New Life Games Tech Forums

**Video Slots** Gaming machines => IGT PE and PE Plus Poker Games. => Topic started by: AffordableSlots on December 03, 2010, 02:19:55 AM

Title: My 1st Poker Machine... Need help with hold button wiring on a PE +
Post by: AffordableSlots on December 03, 2010, 02:19:55 AM
 :5-  I just got my First poker machine  :3-

I have a PE + Double Double Bonus Poker. I bought the machine and it didn't have ANY micro switch buttons, I got all new ones and put them in. I am having trouble wiring the buttons in sequence. I have some idea how they go, but have been stuck on this for days now and I need help. I heard you have to wire them in sequence to get them to work.... What would the sequence be?  :186-

I have already checked the test screen to check the buttons, I got one to work and not the rest. I know the switches all work, I tested them. The mpu board is also good...No bad resistors.

Do all the buttons have to be connected at the same time for the hold buttons to work? I was hooking up one switch at a time. I got one to work, but not the next one in line.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,

Title: Re: My 1st Poker Machine... Need help with hold button wiring on a PE +
Post by: AffordableSlots on December 03, 2010, 03:16:23 AM
Here are some pictures of how I have the wires hooked up...  Help. :103-

Title: Re: My 1st Poker Machine... Need help with hold button wiring on a PE +
Post by: knagl on December 03, 2010, 06:03:59 PM
I got one to work, but not the next one in line.


Welcome to  :nlg-!

Well, since you got one to work, that's good news!  I'm not at home and obviously don't have a machine in front of me, but if you got one to work, I'm sure we can get the rest working.  Which one do you have working now?

If memory serves (and sometimes it doesn't!), the series is Hold 1, 2, 3, and 4 (in order) in one line, and 5 is on a different line along with the bet 1 and bet max buttons.  Again, I'll need to look at my machine to be sure.

I know that if even one wire is mis-wired in the series, it will cause the rest of the buttons in that series to not work, so that's probably where you're at, which isn't a huge deal to fix.  Please just let me know which one you have working now so we can start from there.  I'll look at my machine tonight.

Title: Re: My 1st Poker Machine... Need help with hold button wiring on a PE +
Post by: AffordableSlots on December 03, 2010, 07:19:22 PM
Thanks, I got the Hold 1 working (The one next to the bet one). I had to wire a few wires together to get all the other buttons to work and I got all of the others working now. I just need the hold 2,3,4,5 to work (could be hold 1,2,3,4) Like I said The hold button that works is the hold button near the bet one credit on the left side of the machine.

Title: Re: My 1st Poker Machine... Need help with hold button wiring on a PE +
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 03, 2010, 07:39:21 PM
One of best ways to check to see if you have the wiring right is to open the door,
press the little white test button near the power switch or on the MPU case.
This will get you into the "Self-Test Inputs".
Pressing any button will change the value of that button on the screen if it's connected correctly!
Try it out!

To get back into "Game" mode - just press the Test button one time and close the door.

Title: Re: My 1st Poker Machine... Need help with hold button wiring on a PE +
Post by: AffordableSlots on December 04, 2010, 02:48:38 AM
I have already checked the buttons with the test screen. I am still having trouble with the hold buttons. I also know the mpu board is good. I did have to rewire the max coins, bet one, cash out, deal, and change light. I could not get those to work without splicing into one of the existing ground wires. I hope this doesn't mess the wires up for the hold buttons... I left those wires alone. I heard you have to wire the hold buttons together in sequence to make those work, so my rewiring of the others shouldn't effect the hold buttons... I hope. All the wires for the hold buttons are all different colors, I am not sure of the common ground wire that would wire those together. I have been moving wiring around with no avail. If someone could take a few pics of there machine correctly wired it may help.

Thanks for all the help I have gotten so far, I hope I can figure this out soon... I'm going nuts! :30-

Title: Re: My 1st Poker Machine... Need help with hold button wiring on a PE +
Post by: knagl on December 04, 2010, 05:53:12 AM
I took pictures, but I'm not too sure how helpful they'll be.  Let's start with this before I deal with offloading and uploading:

First, there isn't one common ground wire for these buttons, per se.  That is, there isn't one wire that directly connects to all five of them.

Here's the wiring on my machine.  If the first one matches yours, then the rest should as well.  These go in order on the blades of the cherry switch.  The blades are labeled on each cherry switch (look closely at the plastic housing on the switch itself).

You'll notice in my notes here that the wire from the previous NC blade goes to the C blade of the next switch, every time -- that makes the series.

Hold 1:
C = Yellow/Purple Stripe
NO = White-ish or yellow (the color is fading on mine -- tough to tell)
NC = Gray

Hold 2:
C= Gray
NO = White/Purple Stripe
NC = Gray/Purple Stripe

Hold 3:
C = Gray/Purple Stripe
NO = Yellow/Red Stripe
NC = Gray/Dark Blue Stripe

Hold 4:
C = Gray/Dark Blue Stripe
NO = White/Brown Stripe  (or this may just be a whiteish-brown wire - my notes are scrawled)
NC = Gray/Yellow Stripe

Hold 5:
C = Gray/Yellow Stripe
NO = White/Black Stripe
NC = [open] (nothing connected to this -- it's the end of the series)


If not, and hold 1 is the only button working, triple-check the wiring to (and from) the switch.  Because they're wired in series, if something is mis-wired, that'll be the last one (or the one before it) to work in the series.

