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General NLG Chat => Rants and Raves (SEE DESCRIPTION BEFORE ENTERING!) => Topic started by: Magicslots on March 17, 2011, 11:41:49 PM

Title: The Great Shipping Fiasco (Well sort of)
Post by: Magicslots on March 17, 2011, 11:41:49 PM
I didnt know where to post this, so here it is anyway :8- I am like a kid at Christmas when I have something coming in the mail etc.   :204-
Especially when its new toys coming.  My two new machines that I purchased from Jim at Bettorslots were on the truck and headed for my tiny abode.
They were supposed to arrive on March 3 between 09:00 and 3:00 p.m.  So I change my schedule and hang around the house all day in anticipation  :71-
The freight company said they would call 1 hour ahead of delivery to confirm that I would be there to accept them.  So at 2:30 I call them to see where the driver is at.
They put me on hold for 15 minutes to "contact the driver"  and finally get back on the line to tell me that not only is it not on the truck  :8- But it hasn't even arrived at the terminal  :37-
Well there went the whole Da__ day!  So they call me back the next morning, "maybe the freight will arrive in time for them to ship it on Friday. Nope no luck.
I call them back at 1:30 and they inform me it will Monday before they arrive etc. etc.  :12-
So I wait the whole weekend without my new toys,  :33- after having wasted 2 entire days waiting around to hear from them.
 :277- So Monday rolls around and the clock is ticking.  Their web site tracking (which I had been checking regularly) really sucks and has virtually no information on it,
shows them to have arrived at the terminal and are now on the truck for delivery  :3- :3-
Noon rolls around, nothing...finally at 1:00 I cant stand it anymore so I call them again.  And again I get put on hold to "contact the driver" .
Ten minutes later she comes back on the line and tells me he is 20-30 minutes out. Hooray!!
So at 1:25 the truck pulls up in the front of the house.  I paid extra for the home delivery. Driver gets out, we chat pleasantly while he opens the back of the truck. I go to get my dolly to wheel my toys inside.  Half way up my driveway I hear Uh Oh..shit!  I freeze in place, turn around and ask whats up?
He says" they fell over".  I say what fell over?  Your stuff.  What????
I look in the back of the mostly empty truck to see an empty pallet and my two new machines laying over on their side in a big black bundle!  :118-

Well to make an already way to long story shorter.  I jump in the truck to see the steel banding has broken, and there pcs of my candle on the floor!
I cut them open on the spot and start giving them the fine tooth comb.  Fortunately there is only minor damage, and after wheeling them to the front porch and plugging them in right there to make sure they work. I sign the bill with all damages noted and he goes on his way.

 :131- :131- :131- The big thanks goes to Jim who did a fantastic job wrapping and packing the machines with tons of padding etc.  Otherwise the damage would have been significant!
O.K.  Rant Done!  :5-

Title: Re: The Great Shipping Fiasco (Well sort of)
Post by: Magicslots on March 17, 2011, 11:45:24 PM
Here are my two new toys, all fixed up shining and working great!!

Title: Re: The Great Shipping Fiasco (Well sort of)
Post by: PLUNGER BOY on March 17, 2011, 11:51:13 PM
DOESNT IT SUCK when someone else is in charge of your dreams. i truly hope every thing works out. I FEEL YOUR PAIN  :8- :8- :8- :8-

Title: Re: The Great Shipping Fiasco (Well sort of)
Post by: stayouttadabunker on March 18, 2011, 01:23:57 AM
Wow! Nice toys Magic!!  :3- :244-

Title: Re: The Great Shipping Fiasco (Well sort of)
Post by: Yoeddy1 on March 18, 2011, 02:05:18 AM
Robin, my heart would have stopped and I think I would have hand my hands around the driver's neck.  Yeah, I have read and heard on many accounts that Jim does an exceptionally nice job packing toys up to ship out. 

Is that a 5.3p setup on your Game King?  If so, perhaps you and I can swap settings stories when it comes to partial pay of coins to hopper and enabling the printer.  Curious if you get a flashing top light on your candle.  Anyway, congrats on your new toys brother!

Jim, Jim, um still have $ on the way if you can find another set of that succulent blue glass that Robin has on his machine!  ;)


Title: Re: The Great Shipping Fiasco (Well sort of)
Post by: poppo on March 18, 2011, 02:09:50 AM
Glad it worked out. :3-  I feel your pain. When I bought my first slot, it arrived packed very well. :71- But upon unwrapping I found the belly glass broken. :8- Luckily the place I bought it from (I don't even remember who) replaced it promptly. Mine actually arrived on the truck laying on it's back. I don't know if that is how it started out or if it would not fit in the delivery truck up right. That box was FULL of packing and I about needed a shovel to get it all out of the hallway. I had to open the box there because it would not fit through the door. Oh, it turned out it had the wrong belly glass anyway. It was supposed to be Double Diamond Deluxe. The rest was correct.

Title: Re: The Great Shipping Fiasco (Well sort of)
Post by: Magicslots on March 18, 2011, 02:42:07 AM
You are right, Jim does do an exceptional job...with everything he does!  :244- :244- :244-
I was fortunate that the game king only had a bashed up speaker. I was afraid that the brand new LCD screen Jim put in for me was screwed! :37-
But it worked perfectly.
The TD Red Hot Strike didn't fair as well. The candle was smashed clean off, and there were some scratches to the top of the cabinet!!  :8-  :37-

I once told Jim that he had made me into a customer for life and I meant it!  :89-  And that's not something I do but extremely rarely!  :91-

Jason that is indeed a 5.3 in the GK. I have it set to partial pay of $20.00 in quarters and the rest on the ticket. If the round numbers come out like that.
My printer is set up with my custom printing, and its easy to do in the menus.  I'll help if I can.  As to the flashing candle, yup, all the time till you take the bulb out.
Jim tells me that 5.3 forward have to be in comm with the casino server to get the candle light out, so until there is a home version (And I know its being worked on  :186-)
just take out the bulb.  Either that or get you one of those multi-colored led jobs to entertain you.  As to the blue glass, that was a deal a loooong time in the making.
The GK was/is really for the wife to practice her poker skills on. She usually wins playing it at the Casinos, and maybe this will make her better  :56- :56- :56-