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General NLG Chat => Welcome wagon and General Chat (Off-Topic Post Welcome) => Topic started by: Yoeddy1 on December 29, 2010, 07:25:26 PM

Title: What's the crappiest job you've ever had?
Post by: Yoeddy1 on December 29, 2010, 07:25:26 PM
Mine was fetching parts for a local auto parts store when was in high school.  These guys were total d-bags too and thought they were the king know-it-alls of VW's.  I had the duty of cleaning the bathroom too which was always so trashed you could shave the seat and there was almost a guaranteed skid mark on it at the end of the day.  Plus they always brought their St. Bernard into the store, which gave me the added bonus of cleaning up his filth too.  It was a treat doing it at minimum wage too.  Bastards.  I guess my experience literally reflects the title of this thread.   :208-

Anyway, life is much more pleasant now 20 years later...stressful, but in a good way. 

Ok, share your most craptastic job.


Title: Re: What's the crappiest job you've ever had?
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 29, 2010, 07:33:39 PM
Grabbing metal shopping carts outside in the parking lot with sub-zero wind chill factors in January
while wearing a thin white short sleeved shirt and stupid tie
for some stupid supermarket when I was around 17 years old.
I think I was being paid $2.35 an hour at that time....nuts.
I remember the store manager telling me one the first day of work
that I was going to have a fine career.... :96-  (yeah...not there

Title: Re: What's the crappiest job you've ever had?
Post by: brichter on December 29, 2010, 07:53:36 PM
Fry cook at Jack in the Box. I didn't last 2 weeks.

Title: Re: What's the crappiest job you've ever had?
Post by: lizzo54 on December 29, 2010, 09:47:21 PM
Working at the town transfer station (fancy term for the dump).  The summer we had to run a wood chipper and chip up all the brush and trees that were brought in.  Nothing like being soaked with sweat, then having a cloud of wood dust around you.  Not to mention that the place is 90% asphalt so it just adds to heat.   

I will be honest and say that it did have its ups but mostly downs.  I did get my start with arcade games there when someone brought in a generic jamma, two player cabinet.  The machine needed work but I did endup getting it working and still ahve it in my collection.

Title: Re: What's the crappiest job you've ever had?
Post by: FORDSBS on December 29, 2010, 10:15:41 PM
Working for Chef Boyardee. When I was in school I worked loading tractor trailers @ weigh station. Farmers would
bring tomatoes in in baskets. We would stack them in trailer to go to cannery. The juice would fly and little fruit flies were all over
& you got a lot of them in your mouth. We worked 7 days a week & 12 hr days for $ .65 a hr.
I could not eat catsup for yrs. after.

Title: Re: What's the crappiest job you've ever had?
Post by: jdkmunch on December 29, 2010, 10:40:01 PM
10 years working for Radio Shack. Got the job when I was 16.  It wasn't bad but I learned I hated retail hours - working Christmas and such wasn't for me.   

Paid for college though.

Title: Re: What's the crappiest job you've ever had?
Post by: jdkmunch on December 29, 2010, 10:44:42 PM
Stayout - I just got over 20" of snow on Sunday !! How do you cope????????  Just got a plow today - seemed forever since i was trapped in the house with my WIFE,,,

I shoveled my neighborhood growing up  too fo $20 per house.

Title: Re: What's the crappiest job you've ever had?
Post by: Buzz on December 29, 2010, 10:58:17 PM
 On this one I can Top any story

1991 The City Manager ask me if I could clean out the City's sewage pond's. Not one to turn down a job I went and took a look. Pond was down pretty low, but a threw a rock in it and it splashed well not really a splash more like tossing a rock in mud. I took the job, first few days wouldn't step in it ( they called it sludge, we called it something else )  after week or so no problem walk right in it. First month or so smelled like crap, somewhere along the line started smelling like money. Damn wish I could get another job like that one. Took us about 3 months to do the job. Total bill was $742,000.  

Title: Re: What's the crappiest job you've ever had?
Post by: uniman on December 29, 2010, 11:00:04 PM
When in high school I worked Friday and Saturday night (12am to 8:30am) at the local arena. Cleaned up puke, crap, and spilled drinks! Rock concerts were bad as were country western concerts. The Shrine Circus wasn't much fun either!  :47-
This work schedule killed my social life. Only worked it four months before taking a job at a full service gas station. Remember those?

