New Life Games Tech Forums

Homebrew Player Tracking and EFT Systems. => NLG Homebrew Player Tracking and EFT Systems. => Topic started by: AndyP on March 23, 2011, 09:52:23 PM

Title: So where are we at?
Post by: AndyP on March 23, 2011, 09:52:23 PM
I am looking at this now, wondering where everyone is at? I have a few spare days next week so plan to do a little more work on the SAS DLL.

The whole USB thing looks like its more trouble than its worth for me. Half dont support parity and most have latency issues. Its hard to justify when you can pick up hardware serial ports like this one: for under $10 delivered. I am thinking about ordering a couple of these to try out.

Has anyone tried using real serial ports and still had issues?

Title: Re: So where are we at?
Post by: poppo on March 24, 2011, 12:03:08 AM
IThe whole USB thing looks like its more trouble than its worth for me. Half dont support parity and most have latency issues.

Many folks might be using laptops and USB is the only option unless they have one with a built in serial port. Mine has one, but it's pretty old (but relaible).

Title: Re: So where are we at?
Post by: Foster on March 24, 2011, 01:18:11 AM
yes I have tried using the real serial port and it does not work with the debug version

Title: Re: So where are we at?
Post by: stayouttadabunker on March 24, 2011, 01:43:20 AM
The TestApp only works with via the USB to my PC.

Title: Re: So where are we at?
Post by: Foster on March 24, 2011, 01:56:59 AM
Same here.

The TestApp only works with via the USB to my PC.

Title: Re: So where are we at?
Post by: AndyP on March 24, 2011, 02:23:27 AM
OK, so what I need is some trace from the real serial ports.

Title: Re: So where are we at?
Post by: Tilt on March 26, 2011, 02:42:44 AM

I have a real serial port in my Dell laptop, but have apparent timing issues with it too.  I'd be happy to run the trace for you, but I'll need some instructions.

Title: Re: So where are we at?
Post by: poppo on March 26, 2011, 02:51:57 AM
Download the dbmon.exe program.
Put it where you know where it is (i.e. c:\ ).
Run 'cmd' from the run menu.
Start the test app, but don't initialize it yet.
In the command window, change to the place you put dbmon.exe (i.e cd c:\ )
type dbmon >dbmon.txt
Initialize the test app and let it run for a about 5 seconds and close it.
Close the command window.
The dbmon.txt file will have the info.

Title: Re: So where are we at?
Post by: Foster on March 26, 2011, 03:31:32 AM
S2000 s connected to a real Serial Port Com1  and the SAS address is 1
S+ is using the USB to Serial adapter as Com4 and the SAS address is 2

Note: the Sim has no issues  

I may move the USB to Serial from Com3 to Com4 (for some reason the computer thinks it has a physical Com2)
I pressed the change light numerous times to create SAS events.

I moved the USB/Serial to Com4 to eliminate IRQ issues.

Title: Re: So where are we at?
Post by: poppo on March 26, 2011, 03:39:14 AM
(for some reason the computer thinks it has a physical Com2)

Modem maybe?

Ok, I can go to  :294- now


Title: Re: So where are we at?
Post by: Tilt on March 26, 2011, 01:15:16 PM
Thanks Poppo!  Here's the results from my laptop with a real serial port.

Title: Re: So where are we at?
Post by: danw on March 27, 2011, 01:00:20 AM
(for some reason the computer thinks it has a physical Com2)
A lot of PC mainboards have a COM2 connector on them, but the manufacturer never installed a cable from them to the expansion ports on the case.  They look like a small plastic square with either 9 or 10 pins...

Title: Re: So where are we at?
Post by: stayouttadabunker on March 27, 2011, 01:19:10 AM
Would that go directly to a DB9 port header should I install one onto the back of my PC?  :129-
I opened my tower case and seen that I do have that COM2 header on my PC's mainboard...
Now I gotta find a board schematic and see what the pin-outs would be...  :79-

Title: Re: So where are we at?
Post by: danw on March 27, 2011, 01:44:11 AM
There are premade DB9 Male Cables for those that are generic.  You can usually find them at any electronics or decent computer store.  I get mine from MicroCenter, but if you have anything else like them near you, you can just pick it up for cheap money.
If you look and cant find one, I can send you one if you like...  I may even have one laying around...

