Calling all HAM Radio Operators

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:50-  :50-  :50-
Hey everyone,  :88-

There appear to be many Amateur Radio operators on NLG and since the subject has come up several times on the site, I thought that I'd start a thread for those who might be interested.

I hold an Extra class ticket, but have not been active for a while as other hobbies have taken up my time and money. I'd like to get back on the air one of these days -- it's on my "to do" list. When I was active, I preferred to work HF, both on SSB and CW. I also enjoyed some QRP now and then and used to have a 1/4 watt crystal CW transmitter for 40 meters which got out quite well with my Inverted-Vee. If I were to get back into the hobby today, I'd probably like to play around with Spread Spectrum.

Okay, so now you all know that there is a hidden meaning to my HAMburger Avatar. :96- :72- :72-

Since privacy is a major concern these days, there is no need to post one's call sign unless one wishes.

Those of you who are active might want to post pictures of your shacks, rigs, etc.  :89- :71-


StatFreak :31-
:nlg-  Global Moderator

I have been a ham since the late 70's. Although I also have not been active. I hold an Advanced Class License. My first rig was a Heathkit HW-16 with the VFO.  I picked it up at a local Hamfest. 
I worked a lot of 40 meter CW back in the day.  I had a simple 40 Meter dipole and would stay up late gathering my QSL's from around the world. 

Thanks Stat for starting this section...  Advanced class here... never went for the "extra" because they are not issuing advanced anymore so I want to keep mine.....
  Here is a current pic I just posted in another thread and I will post some of the shack tomorrow...(not a pretty site) :60-

  In the meantime I am webmaster and one of the tech group for:

  We have a interlink system throughout the world !

Thor777 - Joe

(notice the hand held radios by all)  :30-

  :205-  Advanced class here  :88-

Ham Radio was a big passion of mine at one time. I was lucky enough to go through 2 great solar cycles
and worked most countries funny thing is I just sold my crank up tower 55ft (month ago) with a Tail twister had a Mosley pro 67b 10-40 meter
with a few other antenna's on it.I have had so many rigs all the top of the line models as of now I still have
Icom 756 pro,
2 YES 2 Kenwood TS2000
Yaesu Quadra amp 6-160 1200 watt soild state no tune amp
and all kinds of vhf/uhf gear but those bands were never my style HF was the thing for me.

Once the  internet came along and they made it easy to get a ticket plus dropping the cw
I felt it ran it's course but I did mess with echolink for a little bit
also did packet when that was hot and new.I might have pictures of the shack in it's Prime  :96-
but that would be on the upstairs PC which now belongs to the wife
important note !!!! I still have a shack in fact the TS2000 is on now listening to the local cops  :89-
but the room has changed that's for sure.


Extra Class here I used to be active on HF but just have a 2m HT Feidaxin for those who want to know. Like to talk on 2 and 440
Maybe we could get an NLG Ham net going on the nodes or on HF to discuss slots!


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