How do you change the button bulbs?

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Working on my first "old" video poker machine and I think it is a fortune II and I don't see how to get to the button bulbs.  Anyone have experience with this?  I have included a picture of the machine and button panel. 

Another picture close p of the back of the buttons

Just a guess, but do those round bases of the switches (where the numbers 5 and 6 are) twist?  Perhaps a quarter turn and then it'll come out?

Thanks for the reply.  I wish that would work but it is a single piece solid unit.

I've never seen one that old but I'll take a guess. Do the plastic lens come off the button? I'm talking about the see through part that has the bet lines/ bet amount under them. Pop one of those off with a knife and use a tool that grabs the bulb without breaking it and pull it out.


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