Where do I buy parts?

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There are many places to buy components to repair video games.


Cap kits:

Zanen Electronics
46 Parklane Drive
Ransom Canyon, Texas 79366

Phone: (806) 829-2780
Fax: (806) 829-2781

They accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express credit cards over the phone. Free shipping on orders over $25


Bob Roberts


Electronic Components
Mouser - http://www.mouser.com (Excellent site. Lots of links to datasheets. No minimum order.)
Jameco - http://www.jameco.com (pretty steep minimum order!)
Arcadecomponents - http://www.arcadecomponents.com (Shameless plug for my website!)
CoinOpChips - http://www.coinopchips.com


Arcade hardware (sticks, buttons, and more)
Happ Controls - http://happcontrols.com


Arcade mods:

Feel free to add to the thread.

I've dealt with each of these companies (well, other than my own... Shamless plug, no?) and have nothing but top notch results from them. Your mileage may vary. Do your own Google/Yahoo searches on them before ordering if you have any questions.


Ken Layton:
Betson (www.betson.com) sells genuine "Peter Chou" brand power supplies and the most-often-needed parts to repair them with.

Keep in mind that Happ has a minimum order value. I live close enough to stop by and pick up my things at their warehouse and I've had to pad my orders a few times to meet the minimum.

I still feel guilty ordering from Mouser. I buy about $12.00 worth of parts from them a year and they keep sending me catalogues the size of a phone book quarterly.

If I order from Happ and I am picking up there is no minimum. I have placed orders as small as just a cap kit. I would check with the person you do your orders with.

Arcadeshop Amusements is another site that has lots of parts for arcade games:


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