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**Video Slots** Gaming machines => IGT Fortune II => Topic started by: Rudmister on November 27, 2010, 11:59:25 AM

Title: fortune 2 poker
Post by: Rudmister on November 27, 2010, 11:59:25 AM
Hi, I have a Igt fortune 2 drop-in poker machine, and it pays out from the hopper with each win, can this be changed to give credits insted of paying out each time.  Thanks for any help on this.

Title: Re: fortune 2 poker
Post by: knagl on November 28, 2010, 09:32:10 AM
I'm not very familiar with the Fortune II, but I do know the PE+ which came after the Fortune II.

Is there a self-test button on the Fortune II to bring you to a test or settings menu?  On the PE+, it's a few presses of the Self Test button to get to a page that allows you to select "credit" or "non-credit".  The credit setting allows credits to be added to the meter, while the "non-credit" setting forces all wins to pay out from the hopper right away.

Title: Re: fortune 2 poker
Post by: Rudmister on December 01, 2010, 04:21:33 AM
Thank you so much!!!!  I will give that a try and let you know.  Again, thank you! :3-

Title: Re: fortune 2 poker
Post by: knagl on December 01, 2010, 05:18:51 AM
Don't thank me yet -- I hope that is the answer for the Fortune II, though.  If it isn't, please post here again and we'll find a Fortune II expert who can guide you in the right direction.

Title: Re: fortune 2 poker
Post by: Rudmister on December 01, 2010, 05:27:08 AM
Well thanks for the idea, but no luck with the fortune, did not see anything there to change, there are dip switches on the back plane where the boards plug in but not sure what they do, I will have to look around to see if I can find a manual on it.  But thank anyways.

Title: Re: fortune 2 poker
Post by: knagl on December 01, 2010, 04:45:16 PM
Digging around, I saw a picture of an upright Fortune II machine that didn't have a "Cash/Credit" or "Cash Out" button.  Before I dig more, does your machine have a button like that?  If it does, I'm sure it's capable of holding credits.  If it doesn't, it likely isn't (as you'd have no way to cash them out when you wanted to!).  A picture or two of your machine would be helpful.


Also, if your machine does indeed have a button labeled, "Cash/Credit", have you tried pressing that once before inserting your coins to play to switch it into credit mode?

Edited to add: I see that the Fortune II only had a "Cashout" button and it did not appear to be a toggle setting like it was on the PE+ or S+.  I guess it couldn't hurt to try that, but I doubt it will do anything.  The $64 question right now is if your machine has the buttons to support holding credits or not.

...and then, it looks like whether it holds credits or not is a function of the programming of the chips, not a DIP switch setting.  I've attached a table showing the DIP switch settings for the Fortune II (for video poker games -- the table is different for slot games).  Make sure that you have the power off before attempting to change any of the DIP switches.

Title: Re: fortune 2 poker
Post by: Rudmister on December 02, 2010, 10:33:01 AM
Thanks for all your help with this, it does has a "collect winnings", "Bet 1 coin", and "Play max coins" buttons, so I was hoping it was just a setting, here are pictures of it, sorry they did not come out real clear. :37- :30-

Title: Re: fortune 2 poker
Post by: Buzz on December 02, 2010, 10:48:27 AM
Just a wild guess, but try pressing the collect button ONE time and play the machine, see what happens. 

Title: Re: fortune 2 poker
Post by: Rudmister on December 02, 2010, 10:52:15 AM
I already tried that, but no luck! It does not do anything!

Title: Re: fortune 2 poker
Post by: Jim on December 02, 2010, 04:25:23 PM
look at the thread labled "fortune 1 or fortune 2 or what"  in this section.   ICU44444 and CV Slots have pictures of fortune 2 boards,  are yours like theirs'


there is another picture of a Fortune 2 in a wood grain cabinet, above the CASHOUT button, it has the words on the glass " Press cashout button to collect winnings", so there must be a setting to accomplish this.

Title: Re: fortune 2 poker
Post by: knagl on December 02, 2010, 06:31:15 PM
Just the fact that it has "Bet 1" and "Collect Winnings" buttons implies that it was capable of holding credits -- games that couldn't hold credits wouldn't have those buttons.   :71-

I don't know what to tell you, though.  Looking through the manual, I didn't see any setting related to that -- just a brief mention that a number of different programs are available for the Fortune II with different options:


(Unrelated to the issue at hand, I noticed that your Royal Flush displays the word "Jackpot" for the top award -- you should be able to get it to display 4000 coins instead.  Refer to the chart I posted a few posts up from here, and also the following quote.)