Title: Re: So where are we at?
Post by: stayouttadabunker on March 27, 2011, 10:59:20 AM
Hey! Thanks for the offer danw!
Let me look around first and see if I can find some...
I can probably get 'em for like a buck from China... :72- >>>

Title: Re: So where are we at?
Post by: leo1971 on May 26, 2011, 03:17:49 PM

I'm new to this forum, so first of all ... hi all :)

as I can see you posted several weeks ago but I'll throw in my 5 cents

a PCI serial port board will do the job perfectly, I used several types under XP

if you want a steady on site solution I would rather go with TIBBO or MOXA
they are Ethernet - RS232/RS485 converters
you fire them up, install a virtual port on the PC with their utility and start using this virtual port as it would be on your PC

the big plus is that these converters are very good, they work 24/7 and the sweetest thing is that you can put them near the machines on the gaming floor and just plug them in the closest Ethernet socket
you daisy chain the machines (up to 127) and you're good to go

I have been working in the gaming industry for 15 years now, 2 years ago I went private and I produce access control controllers, firmware for them and software with a friend of mine
surprisingly for me all of that is also RS485 based so I decided to check back on the gaming stuff

since we have already developed services and other software for data collection from access control, switching to data collection from gaming machines shouldn't be so hard

first I'll get through all the interesting threads here to avoid repeating already answered questions :D

you guys are doing a great job here  :3-


Title: Re: So where are we at?
Post by: poppo on May 26, 2011, 03:35:16 PM
a PCI serial port board will do the job perfectly, I used several types under XP

First welcome.  :88-

As you will probably find when you read, a lot of folks are looking for a 'universal' solution. Many people are using laptops so PCI may not the best option.

To date there are mainly two ways people are using SAS at home.

1. SAS test program.
Works with just about any serial port.
No easy way to make it do more than what it was written for.

2. AndyP's SAS program
Has the potential to be the 'backbone' for more advanced features.
Is currently picky about what serial port it will work with.

There also has been much discussion about the best way to daisy chain the machines which is really what is needed to have have TITO work. Regardless of what may be the best way to do it, someone has to work on the software. And there has not been much going on in that area for a while.

Title: Re: So where are we at?
Post by: leo1971 on May 26, 2011, 03:59:00 PM
2. AndyP's SAS program

heya :)

I figured that one out

what I have found so far is an older version (February 2011) with a 38K dll

later on I found also a 279K dll but couldn't find the test program with all functions implemented

I'm planning to visit the last casino I worked at next week so I'll prepare some cables for testing

do you have any idea where I could find a never version of the SASEGMTest program?

cheers :D

Title: Re: So where are we at?
Post by: CaptainHappy on May 26, 2011, 09:21:20 PM
Hey! Thanks for the offer danw!
Let me look around first and see if I can find some...
I can probably get 'em for like a buck from China... :72- >>>


You can also get one for free :267- from me! :89- :89- :89-

One word of warning on these is that there are a couple of pin out possibilities on the header side, so you may have to check your manual for the pinout if you have one.

One went 12345    another went 13579 on the header side.
              67890                      24680
Not exactly sure of the exact layout, but one was side to side, and the other was back and forth. I have a bunch, so let me know if you need me to mail you one!

CH :95-

Title: Re: So where are we at?
Post by: CaptainHappy on May 26, 2011, 09:29:41 PM
I think that this is the most common...

CH :95-

Title: Re: So where are we at?
Post by: Foster on May 26, 2011, 09:37:09 PM
2. AndyP's SAS program

heya :)

I figured that one out

what I have found so far is an older version (February 2011) with a 38K dll

later on I found also a 279K dll but couldn't find the test program with all functions implemented

I'm planning to visit the last casino I worked at next week so I'll prepare some cables for testing

do you have any idea where I could find a never version of the SASEGMTest program?

cheers :D

There are 2 versions of the DLL
one is what would normally be distributed with a program after it is fully working
the other is one with debugging output enabled so we can get the output from our systems then send it to him so he can figure out what is working and not working.

There is also 2 or 3 versions of his app out there. one guru on here edited one so you can hit the service button and have it add credits to the machine.
The only weakness of the test app that does everything is no tito database it only remembers the last ticket printed and uses it for every ticket in until you print anther ticket which becomes new redeem value.

Title: Re: So where are we at?
Post by: stayouttadabunker on May 27, 2011, 01:02:33 AM
The versions are "out there" on the worldwide web.
You just need to download a free version of it really.
What's the most fun about them is that you can actually print tickets
which was available in a home environment before.
It's kinda of a nice prize between home players. :89-

Keep reading the different threads going on around here...
you will see that a lot was done over the past year on this subject!

oh Capt! Yes! I would to get one of those Desktop computer serial connectors.
Thanks to you very very much!
I will PM you the details...

Title: Re: So where are we at?
Post by: AndyP on May 27, 2011, 01:49:22 AM
I did write up a response but lost it. In short, I have lost my SAS machine as it was converted to another protocol for testing/development. At this stage it will be a while before I can convert it back. Also I have been working on winning some new contracts (looks like I got 1 so far :) ) so been busy doing that.

Until I get another SAS machine there is not a lot I can do. I was tossing around the idea of trying to convert a MK5 or 6 Ari machine (I have heaps to play with here) but not sure what I would need at this point.