WMS BlueBird GoldFish Duel Screen


Helllo Guys,

So much info on this site, its fantastic. I am picking up a Bluebird 1 Duel screen. It is currently setup for Gold Fish but I have a couple questions about this. 1. Can I run Reel Em In Cast for Cash? Also can I run other BlueBird games that don't require a duel screen monitor? Do I have to disconnect them or does it put up a splash screen or something?

Also Where does one buy game kits? I can't seem to find any.

Heres a Picture

Man would i love that machine. How much is it costing you?
Thats the problem living in UK, we can't get the good machines

You can run any bb1 game on that as long as it is not a community or a wap game (Wide area progressive).  You do not need to remove or turn off the top screen when playing single screen games.  Most people just buy the software and not the glass and since you do have the dual screen setup, it's not like the glass is going to fit your top box.  Titles show up on e-bay frequently, and you can post a WTB here, some of the dealers that frequent the site have titles for sale.

Perfect, Thanks.


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