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**Video Slots** Gaming machines => Aristocrat Video Gaming Machines => Topic started by: volts1776 on March 10, 2011, 08:37:37 PM

Title: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: volts1776 on March 10, 2011, 08:37:37 PM
After replacing the burned in CRT, vertical output IC and green video amp IC, the game worked flawlessly! The friend I am repairing it for then asked me to replace the battery for the memory on the video processor board labeled (MK 2.5) That's when the problems started. Not knowing if the board has static memory or a low battery jumper and not having a service manual I replaced the battery. Now I get (code in orange) next to the plays and message (call attendant, metering error) Can anyone tell me where I may find a service manual for this machine or know how to reset the memory ?

Title: Re: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: volts1776 on March 25, 2011, 04:01:42 AM
More pics

Title: Re: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: Siciliano on April 02, 2011, 02:06:43 PM
Hi! Do you have an actual Pic of the screen? Maybe I have had the same issue....


Title: Re: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: volts1776 on April 03, 2011, 12:33:56 AM
Yes, you can view the picture of the monitor on the post above.

Title: Re: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: palindrome on May 03, 2011, 01:30:32 PM
Corrupt NVRAM by the looks of things. Get a hold of the Mark IV manual, there is one floating about somewhere. The hardware is almost identical except the mark iv has some enhancements. The process to service the machine is basically the same..

For now try this.

1. Open the main door.
2. Turn the jackpot key and turn the audit key
3.  press MEM TEST , AUX  and ROBO/HOP RESET together.

You will see a value appear next to RF/AMT

4. Turn the jackpot,audit key back and close the main door.

Have fun

Title: Re: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: volts1776 on May 13, 2011, 11:26:40 PM
Thanks Palindrome, I tried the fix you gave me multiple times. The only thing that happens is on the lower right corner of the screen comes up  (test). I tried multiple variations with no results. Like you suggested I am looking for the MARK IV service manual.

Title: Re: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: proten on May 14, 2011, 03:05:59 AM
The  Memory clear for the 540 MK4 might work.
This is how to do it:

First way is:

1. Hold the "Mem reset" while turning on the machine.
2. Hold till the display starts.

Second way is with the machine on:

1.Turn the audit Key on and leave it .
2. Open the main door.
3. Turn the jackpot key on and leave it .
3. Press and hold MEM TEST , AUX  and ROBO/HOP RESET together.
4. You will see "Memory reset" appear
5. Turn the jackpot,audit key back and close the main door.

Hope this helps

Title: Re: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: palindrome on May 14, 2011, 07:07:40 AM
A few things you can try.

First try linking L23 - This is the Manual Reset jumper then switch the machine on, then switch it off. Then apply the mem reset procedure above.

If that doesn't work. Try removing the static ram chip for a few minutes to clear it. Then re-install it and go through the mem reset procedure again. I'm not sure where the static ram iis located on the 2.5 board, perhaps hidden under the video board.  If you remove it and take a photo i may be able to help u locate it. I see a chip labelled LH51640-10LL but that may be the video memory based on where it is located.

BTW to disable "battery low detect" connect LK19 in case you still have problems with the battery.

Give me your email address and I can send you a Mark 4 manual.

Edit: Also try to get into the Robot Test mode to see if all your I/O is working. This is the diagonostic mode of the machine

1. Open the door
2. Switch machine off
3. Press and hold robo/hop reset on the main board while turning the machine on

Follow on screen instructions and try to perform all the tests.

Good luck

Title: Re: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: volts1776 on May 16, 2011, 12:11:06 AM
Thanks Palindrome and Proten, I'll give your solutions a try and get back to you. All this for changing a battery !!!

Title: Re: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: volts1776 on August 29, 2011, 02:21:17 AM
Still having the same problem !!! (call attendant metering error) on the screen, Has anyone located a service manual for an MK 2.5 video game, the manual for the reel game is different and does not help.

Title: Re: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: palindrome on August 29, 2011, 02:51:40 AM
See the pic you posted before. This is one of two nvram chips.

Note link 8. If that can be removed then this should clear the nvram manually. My mark 4 board has a removable jumper instead where as yours appears to be permanently soldered.

I don't really understand why the two chips didn't clear all locations to 0 after you removed the battery??. Have you replaced the battery with the correct type ?

mem initialization only works if the nvram memory doesn't contain any data ( all zeros ) as a kind of protection to prevent the attendant from accidentally wiping the data by pressing  MEM TEST , AUX  and ROBO/HOP RESET together.  Since you still have something stored on there, the machine is not allowing a mem clear.

Title: Re: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: volts1776 on August 31, 2011, 01:08:18 AM
Thanks Palindrome, I'll try removing the link 8 jumper waiting and reinstalling it. After what came up on the screen originally I removed the battery again to attempt to clear the memory to no avail. It is the exact same battery ( CR-123A 3V lithium ) I won't have access to the machine until Sunday I'll get back to you after that to let you know if it worked. Thank you again !!!

Title: Re: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: volts1776 on September 04, 2011, 06:02:32 PM
Palindrome, tried removing the link 8 jumper, had no effect. tried removing the jumper and installing the board without the jumper on it, and then attempting the reset protocol, no effect. after removing the jumper and the battery, tried shorting all electrolytic caps and shorting all the pins on both nvram chips to ground, no effect. Ready to pull what hair I have left out ! Any additional help would be greatly appreciated ! Ken

Title: Re: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: palindrome on September 04, 2011, 09:11:37 PM
Those chips are very static sensitive so I would suspect that they may have been damaged at some point.