In order to disable the progressive jackpot for the Royal Flush, I had to change the dip switch settings on the motherboard.  The three dip switches that control the paytable options are 6,7 and 8.  On my machines both 6 & 7 on and 8 off, and 6 on and 7 & 8 off display the paytable with 4000 coins (for 5 quarters bet) for a Royal Flush.  The second displays animation on the face cards after sitting idle for a short period of time.

Title: Re: fortune 2 poker
Post by: Rudmister on December 02, 2010, 11:07:58 PM
 :3- My boards look just like the ones CV Slots posted, I changed my dip switches on the motherboard to 6 on and 7 and 8 off and I now have 4000 displayed on the paytable and animated on the face cards, I like a lot, thank you!  As for the credits, does anyone know which chip it would be, as I do have another set of boards (not working) that I could check.

Title: Re: fortune 2 poker
Post by: CVslots on December 02, 2010, 11:54:57 PM
the credit setting for the F2 in in the program. I'll have to dig one out to be sure but I think the process to activate the credit feature is..
With the door open turn the JP key to get into the set up screen. press the white test button to toggle through the screens until you get to the credit set up. use the cursor button to switch credit setting. press the test to contune back to the main screen. As you go through screens you can also activate the double up feature if you like it. I like to use the double up because adds a second dimension to the game. Do you have the manual for your machine?

Good luck,

Title: Re: fortune 2 poker
Post by: Rudmister on December 03, 2010, 12:13:02 AM
I will give that a try, and let you know how I make out with it, and no, I do not have a manual for it.

Title: Re: fortune 2 poker
Post by: Rudmister on December 03, 2010, 12:33:40 AM
 :279-  I must be doing something wrong, it goes thru the information screens and the self test screens but not to any programs screens, I can not change anything on any of the screens.

Title: Re: fortune 2 poker
Post by: knagl on December 03, 2010, 06:06:49 PM
CV Slots: Are you sure you're not thinking of the PE+?  What you described (minus turning the JP reset key at the start) sounds like the method for the PE+ series, not the Fortune II.  I didn't see anything in the Fortune II manual describing the double-up feature, either, which IS part of the PE+ software.

Title: Re: fortune 2 poker
Post by: CVslots on December 04, 2010, 12:15:25 AM
It's been a while :279- Now I have something to do this weekend. I'll pull one down tonight and see what I can figure it out. :103- More to come.......

Title: Re: fortune 2 poker
Post by: Rudmister on December 07, 2010, 03:05:07 AM
 :3- :3- Well after a little playing around with things, I finally figured out what the problem was, the first switch (Collect Winnings) was wired wrong, it must be wired were the switch is making contact all the time until you press it, as soon as I changed it around the buttons light up, and the screen showed credit at bottom of screen and everything is working great.  I what to thank everyone that help me with this, not only do I have credit going to the machine, I also NOW have the top award reading right in the pay table and animated face cards, I love it! :72-  If anyone happens across the dip switch setting on the main board, I would love to find out what other options it might have, again thank you, this site is great!!  :244- :244-

Title: Re: fortune 2 poker
Post by: CVslots on December 07, 2010, 03:37:24 AM
 :3- :3- :3- :3-Congratulations. it's always awesome to get one right.

Title: Re: fortune 2 poker
Post by: knagl on December 07, 2010, 05:55:39 PM


Excellent.  Glad to hear it, and thanks for posting your solution -- I'm sure it will help someone else in the future.  :244-

Title: Re: fortune 2 poker
Post by: badbaud on March 03, 2011, 06:29:51 AM
On the Fortune II poker simply wire the cashout push button into the opposite state. If it was normally open make it normally closed (or visa versa I'm not near a schematic).

A simple test that this will work is to hold the cashout switch down and power up the machine (with the door closed). You should see "credits" on the screen. Evident that wiring the cashout switch in the opposite position will fix the problem.

Title: Re: fortune 2 poker
Post by: mikegotcha on May 30, 2011, 10:13:53 PM
I used to work on them. All fortune 2 games had credit options. I don't remember where the dipswitch was but it may be on the motherboard in the back of the game..on an upright anyway. I remember the double up option was # 5 switch so the thing to option for credit may be one of those switches. That was along time ago. Good luck.

Title: Re: fortune 2 poker
Post by: badbaud on May 30, 2011, 11:53:39 PM
Still trying to find a complete set of schematics for the Fortune II's if you know anyone who has any to share.