New Life Games Tech Forums

Homebrew Player Tracking and EFT Systems. => NLG Homebrew Player Tracking and EFT Systems. => Topic started by: phpn00b on July 17, 2013, 03:23:55 PM

Title: SAS Pinouts S+, Players Edge, and Konami Herculite/2.5?
Post by: phpn00b on July 17, 2013, 03:23:55 PM
Does anyone know what the pinout should be for the sas connector for the following machines:
Players Edge Draw Poker
Konami 2.5 or herculite

Really appreciate any help!!!

Title: Re: SAS Pinouts S+, Players Edge, and Konami Herculite/2.5?
Post by: TZtech on July 17, 2013, 03:53:09 PM
For S+ and PE+ comms comes from the DCS plug on the motherboard. These do not work at RS232 levels but use a current loop interface. Unless Your system has a port specifically designed for this port You will need a converter board. If you dont have these You cand find some info on how to reverse engineer one here that was documented by another member here (