You may have to replace them, install a couple of DIP sockets to make the replacement easier.

Title: Re: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: volts1776 on September 05, 2011, 01:27:23 AM
Thanks, I'll order the chips and sockets Tuesday. 

Title: Re: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: volts1776 on September 14, 2011, 01:09:25 AM
Palindrome New exact replacement Hyundai NV-RAM  IC's and sockets are ordered. My question is what is the protocol after replacing the IC's ?

Title: Re: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: palindrome on September 18, 2011, 12:40:38 AM
Just some precautions before installing them. Make sure the LINK8 is off when you solder in your sockets and when you install the new SRAM chips. LINK8 back on once they're in. If the repair worked then you should be able to clear the nvram as per instructions. Make sure you ground yourself well.

Title: Re: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: volts1776 on September 20, 2011, 10:14:38 PM
please I am not trying to sound arrogant, I've been a TV tech for 30 years, so I'm very aware of static sensitive devices. I need to know after removing link 8, removing the old IC's, Installing the new sockets and new IC's and replacing link 8. Is there anything that needs to be done before powering up the game ???

Title: Re: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: palindrome on September 20, 2011, 10:46:42 PM

Title: Re: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: volts1776 on September 25, 2011, 10:54:04 PM
Palindrome, Removed link 8, removed the old IC's. Soldered in the IC sockets and installed the new non-volatile ram, replaced link 8, No change. After powering up the game still has a message on the screen (call attendant metering error) and next to all the plays are codes in orange. I'll never give up!!! Any additional help would be greatly appreciated. Apparently there was a memory dump when the original battery was removed, still hope to find a Mk 2.5 service manual. P.S thanks for all the help!

Title: Re: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: palindrome on September 26, 2011, 04:02:01 AM
I sent you a MK IV manual

Is machine is going into audit mode when you turn the attendant key ?

Have you tried  getting into the diagnostic mode of the machine ?

* Open the main door.
* Switch the machine off
* Switch the machine on while holding robo test button ( on mainboard ).

It should go into the diagnostic mode. From there test and make
sure all push buttons are working including the red buttons
on the main board. To start off press collect to test push buttons.

Confirm in robo test to see if the attendant switch is actually working. It will come up as "show data - key switch" on the screen when you turn the attendant key.
Also turn the jackpot key in robo test as well. Confirmed by the message "jackpot keyswitch"

Now test the following push buttons "robo test" "aux" & "memory reset"

If any of the above are not working then it explains why you cannot reset the nvram.

Title: Re: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: volts1776 on September 27, 2011, 12:43:47 AM
I will try this next weekend when I go to my friend's house and get back to you, THANKS !!!

Title: Re: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: volts1776 on October 20, 2011, 02:10:37 AM
palindrome, got into the 1st diagnostic screen, tested all buttons and key switches. They all checkout OK, the 1st screen is similar, not exactly what you posted, the 2nd screen you posted (audit jpg) never came up. After turning the game off and back on the same problem occurs (call attendant metering error) and codes in orange next to the plays. From the beginning after repairing the monitor the game worked flawlessly, until I changed the battery. The MK 2.5 reel manual doesn't help and the MK IV manual is a lot different. Thanks for all the help. Ken

Title: Re: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: palindrome on October 20, 2011, 05:15:07 AM
That's good news but did turning the audit key bring up the message "show-data keyswitch" in the Robot Test ?

You need to get into audit for the nvram reset to work. It won't work from the main screen.

I suspect there might be a problem with the audit key switch.

Edit: OK so I just re-read your post and realized that both key switches are working.

Let me know if you are unable to get into the audit screen from the main screen by turning the audit key.

Also note that the machine will not go into audit mode with the main door open

1. Make sure main door is closed first
2. Turn the attendant key
3. Open the main door
4. Press the first three red buttons.

That should do it.

Title: Re: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: volts1776 on November 21, 2011, 08:40:08 PM
Palindrome, no problem getting into the diagnostic screen. Cannot get into the audit screen, tried every combination of your instructions. PLEASE HELP !!!

Title: Re: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: palindrome on November 29, 2011, 08:03:40 AM
I noticed that in one of the pics you attached here,  it shows a white square at the top left corner of the screen ? Confirm that this isn't just glare ?
I suggest replacing the video ram chip. This chip also holds the stack memory and if this area or a part of it is corrupted then the machine can do some unpredictable things on the display and will also mess up normal execution of the game.

See this post. (

Title: Re: Aristocrat (tens or better) video poker machine vintage 1995
Post by: volts1776 on December 18, 2011, 04:00:55 AM
Sorry, I haven't gotten back to you sooner, Been real busy. Yes that is just a glare on the screen, the video is flawless. I read the post you suggested, looks like I'm becoming a reason for laughs for changing the battery after having the machine working perfectly!!! Still can't get into the audit screen, still getting (call attendant metering error). I purchased a couple of MK 2.5 boards from World Wide Gaming only to have the owner contact me saying they weren't available and getting a refund. Do you know of anyone in the Chicago area that has knowledge of these machines that still work on them. February will be a year since this problem started and no I'll never give up until it is working again !!!!!