Fringe benifits;
But we did find money all over the place (dropped by wasted patrons). And at lunch hour we divided up the unopened booze from the police confiscation room.
At that time the drinking age was 18. I was 17 but told my boss I was 18 so I got my share. At least a case of beer each time!  :89-
If my dad would have known he would have "tanned my hide".  :97-

Title: Re: What's the crappiest job you've ever had?
Post by: jdkmunch on December 29, 2010, 11:04:08 PM
When in high school I worked Friday and Saturday night (12am to 8:30am) at the local arena. Cleaned up puke, crap, and spilled drinks! Rock concerts were bad as were country western concerts. The Shrine Circus wasn't much fun either!  :47-
This work schedule killed my social life. Only worked it four months before taking a job at a full service gas station. Remember those?

Fringe benifits;
But we did find money all over the place (dropped by wasted patrons). And at lunch hour we divided up the unopened booze from the police confiscation room.
At that time the drinking age was 18. I was 17 but told my boss I was 18 so I got my share. At least a case of beer each time!  :89-
If my dad would have known he would have "tanned my hide".  :97-

wow that was bad!   I don't even like to clean up my own vomit.

Title: Re: What's the crappiest job you've ever had?
Post by: StatFreak on December 30, 2010, 06:29:08 AM
The first thing that popped into my head when I read the title of this topic (showing brichter as the replier) was: "I'll bet $100 that Yoeddy started that thread."
My cats owe me a hundred bucks. :5-  :200- :31-
:208- :208- :208-

The crappiest job... I'd have to say continuously shoveling out sewage from a hole we had dug in the basement of a commercial multi-story building in Chinatown in San Francisco while trying to repair the broken sewer line at the same time... and they say that plumbers are overpaid. :25- :81-  I don't recall, but I think I was making $8 or $10 an hour at the time.

Title: Re: What's the crappiest job you've ever had?
Post by: Yoeddy1 on December 30, 2010, 06:52:10 AM
On this one I can Top any story

1991 The City Manager ask me if I could clean out the City's sewage pond's. Not one to turn down a job I went and took a look. Pond was down pretty low, but a threw a rock in it and it splashed well not really a splash more like tossing a rock in mud. I took the job, first few days wouldn't step in it ( they called it sludge, we called it something else )  after week or so no problem walk right in it. First month or so smelled like crap, somewhere along the line started smelling like money. Damn wish I could get another job like that one. Took us about 3 months to do the job. Total bill was $742,000.  

Now Buzz, how can that be any worse then smelling your hand after wiping your ass or picking your belly button and smelling your finger.  If you could could do that job, the "Way to go Jason" thread that Ford created in the "Rants and Raves" board isn't all that "sick ass" is it?  ;)


Title: Re: What's the crappiest job you've ever had?
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 30, 2010, 02:06:50 PM
Stayout - I just got over 20" of snow on Sunday !! How do you cope????????  Just got a plow today - seemed forever since i was trapped in the house with my WIFE,,,
I shoveled my neighborhood growing up  too fo $20 per house.

There's really not too much snow up here Munch!
Here's a is way off...It doesn't snow here in
And I never get up that early... :72- >>> (

Title: Re: What's the crappiest job you've ever had?
Post by: slots4home on December 30, 2010, 06:06:09 PM
Mine was cleaning the grease trap at a deli the wife and I used to own.
Hopefully no one here has had to do that.

Title: Re: What's the crappiest job you've ever had?
Post by: Brianzz on December 30, 2010, 07:28:39 PM
Stayout - I just got over 20" of snow on Sunday !! How do you cope????????  Just got a plow today - seemed forever since i was trapped in the house with my WIFE,,,
I shoveled my neighborhood growing up  too fo $20 per house.

It snowed heavily here for a few days, wife has done nothing but stare through the window.. if it keeps this up I'll have to let her back in.

Title: Re: What's the crappiest job you've ever had?
Post by: jdkmunch on December 30, 2010, 07:48:52 PM

What's better to let in : dog or wife at back door
Dog - it will stop barking once inside. 

Title: Re: What's the crappiest job you've ever had?
Post by: StatFreak on December 30, 2010, 08:12:16 PM
Stayout - I just got over 20" of snow on Sunday !! How do you cope????????  Just got a plow today - seemed forever since i was trapped in the house with my WIFE,,,
I shoveled my neighborhood growing up  too fo $20 per house.

It snowed heavily here for a few days, wife has done nothing but stare through the window.. if it keeps this up I'll have to let her back in.

 :208- :208- :208-