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EBay and other online auction sites news and info. => Ebay Auctions The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. => Topic started by: shortrackskater on April 13, 2011, 05:39:55 PM

Title: Found on Ebay...a BULLY!
Post by: shortrackskater on April 13, 2011, 05:39:55 PM
I was looking at a listing on Ebay for a Jennings Indian Chief slot machine. The seller stated that it was made in the late 50's or early 60's. However the machine was electromechanical and I noticed a circuit board with IC's in it. I thought it may have been some strange modification and sent this question:

Nice looking machine but there is no way it is from the 50's or early 60's. It's got integrated circuits on a circuit board and those weren't invented until the late 60's and they didn't appear in slot machines until much later. It is electromechanical so it could have been made in the mid 60's but if that is so, that PC board of IC's was added much much later. Is there any date on this machine anywhere?
Two days later, no reply still so I sent another asking why he couldn't and didn't answer. This was his reply:

Hi. Send uremail if serious. Or I'm Jim

That was strange since there's no reason why to not use the e mail messaging system. So I sent the following:

The ebay messaging system works just fine and I see no reason why you have to conduct business off the ebay system. That has already raised a red flag for me. I am no longer interested since you're apparently not answering a serious question about this machine, which, in my opinion is misrepresented since at least parts of this machine were not made in the 50's or 60's. It would have been nice to simply have my question answered in a professional way.

And just minutes was his reply!

Your an imbecile douchebag which I knew from the 1st email. Go bother someone else wannabe expert idiot!!!! Leave me alone

I felt like I was jettisoned right back to junior high school dealing with this ebay bully!
This was my response to the man...or boy I should say:

My question was honest, and about the circuit board with integrated circuits in it. I LIKED the machine and have a friend in NJ who would have picked it up for me IF i had bid and won. Sorry if this hurt you so much but it has a CIRCUIT BOARD in it. ANYONE should know there weren't circuit boards in the 50's or 60's. I thought MAYBE you could just answer the question. I thought maybe this was a modification to the slot machine but I'LL NEVER KNOW!!!
Your immaturity amazes me... "imbecile douchebag"
REALLY? Is that how much of a professional you are? Are you 13?
"Wannabe expert?" WHAT? It was a QUESTION. I'm no expert but I have common sense and I don't stoop to the level of NAME CALLING, This is a first for me being called names by an ebay seller. I feel sorry for you.
He replied again:


And, here was my final reply (I just couldn't let it go):

I'm speechless! I've never experienced a seller meltdown before.
Good luck with the auction anyway...hope it sells.

I'd love to hear opinions from all the regulars here, if possible. This may be more of a rant than an ebay issue but it did start with my honestly asking a question on an item that interested me. And, if anyone knows what year this machine was made, I'd like to know that too!

Title: Re: Found on Ebay...a BULLY!
Post by: slotsteve on April 13, 2011, 06:21:28 PM
its early 70,s slot ilegal in nj to own or sell i lost a group of them there that were just empty cabinets

Title: Re: Found on Ebay...a BULLY!
Post by: IFFV68 on April 13, 2011, 08:51:03 PM
I would stay away from that  Clown. He's selling knives & Ducks. That should tell you something.
I'm sure he doesn't have a clue about the slot. There should be a label or some kind of date on it somewhere.
The only thing he is an expert at is B.S. 
It sounds like he has burned people before. Ouch!
My $.02, doesn't represent Union or Management.

Title: Re: Found on Ebay...a BULLY!
Post by: Yoeddy1 on April 13, 2011, 09:17:29 PM
He's selling knives & Ducks.

Sounds like an IGT themed slot machine.  LOL!


Title: Re: Found on Ebay...a BULLY!
Post by: FORDSBS on April 13, 2011, 09:34:17 PM
Jason, this guy stole you MINTY items.

Title: Re: Found on Ebay...a BULLY!
Post by: a69mopar on April 14, 2011, 12:52:11 AM
I've seen the chief on the end of the handle instead of the black knob of some or on the front of the machine on other models.  I seem to think they were called "Sun Chief"  However not 100%

didn't rilaw have some of these?

