Theft prevention and/or recovery

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I've had my share of equipment stolen over the years and I'd like to do something to improve my chances of getting equipment returned in the future. Around our area, they love to steal our boards. I'd like to etch some info on the boards and wonder if it would hurt the board.

I'm thinking of doing some engraving on bare spots on the boards with a message like "NOTICE! THIS BOARD IS STOLEN. Call xxx-xxx-xxxx REWARD IF RETURNED IN WORKING CONDITION"

It's a bit long and space is tight on some boards, but man, I have to try something. If engraving isn't safe for the integrity of the board, then how about painting a message on the solder side and clear coating the heck out of it. To remove the message, they'll have to destroy the board. Does anyone do things like this?

I've already had some luck recovering stolen cabinets simply by using a permanent marker deep inside the cabinet in an obscure spot that only I know to look.But the boards are a lot easier to steal than cabinets. (Duh!)

The worst I was hit was 30 Pot o Gold and Gold Touch boards one night. Someone hid in one of the rooms in this particular lease spot and the attendant didn't check them before he left and locked up. They smashed every machine, swiped the boards and broke OUT of the place. Double deadbolts keyed on both sides on two separate full metal doors on metal frames. couldn't keep them in. It had been doing a good job of keeping them out. I wonder how long it took them to get out and how close we were to catching them inside when we returned in the morning.

What they didn't get was the cash. We were using a cashless system at the time (E-Token). No money in the machines and the pod loader was quite secure. They tried to get in the box to get the cash, but couldn't.

I apologize for the run on. Does anyone have any idea if etching boards is safe. Does anyone have any tips they could share concerning theft and recovery.?

I don't know about etching a multi-layer board, but maybe an inconspicuous looking sticker on one of the non-removable chips on the board that has some type of ID number on it? Most paint is not conductive when dry, but even with clear coat it may be relatively easy to wash off. I guess I didn't realize there was such a huge market for that type of board :103-

I think you're right about paint being washed off and I think so too. We've had this problem in our area for quite a while. It's usually the same 9-10 people doing it. Fortunately they go to jail quite often, so we get a break when they are off the streets. Another problem with the scenario is OPERATORS WHO BUY KNOWINGLY STOLEN EQUIPMENT. Since these guys are buying stolen stuff, the other guys keep stealing it for them. With no way to positively identify our property, we're stonewalled when it comes to claiming the stuff.

They aren't all smart (and I'm not either sometimes!) I closed up for a few days once. I, of course,  left all the DVRs running and the alarm set and left all the doors of the machines wide open so if someone did break in, they wouldn't have to bust open a cabinet to find the money wasn't in there. The place was located in an unincorporated area with no quick police response. This was also before the thieves discovered that they only needed to steal the boards to make money. Well, I had a call and headed down there. The idiot had stolen one Gold Touch in a full size (HEAVY) metal cabinet,  One low rise Fruit Bonus (lol) and an upright cabinet that had some oddball game in it. Meanwhile, the guy could have cleaned me out if he hadn't smoked so much crack or what ever and easily grabbed every board I had. I found out who did it, but wasn't able to recover my property. He was shot stealing from another gameroom and went to prison for a while. Breaks my heart...not.

Hoping for more input. Any message would have to be obvious so the  buyers of the stolen equipment might think twice about buying obviously stolen merchandise.

A lot of police departments are using it.

Nothing, eh? No one has suffered any losses but me?


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