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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S and S-plus Reel Games. => Topic started by: AcePeter on December 04, 2008, 03:49:34 PM

Title: Pay Out Issues on IGT S+
Post by: AcePeter on December 04, 2008, 03:49:34 PM

Title: Re: Pay Out Issues on IGT S+
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 04, 2008, 05:13:02 PM
You CAN set the "handpay" amount at whatever you'd like thru the test switch options.
First, we need to know what chips you're using...there are two ways to find out.

1) Open the door, turn on the machine and let the reels do their maiden spin.
2) Press the little white "Test" switch until you see a number "4" in the "coins-played" display.
3) In the "credits" display will be two sets of alternating numbers: one set is the SPchip, the other numbers is your SSchip. 
4) Jot them on a piece of paper and post here what they are and I'll send you some instructions.

The other way to find out what chips you have is:
1)Turn the power off, and remove the hopper.
2)Pull up on the big black knob that's attached to the big aluminum panel.
It can sometimes be jammed in pretty good.
Sometimes a little wiggling side to side helps.
Turn it around and there will be two chips marked "Game Prom" and "Reel Prom".
The numbers of the REEL chip will usually begin with a "SSxxxx".
The numbers of the GAME chip will usually begin with a "SPxxxx".

We will await your response and begin to help you better.

Title: Re: Pay Out Issues on IGT S+
Post by: AcePeter on December 04, 2008, 05:41:37 PM
Thanks so much
1. flashes 1160-3341 Sizzling 7

2. 0731 no flashing 5 Times Pay

3. 0872 no flashing Sizzling 7

The other two slots do not alternate numbers like the first one listed.

Title: Re: Pay Out Issues on IGT S+
Post by: rickhunter on December 04, 2008, 06:56:49 PM
on the one with 1160, you can set the hopper limit to 1.  The other two will require newer sp chips (you have 0731 and 0872), you will need to either get some more 1160's (or later) or copy the 1160 over to your existing chip (will need eprom burner and eraser to do this).

With no credits on your machine, open the door and push the white reset button enough times so that a 7 shows up in the coins played window and a 1 shows up in the winner paid window.  On the credit window you will have a 4 digit number, this is your hopper limit.  Whatever number you set this up to will determine when the machine will handpay or pay out from hopper.  So setting this to 60 coins will cause the machine to to pay out of the hopper if you cash out at 59 credits or less.  Anything above that will lock up and cause the machine to go into handpay which you clear with the reset key.  You use the jackpot reset key to move from one digit to the next when setting this option.  After you set the number you must hit the white reset button at least once to move to the next option and save your setting.  For the record the next option will be your credit limit, which is the highest amount of credits you can accumulate before it starts paying out based on your hopper rules.  After that comes the upper jackpot limit which determines the maximum payout that can be directed to credits.  Once you are done, you can close the door and it should go back to play mode.

On your older chips, the hopper limit=credit limit which is set by the dip switches.  The minimum hopper limit in those chips is 300 coins.  But it is also your credit limit, so accumulation any credits above 300 would cause a hopper pay.  That's why you want the newer chips, so you can have independent hopper/credit limits and not be bound by the 300 minumum.

Title: Re: Pay Out Issues on IGT S+
Post by: dpalmi on December 04, 2008, 07:11:53 PM
1. 1160
2. 0731
3. 0872


I e-mailed you the PSRs for SP731 and SP872.  I don't have one for SP1160 - maybe someone else here does.  Those should help explain things a little...

Dan #2

Title: Re: Pay Out Issues on IGT S+
Post by: AcePeter on December 04, 2008, 08:10:00 PM
Thanks RickHunter got it working :3- excalty what I wanted  :131-
And thanks dpalmi got em  :139- in the mail...

Title: Re: Pay Out Issues on IGT S+
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 04, 2008, 09:07:57 PM
Amazing... the help you get, when we squeeze a few more little details outta ya huh? :96-
Glad you got it going the way you want! :89-

BTW...If you feel just a tiny bit a little like in the xmas spirit of giving...
there's a little yellow box below help to make it easy to place a donation to help us keep this wonderful website going!

Title: Re: Pay Out Issues on IGT S+
Post by: AcePeter on December 04, 2008, 09:39:41 PM
 :3- :3- Yes it is I donated earlier today and will continue doing so in the future..... :3-

Title: Re: Pay Out Issues on IGT S+
Post by: StatFreak on December 04, 2008, 11:49:12 PM
Just as a point of information, I have found that the hopper limit can be set to 0 and it works fine. Setting the limit to 1 will actually pay out 1 coin if there happens to be exactly 1 credit left on the machine. I've tested it. If you have an empty hopper or just really don't want it to ever turn on then using a setting of 0 is the best choice.