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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S2000 and Vision Games. => Topic started by: burgr86 on December 25, 2010, 07:40:27 PM

Title: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: burgr86 on December 25, 2010, 07:40:27 PM
I have been searching for a solution to my "coin-in Jam" problem and nothing so far has helped.  I have a Double Triple Diamond Deluxe with Cheese slot (s2000) and all of a sudden I get this coin-in jam error and have been unable to clear it.  I have followed all the tips on this board to no avail.
I have also disassembled the coin comparater and there is nothing jammed up.  Could someoneone PLEASE point me in the right direction?  One thing that I did do, was swap a power supply with another IGT machine (identical supply) because one of the two power supplies had failed (top one which disabled the top display.  After I swapped the supply that's when the error came up.  I checked all connections and made sure the supply was seated properly.    Any other suggestions?  Merry christmas to all.

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: Tilt on December 25, 2010, 09:18:04 PM
Did you try re-seating the Door I/O board (with power off of course)?

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: burgr86 on December 25, 2010, 09:52:27 PM
Thanks for the reply, I have done that, even tried another IO board from another IGT 2000 board to no avail.  Really frustrated with this.

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: monitorman on December 25, 2010, 10:17:19 PM
I would try 2 things. First re-seat the logic board with the power off and if that don't work I would try installing the coin bypass jumper. Just to make sure the coin optics are working.

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: burgr86 on December 26, 2010, 01:26:28 AM
Thanks, hadn't thought of that one, can you tell me about the coin bypass jumper and what to do.  Thanks.

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: cowboygames on December 26, 2010, 01:29:51 AM
I've experienced this same problem with a MPU that wasn't seated properly. Check that and the pins on the mpu

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: BENCHTECHBILL on December 26, 2010, 11:46:15 AM
The coin bypass is easy, just unplug the coin chute at the 15 plug to the right of the coin chute and jumper pins 1 to 6 and 7 to 6. Close the door and see if you error clears. If the error goes away the coin optics are the problem. If you still have the problem swap the door I/O with a good one ( But make sure the power is off when you do that.) close the door and see if the error clears. If you still have the error  the problem is in the logic board and is caused when I/O are installed with the power on or the logic is installed with the power on.

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: burgr86 on December 26, 2010, 01:56:47 PM
Thanks for the info, I assume you are referring to the harness that connects the coin comparator and optics?  I assume further that this is to remain unplugged after jumpering?  If correct I have do this and the error still remains.  I have not to my recollection done anything with power on, but if this is the case as you described, how is this fixed?  This is so frustrating, but on the bright side quite educational on how these components all function to make a machine work (or not work in this case).  Do I need a chip to clear this or what would be next steps.  Thanks again for helping a relative newbie out.

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 26, 2010, 08:50:34 PM remains unplugged from the main door harness after jumping because
you can't plug the connectors together when the pins are jumped.

Jump the pins and close the door to see if the error goes away.
The numbers for the pin locations are on the back of the Molex housing where the wires exit.
You may need a magnifying glass to see them.
Like BillBT said, if it doesn't clear the error, then check the I/O connections.

If the error goes away after re-plugging in the I/O Molex connector,
then you KNOW the problem lies with the coin optics.
At this point, it would be best if you put up an ad in the classifieds section of NLG for a new one.

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: OhioGaming on December 26, 2010, 10:25:02 PM
Images with jumper. Just use jumper wires in the female side.

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: Buzz on December 26, 2010, 10:26:09 PM
I have had this same error on a machine that didn't even have coin handling installed. If you do a full clear, the error will go away. Blueridge told me why this happened but I forget what he said. I do know that the error has nothing to do with a comparator or coin optics on my machine. Had neither of them installed. I would remove the CC and make sure no coins are stuck in it.

Try leaving the door closed, but lift up and down on the door latch 5 or 6 times.

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: monitorman on December 26, 2010, 10:52:08 PM
Thanks OhioGaming for posting the pictures. I did not have time.

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: monitorman on December 26, 2010, 10:55:11 PM
Thanks Benchtechbill for letting him know how to check it. I ran out of time today.

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: burgr86 on December 27, 2010, 12:03:14 AM
Thank you all so much for your kind help.  The pictures confirmed that indeed I jumpered correctly and it did not solve the problem.  I also have a second IGT machine with same coin comparator and optics and swapped them and not difference.  Not sure about doing a clear, what chip do I need to this machine and where can I get it.  Thanks again, I hope as I get smarter about these machines that I can help someone and contribute.

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: monitorman on December 27, 2010, 12:48:07 AM
Did you swap the I/O card on the door? Only install or remove with the power off.

The clear chip you would use is a IVC00224 and a key chip after you clear maybe a 31 or 45 depends on what game chip you have. SG??????

