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Homebrew Player Tracking and EFT Systems. => NLG Homebrew Player Tracking and EFT Systems. => Topic started by: jdkmunch on March 06, 2011, 10:17:51 PM

Title: Bluebird Hookup to PC - (RS232)
Post by: jdkmunch on March 06, 2011, 10:17:51 PM
OK  -   anyone know how to make the bluebird sing?

I hooked up a cable to the serial port - turned on comm 1 to sas address 1 -  nothing - not even a chirp.  

Title: Re: SAS DLL Bluebird Hookup
Post by: TZtech on March 07, 2011, 01:25:02 AM
On Page 2 of attached doc change the Host Comm 1 Setup.Onc that has been changed you will be able to select the config button and the Host setup button.
On Host setup change Legacy Bonussing and machine control to SAS Primary.

Title: Re: SAS DLL Bluebird Hookup
Post by: The_Pfef on March 07, 2011, 11:38:18 AM
So, I am guessing that Legacy Bonusing is still locked and disabled.

Title: Re: SAS DLL Bluebird Hookup
Post by: jdkmunch on March 07, 2011, 11:40:13 AM
Here's a problem - mine only shows "dual host setup"  even when comm II is disabled.

And no connection to the machine at all through the rs232 -  tried straight through cable and null modem cable.  Could the wiring be different?

Title: Re: SAS DLL Bluebird Hookup
Post by: TZtech on March 07, 2011, 12:13:23 PM
Munch is this after doing a clear? There is not much you can change once it is set. Can you post some pics of your screens? Unfortunately I dont have a machine to reference to.

Title: Re: SAS DLL Bluebird Hookup
Post by: The_Pfef on March 07, 2011, 12:18:20 PM
Yep, same here. I don't think that matters. It is just the button to get you to the screen to set up the Host Ports (that you enabled)

I can tell you from my experience that if you set up the first Host port to SAS Primary and configure for machine control to SAS Primary, you should be able to see the chirps. 01, 01, 01, 01, if you set the address to 1.  You need to get a flashlight and look on the left hand side of the board next to the 9 pin host 1 port. There are jumpers there for RS-485 and RS-232. Should be set for RS-232. (If you are interfacing to a single host. ) The cable I am using is a crossover between the BB and the PC serial port. 2 to 3, 3 to 2, 5 to 5.

There are transmit and recieve LED on left hand side of the board as well. You should see the Host 1 Transmit LED flash about once a second.

Title: Re: SAS DLL Bluebird Hookup
Post by: jdkmunch on March 07, 2011, 09:16:29 PM
ok - got the machine to talk to the computer  - I'm embarrassed to say I had the serial port connected to the serial port on top of the MPU not the serial port on the motherboard.  

Still unable to change Legacy Bonus   --  I need to disable dual host but HOW???????  :200-

Title: Re: SAS DLL Bluebird Hookup
Post by: The_Pfef on March 07, 2011, 10:00:38 PM
Yes, I have been staring at these same screens for awhile....I think that "Dual Host Setup" does not mean that you have two hosts set up. It is where you can set up one or both hosts.  I have tried just about every combination, one host, two hosts, yada, yada, yada.... Legacy Bonusing is always locked 'disabled'. This is why I think that maybe the jurisdiction may have this locked as disabled. I don't know what else to try. I'm waiting for the helpful WMS BB expert to post and bail us out.

Title: Re: SAS DLL Bluebird Hookup
Post by: jdkmunch on March 07, 2011, 10:07:41 PM
The problem is that if you have dual hosts enabled then the legacy bonus is forced to disabled. 


Title: Re: SAS DLL Bluebird Hookup
Post by: The_Pfef on March 07, 2011, 10:20:08 PM
You don't have dual hosts enabled. Your screen shot shows 'Host II  - None'.

Title: Re: SAS DLL Bluebird Hookup
Post by: Railroad94 on March 07, 2011, 10:37:21 PM
Are there any other jumpers on the boards that might help u guys  :103-

Title: Re: SAS DLL Bluebird Hookup
Post by: next_gaming on March 07, 2011, 11:51:54 PM
Hi all

About wms bb games, the first plattform, rich little piggies, fairys fortune and others, have troubles whit sas data, the data send for the machine, sometimes is garbage or empty, the configuration process is under sas primary this is fine, the trouble is the output of data, rarely send a door event, or maybe the packages sents is too long and the host, don´t process those info, wms don´t give a properly answer in that time about this issues, same for the bally alfa whit similar boot start, maybe this helps. this was checked whit the original igt sas test, the software posted on the forum is perfectly designed and the trouble isn´t  there, the trouble is on the machine, to this time i never find a properly answer for wms about this .

Best Regards

Next G

Title: Re: SAS DLL Bluebird Hookup
Post by: TZtech on March 08, 2011, 03:40:40 AM

This must be an OS/Jurisdictional chip issue as your machine is not even giving AFT option on SAS primary as shown in the manual. You did select the config for Host Comm 1 and put address to 1 right ? Otherwise maybe bonussing may only vailable in SDS ?

I have seen the older WMS 550 on the crystal web system before which is cashless so there is sofware out there that talks correctly


Title: Re: SAS DLL Bluebird Hookup
Post by: jdkmunch on March 08, 2011, 10:23:23 PM
Maybe it's OS1221?

Title: Re: SAS DLL Bluebird Hookup
Post by: jay on March 09, 2011, 05:05:46 AM
It could be that the speed is faster, perhaps 19200 vs 9600.
Its my understanding that the DLL locks the communication speeds.

Title: Re: SAS DLL Bluebird Hookup
Post by: AndyP on March 09, 2011, 06:52:39 PM
It could be that the speed is faster, perhaps 19200 vs 9600.
Its my understanding that the DLL locks the communication speeds.

The DLL has the comms speed set at 19200. This is the baud rate specified by the SAS Protocol spec.