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General NLG Chat => Rants and Raves (SEE DESCRIPTION BEFORE ENTERING!) => Topic started by: poppo on March 11, 2011, 09:23:39 PM

Title: Stupid e-bay rules
Post by: poppo on March 11, 2011, 09:23:39 PM
Why the heck can you not leave neutral or negative feedback for a power seller for 7 days? :103-

I won't go into detail on all of the problems getting the seller to finally ship it, but this is how he shipped it - in a flat rate box (and it barely fit).  :25-

Luckily it was ok, but when I went to leave neutral feedback, e-bay won't let you for 7 days because he is a power seller, and you are supposed to try and 'work it out with the seller'.  Just how is contacting the seller going to undo his repeated delays, lack of communication, or poor packing?  :60-

Title: Re: Stupid e-bay rules
Post by: knagl on March 11, 2011, 09:44:42 PM
Just as an outsider to the situation, is it beat up because he should have used a bigger box, or because the post office kicked it around a few times?

Title: Re: Stupid e-bay rules
Post by: poppo on March 11, 2011, 11:01:44 PM
Just as an outsider to the situation, is it beat up because he should have used a bigger box, or because the post office kicked it around a few times?

Both. He used a box size that allowed for nearly no packing (one wrap of the tiny sized bubble wrap), AND the PO beat it up because it was heavier than the box was really designed for. It most likely got smashed up just rolling down the conveyor belt due to the weight. The smashed corners were actually right against the laptop. Here is how much room there was to spare.

The other issue was multiple delays in shipping it and lack of response when asked about it.

But my main gripe is with e-bay's policy of not letting you leave feedback immediately JUST because the person is a power seller.

Title: Re: Stupid e-bay rules
Post by: shortrackskater on March 11, 2011, 11:20:54 PM
I just can't look at this without commenting! I've been an ebay seller and buyer since 2003. I've sold three laptops, and a number of small antique radios. The computer you bought was NOT acceptably packed at all! I'm surprised it works. I'd check the case to make sure there are no cracks anywhere, especially in the hinge area. When I ship, I bubble wrap the computer with LARGE bubble wrap. Then I pack it in a box with about three inches of styro-peanuts.
I pour in the three inches, then lay the unit on top, then pour the rest around and jam it in tight, add more until the flaps must be held tight to tape. My boxes will bounce if dropped. That's the best way to pack. Your seller has been lucky if he/she has not had problems with shipping. I also hate ebay's "waiting game" policy.
Hope this helps. Now, back to SLOT MACHINES!!!

Title: Re: Stupid e-bay rules
Post by: knagl on March 11, 2011, 11:45:42 PM
For a laptop, that's horrible (the shipping job that poppo received).  I didn't realize you had been mailed a computer.

Title: Re: Stupid e-bay rules
Post by: poppo on March 12, 2011, 12:55:12 AM
I didn't realize you had been mailed a computer.

LOL. I guess I forgot to mention that.  :25-

But the laptop works fine and does not have any cracks or anything. I have an identical one (which is why I bought this one) and it's built like a tank.

Title: Re: Stupid e-bay rules
Post by: reho33 on March 12, 2011, 01:49:16 AM
Maybe it was iweezyandtom with their urine infested toppers!

Title: Re: Stupid e-bay rules
Post by: rilaw on March 12, 2011, 02:18:44 AM
Maybe it was iweezyandtom with their urine infested toppers!

Haaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaa, LOL...  That was MY topper!  :72-  :97-  :193-