New Life Games Tech Forums

General NLG Chat => Welcome wagon and General Chat (Off-Topic Post Welcome) => Topic started by: Brianzz on December 30, 2010, 08:14:51 PM

Title: Mutual
Post by: Brianzz on December 30, 2010, 08:14:51 PM

Title: Re: Mutual
Post by: Brianzz on December 30, 2010, 08:18:42 PM
ok the forum software has gone batty on me.. I think the last firefox update really screwed things up here

Title: Re: Mutual
Post by: StatFreak on December 30, 2010, 08:22:44 PM
... Did the cookie clear fail? :103-  I see that you were able to start a new thread. :128-
What version are you currently running?  I've got 3.6.13

Stat :31-

Title: Re: Mutual
Post by: Joeylc on December 30, 2010, 08:23:50 PM
????? do tell .....

Title: Re: Mutual
Post by: Brianzz on December 30, 2010, 08:46:02 PM
... Did the cookie clear fail? :103-  I see that you were able to start a new thread. :128-
What version are you currently running?  I've got 3.6.13

Stat :31-

I have the same, clearing cookies did nothing for me

????? do tell .....

The old session timed out error, it doesn't do it on quick replies but it does on clicking the reply button, unless there's an attachment, then it'll mar the upload up.. Can't figure this one out. Oops.. check that.. it gave it to me this time using quick reply....
The following error or errors occurred while posting this message:
Your session timed out while posting. Please try to re-submit your message.

I had to reply with IE.. after 22 tries with FF

Title: Re: Mutual
Post by: Brianzz on December 30, 2010, 08:50:03 PM
eh I think I got this one.. I was using a proxy program to play some WMS games the other day, I switched it back to direct connection using my IP but I don't think it went all the way to it. When I disabled the proxy through the FF menu and rebooted it seems normal.. for now. Time will tell

Title: Re: Mutual
Post by: Yoeddy1 on December 31, 2010, 02:10:11 AM
I was going to reply with "of Omaha."  ;)

Oh wait, I guess I did.