How many BB1/WMS would be OK on the same 20amp circuit??


Just a quick question to all the bros here:  about how many BB1/WMS can be on the same circuit of 20amp that the breaker wont trip?  i was told use a surge protector... anyway, thnx for ur inputs guys..

A 20 amp 120vac circuit will handle approximately 2400 watts.  Find the wattage of each machine and add together to get a total wattage.  Remember volts times amps equals watts.  So a slot machine using 5 amps of current is using a total of 600 watts (120vac times 5 amps).  Someone here probably either knows the current draw or the total wattage used by BB1 slots.  I don't own one and have no idea. Hope this helps a little.

The surge protector is not relevenant.
If you draw too much and pop a breaker - power goes off, this has nothing to do with a surge.

In the rare event that a major facility (ie cement plant) shuts off, their abscence of draw causes a sudden surge of power which then bumps your 110/120 to 150/160 for a brief amount of time potentially damaging equipment. Other surges occasionally occur from lightning.

The power rating on my BB1 is rated at 300 watts.  You need to add about nother 100 watts for llights and a little headroom.

Thank you so much for your replies guys.  You guys are pretty kool.  Thanks again for your insights...


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