New Life Games Tech Forums

**Video Slots** Gaming machines => IGT I-Game and Game King. => Topic started by: vpguy on March 29, 2013, 04:36:40 PM

Title: GK key chip menu question.
Post by: vpguy on March 29, 2013, 04:36:40 PM
I'm pretty new to this stuff, so I tend to use the wrong terms.

I've got a GK with an 044 MPU, that much I know.  I've got a few questions.

1.  When I key chip the machine I notice that setting the games/percentages/denoms are all under a menu or several menu's that don't seem to make sense for those functions.  One such example is that those settings I referred to are under a menu called "speed setup".  There's another menu option that is equally not related to the functions that are in it "background color".  Is this normal?  If I'm not making sense I can go back in and grab some pics to show exactly what I'm talking about, but I'm a little surprised to see this on such a machine.


2.  Can someone please set me straigt on some of the terminology.  I know the MPU is an 044, and the game kit version is gk0003319 and the boot rom is gkb00036.  I'd like to better understanding what these versions mean.  I'm pretty clear what the 044 board is, I've read the IGT doc on this "class" of MPU.  But the other two?  Would like to be better understand those and what they mean when talking about the machine in general.

3.  Please don't flame me, but I've been told there are certain "things" I shouldn't talk about with these machines.  This has me totally confused?  Is it versions?, games? board levels?  Why shouldn't we talk about them?  I'm totally in the dark on this one, but would like to better understand what is off limits.  I certinly don't want to cause any trouble.  Feel free to PM me and set me straight.  OK, I've gotten some feedback about what NOT to post about, and it mostly has to do with asking about copyrighted material.  Fully understand.  and I understand why I was cautioned in some of my previous posts.



Title: Re: GK key chip menu question.
Post by: 4 Deuces on March 30, 2013, 01:15:55 PM
1)  Without pics I'm just guessing here ... the newer menus allow you to do a lot more with less menus.  So, for example, in the picture I attached, the menu on the left is the older way of doing it ... you pick up to 12 games per denom.  The pic on the right is a newer way ... you choose one game and then you can select what payout goes with what denom (makes it a lot easier).  If that's not what you mean, then yeah, I'd post pics.

2)  I have no idea.  Ha ha! This may help ... (
There are probably better sources ... maybe another member can help here.

3)  What's not allowed is copying games.  In fact, it's illegal and this site is dedicated to remaining on the up-and-up.  Therefore, the moderators are vigilant in nipping those types of conversations in the bud pretty quickly.  When you start asking people for the "code", binary files, copies, etc. of EPROMS, SIMMS or any other games that are not legal to copy, then a moderator will intervene.  I'm not a moderator or senior staff member, so they may want to clarify anything I got wrong here, but that's my understanding.  Thanks for being aware enough to ask first. :259-