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: opman on December 27, 2010, 12:54:34 AM
Another thing that can cause a coin in jam is the 7 segment display can go bad if something is accidentally shorted. It is the red display that shows your credits. Unplug the molex connector that go's to your 7 segment display and see if your error go's away. The machine will still function with this unplugged but you will not have a credit display. If this works replace the 7 segment display. Make sure power is off when unplugging. Hope this helps.

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: burgr86 on December 27, 2010, 01:01:21 AM
Thanks, swapped I/O board with another machine and also tried unplugging the 7 segment display (both with power off).  No change.  Here's info from MPU board 1952-2.
Version Chip VS009GX0
Stepper Base
Stepper GME 1 and GME2 SG000134

Which chips will I need to make this nightmare go away?

Thanks again

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: monitorman on December 27, 2010, 01:18:53 AM
This is a old game set. A key 2 or 17 will work to set the options but you will need a 56 clear chip set.

PM me if you need them I have them.

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: Buzz on December 27, 2010, 04:48:10 AM
This is a old game set. A key 2 or 17 will work to set the options but you will need a 56 clear chip set.

PM me if you need them I have them.

Monitorman  Why would you think about sending this old junk to this fellow.   Key 2  clear 56 ???   Don't you think it would be a better idea to change the game chips to a SG000363 or higher, send him a key 31 and a 097 clear. This way if and when he gets another machine he would already have a set of key and clear he could use. Odds of getting another machine with 134s are pretty slim.

Now the problem at hand "Coin In Jam"  I managed to get this error on one of my machines tonight. I unplugged the 15 pin shown in reply 9, turned power on and closed door, got the coin jam error.  Opened door and replugged the 15 pin closed door and error cleared. I used no clear chips, no key chips, and no cmos chip switch.

burgr86  One thing you need to understand, by closing the door some errors can be cleared, but only one error per door closing will be cleared. If you have two or more errors you must open and close the door to clear each one. Each time the door latch is pushed fully down the display will blink. If the display is not blinking you have a door optic problem. Each time you close the door make sure the latch goes all the way to the bottom. Now with your jumper still in place ( your 100% sure you have the pins 1 to 6 and 6 to 7 making good contact ) With power on lift the door latch wait a little bit and move the latch all the way to the bottom, if the display blinked repeat opening and closing the door a few times. If I'm right the error should clear. if I'm wrong a clear chip will fix it.

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 27, 2010, 12:42:07 PM
May I ask what game this is?
I don't have the SB100039 on any of my lists.
Needless to say, I cannot find the PSR on it as well... :99-

ADD:>>> Oh I found it "Dbl Triple Diamond Deluxe w/Cheese".

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: burgr86 on December 27, 2010, 12:59:34 PM
Buzz, will try your steps one more time to be sure.  I also have a Double 3x 4x 5x pay machine, would the chips be the same for this machine.  One set of chips would be nice to be able to use on both of my S-2000 machines.
I will report back and thanks a lot.

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: BENCHTECHBILL on December 27, 2010, 01:30:00 PM
I agree if you could update to the 363 game set I would do it. the only problem I have found that in some older games below the 207 game set replacing it with a 363 game set the 552 display does not work right and I have had to upgrade to the 663 display. That could be a lot more in cost. Good luck witch ever way you go.

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: burgr86 on December 27, 2010, 02:07:45 PM
Ok, followed the steps, no change.   However, the display does not blink (which display are you referring to?  The one that the error message is on or the Top display?)  Top display blinks when I power on the machine.  The machine does recognize the door open and door close as I see it on the display,  however, the reels don't spin after I close the door like they do on my other machine.  When I use the key to reset the menu comes up but the buttons do not work.  When I close the door, the menu goes away.  I have the max play and bet one button lit.  Sometimes when I power up, all the buttons are lit, and sometimes none of them are lit.  Really bizarre insn't it.

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: opman on December 27, 2010, 04:19:01 PM
Unplug the 7 segment display and try opening and closing door latch and see if error clears. If not check and make sure optics are alligned.