Title: Re: Found on Ebay...a BULLY!
Post by: jay on April 14, 2011, 01:20:59 AM
I think we should get a number of NLG want to be experts (that's the majority of us LOL)
Each to send this clown a similar question and we should each report him to eBay as misrepresenting the item.
This will send him a strong message not to anger the karma gods, payback is a b*tch.

Post the auction number.

Title: Re: Found on Ebay...a BULLY!
Post by: uniman on April 14, 2011, 02:04:25 AM
The machine has a three digit seven segment LED. They were invented in the late 60's. The reels are narrow, wide reels came later, so I would say early 70's.

Title: Re: Found on Ebay...a BULLY!
Post by: StatFreak on April 14, 2011, 07:01:30 AM
The machine has a three digit seven segment LED. They were invented in the late 60's. The reels are narrow, wide reels came later, so I would say early 70's.

I tend to agree. It's basically an EM with a few electronic additions, which suggests the early '70s.
I didn't know when the seven segment LED was invented.  :131-

Title: Re: Found on Ebay...a BULLY!
Post by: poppo on April 14, 2011, 09:49:06 AM
I think we should get a number of NLG want to be experts (that's the majority of us LOL)
Each to send this clown a similar question and we should each report him to eBay as misrepresenting the item.
This will send him a strong message not to anger the karma gods, payback is a b*tch.

Post the auction number.

The auction link is posted above. But wouldn't this be in violation of e-bay rules anyway due to NJ law as slotsteve mentioned? How can he sell it if he can't legally own it?

Title: Re: Found on Ebay...a BULLY!
Post by: slotsteve on April 14, 2011, 10:06:59 AM
there were lots of these jennings used in ac inlate 70,s the name of casino use to be on where its now black and the head would go , i bought a load of 30 off a bank in reno once maybe 2 had good boards in them,  i didn,t have to sell them the state off nj took them from me around 1990

Title: Re: Found on Ebay...a BULLY!
Post by: reho33 on April 14, 2011, 12:46:49 PM
But if NJ has a 25yr rule, that machine would be well within the guidelines.....

Title: Re: Found on Ebay...a BULLY!
Post by: slotsteve on April 14, 2011, 12:51:30 PM
nj is NOT a 25 year law its pre 194?

Title: Re: Found on Ebay...a BULLY!
Post by: reho33 on April 14, 2011, 01:21:24 PM
OK, I stand are right. But it's all a matter of enforcement. Now maybe in the 1970's it was really strict but I don't know if the NJ DGE would get a red hot poker up their ass to bust an individual hobbyist. But I sympathize with you Steve, I would move too if I was treated like that, I know that you got busted and all and had to pay a lot of money to defend yourself back then, you did tell the story on here. Now back to the topic at hand....

PS, here is the abstract: new jersey

Possession of a gambling device other than under such circumstances as would constitute a violation of section 116 of the "Casino Control Act" (P.L.1977, c. 110; C. 5:12-1 et seq.) is a disorderly persons offense; provided, however, that possession of not more than one gambling device other than a slot machine for social use within the home shall not be an offense under this section; and provided further, however that possession of one or more antique slot machines shall not be an offense under this section or under section 116 of the "Casino Control Act" (P.L.1977, c. 110; C. 5:12-1 et seq.). As used in this section, "antique slot machine" means a slot machine which was manufactured prior to 1941. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to authorize the use of an antique slot machine for any unlawful purpose or for gaming....

Title: Re: Found on Ebay...a BULLY!
Post by: poppo on April 14, 2011, 01:29:11 PM
But if NJ has a 25yr rule, that machine would be well within the guidelines.....

They don't. Must be pre-1941 (

Oops. Didn't hit refresh and see that it's already been answered.

As far as enforcement, maybe they wouldn't go out of their way, but IMO putting an ad up on e-bay is asking for trouble.