Edited to add: Here's the rest of the button wiring for the PE+ bartop, in case someone needs it in the future.

C = Yellow/Green Stripe
NO = Yellow/Black Stripe
NC = Gray/Orange Stripe

Bet 5 (Max):
C = Gray/Orange Stripe
NO = Yellow/Brown Stripe
NC = Gray/Red Stripe

Bet 1 (Play Credit):
C = Gray/Red Stripe
NO = Yellow/Red Stripe
NC = Gray/Brown Stripe

Cash Out:
C = Gray/Brown Stripe
NO = Yellow/Orange Stripe
NC = Gray/Black Stripe

Change Request (the red "Change" or "Service" button a player would use to call an attendant):
C = Gray/Black Stripe
NO = Yellow/Blue Stripe
NC = [open] (nothing connected to this -- it's the end of the series)

(For what it's worth, I had the wires for the change button reversed on my machine (Yellow/Blue going to C, and Gray/Black going to NO), and it works fine, but likely because it's at the end of the series.  I see now that they're reversed, and have what I believe to be the "correct" wiring listed above.)

Title: Re: My 1st Poker Machine... Need help with hold button wiring on a PE +
Post by: AffordableSlots on December 04, 2010, 07:26:26 AM
one other question... Is hold 1 the hold button next to the bet one credit on the left side of the machine (looking at it from the front of the machine with the door closed?)

Title: Re: My 1st Poker Machine... Need help with hold button wiring on a PE +
Post by: AffordableSlots on December 04, 2010, 07:39:23 AM
Kevin, I hate to ask...BUT... Can you give me the order for the other buttons. I have to splice a few wires together to get the other buttons to work, and I need to undo it to wire the hold buttons correctly. I think I used one of the wires on the bet 5 coin button that was supposed to goto the hold buttons.  :279-

Title: Re: My 1st Poker Machine... Need help with hold button wiring on a PE +
Post by: knagl on December 04, 2010, 07:39:41 AM
My machine is a flat bartop so it *may* be different, but yes, hold one should be the left-most hold button, corresponding with the left-most card on the monitor.

My machine's butttons in order from left to right are:

Cash Out, Bet 1, Bet [5/Max], Hold 1, Hold 2, Hold 3, Hold 4, Hold 5, Deal/Draw.

The change/service button is located in a weird spot on the machine, and is wired in series after the deal/draw Cash Out button.

The second series of switches is (and this follows the order in the Self Test screen): Deal/Draw, Bet 5 (Max), Bet 1 (Play Credit), Cash Out, Change Request

Title: Re: My 1st Poker Machine... Need help with hold button wiring on a PE +
Post by: knagl on December 04, 2010, 07:40:29 AM
I just saw your second post.  Are the other buttons all working/registering correctly?  If so, don't start disconnecting stuff.

Title: Re: My 1st Poker Machine... Need help with hold button wiring on a PE +
Post by: AffordableSlots on December 04, 2010, 08:40:50 AM
They are working...BUT, I wired 2 wires together to get them to work, and now hold 5 only has 2 wires to connect... not three, so I have to rewire it some how.

Title: Re: My 1st Poker Machine... Need help with hold button wiring on a PE +
Post by: knagl on December 04, 2010, 08:56:19 AM
Re-read my post.  Hold 5 should only have 2 wires.

Title: Re: My 1st Poker Machine... Need help with hold button wiring on a PE +
Post by: AffordableSlots on December 04, 2010, 02:02:34 PM
 :3- :3- :3- Thank You!!! My machine is working great now, Thanks for all your time in helping me out with this. I have just made a donation to the forum, this is a great place for slot techs and slot hobbyists (like Myself) To learn and share info. I hope I can help out someone someday soon.
Thanks again.  :131-


Title: Re: My 1st Poker Machine... Need help with hold button wiring on a PE +
Post by: knagl on December 04, 2010, 08:17:00 PM
 :244- :244- :244- :244-



Glad you got your game working!  Thanks for the dontation, too -- every little bit helps Joey keep this place up and running.

Title: Re: My 1st Poker Machine... Need help with hold button wiring on a PE +
Post by: AffordableSlots on December 05, 2010, 03:22:45 AM
Thanks again Kevin!!!

Title: Re: My 1st Poker Machine... Need help with hold button wiring on a PE +
Post by: Abe Frohman on March 04, 2012, 04:31:49 PM
Knagl, that wiring post was phenominal.  I'm headed off to make a donation to the board as soon as I save this post.  THANK YOU!  You saved me hours of screwing around trying to un-frink my buttons.  I could get all but one or two buttons working no matter what I did, which was more frustrating than when they didn't work at all!

Worth mentioning for others out there:  I also had a weird thing where the door retainer cable was broken, and I was letting the door swing all the way open, much wider than normally.  There was no tension of the wiring bundles, but for some reason still the buttons would stop functioning when the door opened too far.  Couldn't find a bad or loose connection of any sort, but whatever - just watch for the door opening too wide.

Thanks again, Knagl!!!