>
Model: Jail Break
Symptom: Audio issues

Reseated the audio CPU as it was partially out of the socket. Board would not accept any coin inputs for coin slot 1. Replaced a custom 005273 hybrid and the 74LS253 IC it was feeding. Tested game.
Model: Hyper Olympics (bootleg)
Symptom: Short

Short circuit was caused by an extra ground wire not listed on the pinouts in the manual. This was shorting the -5v from the power supply to the ground through the Konami to JAMMA adapter. Cut the trace to the edge connector, replaced a physically damaged capacitor in the audio section, and tested.
Model: Warzaid
Symptom: No sync

Replaced back chip a U31 and tested.
Model: Bucky O'Hare
Symptom: Up control stuck on

Replaced bad hybrid module 005273A and a bad 74LS257 IC. Jumpered 1 bad trace and tested.
Model: The Simpsons
Symptom: EEPROM Error and no red output

Removed a solder splash bridge between pins 15 and 16 of the IC at 11D and reset the EEPROM data to fix the error. Replaced the custom hybrid 052535 on the red output to restore proper colors.
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