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: cowboygames on December 27, 2010, 08:29:28 PM
Have you pulled the MPU, checked all the pins on both plugs and re-seated it? Or tried the MPU from your working machine in the non-working game? Or the non-working MPU in the working machine? This would tell you if your MPU and backplane are working or not

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: Buzz on December 27, 2010, 10:16:04 PM (

I must admit I know nothing about a Barcrest. "Dbl Triple Diamond Deluxe w/Cheese"

I don't have any SG000134 but I installed the lowest number set I have SG000129   I then did a clear with a 097 clear chip and keyed the machine with a Key 31.  Both clear and key worked fine. My way of thinking if they will work on 129s they will work on your 134s. Im sure I've posted this before here it is again. I bought 35   S 2000   Key 31 and clear 097 are the only two chips I have had to use.  The 35 machines have all had SG000363 game chips put in them and all worked fine.

burgr86   If you want  key 31 and 097 clear, PM me your address. Your going to ask me how much are they, I don't sell chips, just make a donation to New Life Games for what ever you think is fair.  Will they work in your Barcrest? I don't know. I will say sooner are later your going to need them if your collecting S 2000s

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: burgr86 on December 27, 2010, 11:22:01 PM
Where to start, ok, I took the advice and swapped MPU boards with another machine, and when I pulled out the MPU board, I could smell something was amiss, and sure enought u67 was toast, you could see and smell it.  That caused me not to be able to use the buttons on the front and would explain when I did a reset with the key and would hit the max coin button nothing would happen.  But that did not solve my coin-in jam error message. After replacing the mpu board, I did the coin comparator jumper thing again, and sure enough, the error cleared.  As it turns out, the molex connector, on the game side has an intermittent connection, I could see it when jiggling it, the green light on the coin comparator would go on and off.  So there were two issue with the machine.  I just need to find the loose connection on the harness plug and figure out how to  :3- :3-correct that, but I can play the game again. 

Thanks for all the tips, I learned a TON in the last couple of days.  And I did make a donation for all the help.

Now how to get rid of that annoying buzzing in the left speaker, did I read something about a resistor somewhere?

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: cowboygames on December 27, 2010, 11:53:02 PM
10 ohm resistors across each of the two wires going to each of the 3 speakers takes care of that really well :3-

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: burgr86 on December 28, 2010, 12:30:41 AM
Thanks, will give it a try

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: Buzz on December 28, 2010, 01:48:24 AM
Damn  I bought 47 ohm  All I can say is they do the job.  I bought 25 at Radio Shack 20 cents each, in today's mail I got another 100 I bought on Ebay $4.50 total with shipping.  :279- :279-

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: cowboygames on December 28, 2010, 03:57:28 AM
I know the 47's work too, but the 10's do a fine job and it's easier on the amp. I only had to raise my volume level by 1 to compensate for the reduction in volume you get putting resistors across the output and the static was gone.

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 28, 2010, 12:52:30 PM
Actually Buzz, those may work...they're big as hell but they will dim the noise.
Just put one each on the white wires only.
You might have to turn up the volume a bit to get any sound that's about it.

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: burgr86 on December 28, 2010, 11:48:31 PM
ok went to the shack and picked up them 10 ohmers and solder in to each of the speaker pair of wires (6 in all).  Still can hear a slight buzzing but much improved.  Had to turn volume from 2 to 6 to get to same level.  They are indeed 10 ohms.

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: Buzz on December 29, 2010, 12:32:14 AM
I'm sure I've read on this site that 47s were the ones to get.  I've did 3 or 4 machine so far and one of them still has a hum.  But I know how to correct it, remove the sound board.

Been thinking of installing 3 or 4 of these resistors in series, in a Williams Big Bang Pig. Volume is set at the lowest and still is way to loud.

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 29, 2010, 04:28:44 PM
Yes. The volume when set at [1] is still loud for some people at home.
I can only imagine it will be reduced when adding more 10 ohm resistors or
adding resistors that are higher like around 60k perhaps.
I wish I had some of those to try...I may take a run down to Radio Snack and
see what they have in stock.

My understanding always was to add these speaker resistors only to the white wires.
Why are you guys putting them on both wires?
Wouldn't that overdrive the audio amplifier box?

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: Buzz on December 29, 2010, 05:17:47 PM
Bunker I did put a 47 ohm in the Williams last night. It cut the volume down to where I had to go into the second set of volume settings.  Assuming the lower the resistor the higher the volume, a 47 ohm might be over kill.

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: burgr86 on December 29, 2010, 07:09:04 PM
Good question about putting them on both wires, I've read both ways on this site, would be good get a definitive answer.

Title: Re: Cannot clear coin-in jam error message
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 29, 2010, 07:13:02 PM
Good question about putting them on both wires, I've read both ways on this site, would be good get a definitive answer.

I'd take the resistors off of the other wires and just leave the white ones on.
I'm pretty sure that's what Bettorslots did when he re-started the mod.
He did a lot of testing on S2000 sounds.

Bunker I did put a 47 ohm in the Williams last night. It cut the volume down to where I had to go into the second set of volume settings.  Assuming the lower the resistor the higher the volume, a 47 ohm might be over kill.

I've never played with a WMS machine so I have no idea Buzz....
You're the go-to-guy on WMS sound improvements!