Title: Re: Found on Ebay...a BULLY!
Post by: reho33 on April 14, 2011, 01:36:42 PM
Yea, you are probably right. Although I have seen CL ads for modern slots (s2000, s+) in Louisiana and that is a no-go state. Conn as well!

Here is one from CL (and the guy brags about it made him 100 dollars in profit a week) (

Strike 1 - CA is a 25yr state, this machine is not 25 yrs old
Strike 2 - Bragging about gambling with it is like asking to be taken directly to jail and not getting your 200 bucks! :208-

Title: Re: Found on Ebay...a BULLY!
Post by: poppo on April 14, 2011, 01:45:28 PM
I know e-bay will pull ads for just about any reason. I once listed a laptop, and just because I said I didn't have the original Windows install disks, it got yanked (they just assumed it had an illegal copy on it). Since e-bay is a 'paid service' they may have to be tighter on the legalities than craigs list. Of course they can't monitor every ad, but should a seller act like a jerk when asked a simple question, they could have it brought to their attention.  :209-

Title: Re: Found on Ebay...a BULLY!
Post by: shortrackskater on April 14, 2011, 03:02:28 PM
When the listing said 50's, 60's slot machine and the picture showed a PC board with IC's, I was just curious what this was and asked the questions.
When he called me:
"imbecile douchebag"  and "wannabe expert idiot," my first reaction was anger and shock (and surprised laughter!)  but I refrained from calling him names and tried to keep it relatively professional (other than calling him 13 years old!)
That's when I decided to post it here and thanks to all of you for making a LOT more sense out of this. That seller should just have never replied to me and I would have moved on! THANK YOU AGAIN EVERYONE!

Title: Re: Found on Ebay...a BULLY!
Post by: slotsteve on April 14, 2011, 05:53:23 PM
funny part is the seller is right in the area i use to live in nj, might have been one of those token only games i sold or that the state casino poeple took from me, in nj if you even had a mega touch in a bar and they could get it to show 5 credits(4 credits were max) it was taken, 100,s of them were taken for op,s there and never to be seen again, spent lots of money trying to stay out of jail for slots in nj, i must say one thing they never said anything about japs slots to us and we bought 3 cont loads

Title: Re: Found on Ebay...a BULLY!
Post by: uniman on April 14, 2011, 09:46:16 PM
The machine has a three digit seven segment LED. They were invented in the late 60's. The reels are narrow, wide reels came later, so I would say early 70's.

I tend to agree. It's basically an EM with a few electronic additions, which suggests the early '70s.
I didn't know when the seven segment LED was invented.  :131-

Niether did I until I found this;      :72-

Actually invented in 1962.

Title: Re: Found on Ebay...a BULLY!
Post by: shortrackskater on April 24, 2011, 04:47:55 PM
The seller (who called me a dochebag!) has re-listed the item and is STILL saying it's from the 50's or 60's! I'll let it go now, but here's a link anyway in case. (

Title: Re: Found on Ebay...a BULLY!
Post by: Brianzz on April 24, 2011, 05:47:05 PM
These people are total losers, trying to ride on the coat tails of the reputation and popularity of a television show

Title: Re: Found on Ebay...a BULLY!
Post by: shortrackskater on April 24, 2011, 06:03:59 PM
I may have missed something...which television show? Also...I LOVE your profile picture. I was nearly laughing uncontrollably when I first saw it!

Title: Re: Found on Ebay...a BULLY!
Post by: cowboygames on April 24, 2011, 07:42:55 PM
I think antique archeology is the name of the store the guys own on "American Pickers". A popular History channel series. Or is it just "Pickers"? I don't remember, anyway their store is in Indiana or Ohio someplace

Title: Re: Found on Ebay...a BULLY!
Post by: Ron (r273) on April 24, 2011, 08:50:27 PM
I think antique archeology is the name of the store the guys own on "American Pickers". A popular History channel series. Or is it just "Pickers"? I don't remember, anyway their store is in Indiana or Ohio someplace

They are located in Le Claire, Iowa.

Ron (r273)