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General NLG Chat => Welcome wagon and General Chat (Off-Topic Post Welcome) => Topic started by: Mildly Annoyed on April 24, 2011, 03:32:00 AM

Title: Legal Issues ?
Post by: Mildly Annoyed on April 24, 2011, 03:32:00 AM
Is there a forum area to discuss Legal Issues or is it a no-no ?

I'm wondering because I don't see a whole lot about it.

I kind of skipped through all the weasel words when signing up, so forgive me if it is.

Title: Re: Legal Issues ?
Post by: jay on April 24, 2011, 03:55:42 AM
We don't have any taboo topics on this board except where it infringes on a manufacturers copyright.
Ie we don't swap binaries nor do we discuss the reverse enginering of binary code but we do bump right up on the fringes of this in the discussion of eprom burners (for personal backup reasons of course).

Please feel free to post your question.

Most of what we get is the use of machines in a illegal state. The stock answer to this is to get a DOJ (they are free) and give you the right to own/sell machines.

Irrespectve the experience of most of our memebers is that if unless you are running an illegal underground casino no one is out witch hunting. You can also further protect yourself by running off of tokens vs coins.
This way no neighborhood kid can run home and tell his parents they lost their lunch money.

Title: Re: Legal Issues ?
Post by: reho33 on April 24, 2011, 03:59:01 AM
 :212- :212- :212- What they said

Title: Re: Legal Issues ?
Post by: StatFreak on April 24, 2011, 10:12:23 AM
I know that many members here say that "all you have to do is get a DOJ"... but I feel that I must disagree. It most likely depends on the state in which you reside, but I know that "out west," getting a DOJ in and of itself not only does NOT entitle you to own slots, but will bring the attention of the authorities.

In our neck of the woods, you would also have to register with the state as a slot dealer/restorer or parts seller, and would have to set up a business for same (at minimum a DBA), as well as pay the state an annual fee for the license. Once the state has its money and you have your license, they'll be happy and won't really care if you never actually do any business. Of course, you would still have to keep up appearances. In addition, registered dealers have to keep records of all serial numbers of machines bought, sold, traded, and parted out.

It's true that the DOJ form has a checkbox for home owners who only have a private collection and are not in business, and I can't speak to the laws of other states as to whether owning a slot that would otherwise not be legal in the state becomes legal simply because you've registered with the DOJ. However, I would think that in many states (if not most), it would not, since you would only be complying with federal law and would still be breaking state law.

At the end of the day, I would highly recommend that any home owner living in a restricted state, who is not actually going into business, do their due diligence and be very cautious about getting that DOJ.

Irrespectve the experience of most of our memebers is that if unless you are running an illegal underground casino no one is out witch hunting. You can also further protect yourself by running off of tokens vs coins.
This way no neighborhood kid can run home and tell his parents they lost their lunch money.

In practice, as long as you don't allow anyone to actually gamble and don't advertise to everyone that you have a bunch of slot machines, you'll probably be just fine. It's a minor nonviolent low priority crime that nobody really cares about. We've had members post who have even had police officers come to their homes for other reasons and who have done nothing -- in many cases, not even knowing what the slot ownership laws in the state were.

Frankly, if you look at any city on Craigslist, you'll find dozens of slots listed for sale every day in just about every part of the country, legal or not, and those people would have a much higher chance of being targeted than anyone quietly playing a slot in their game room. Even so, sellers don't seem too concerned. My only caution in that arena would be to say that lately, there is more of a risk of being caught if you routinely lists illegal slots for sale on Craigslist, due to local municipalities and states being broke and looking for ways to bring in revenue any way they can. But that's just IMHO and I don't have any facts to back it up.

Stat :31-

Title: Re: Legal Issues ?
Post by: AnotherTech on April 25, 2011, 01:37:16 AM
Pardon my ignorance, but what's a DOJ?  :103-

Title: Re: Legal Issues ?
Post by: PLUNGER BOY on April 25, 2011, 01:42:08 AM
IF the bill validators have been removed and the ticket printers also removed . do you think this is still a no no in a non conpliant state ?

Title: Re: Legal Issues ?
Post by: Foster on April 25, 2011, 01:52:05 AM
That is a real Lawyer question, and depends which state and their take on it.
Some of the laws I noticed get changed when legal gaming becomes available in that state.
I think that some of the laws are influenced by the industry so you are forced to head to the casino to play your favorite game.

Why else would a state say must be older than 1984 even though I have never had a problem.

Title: Re: Legal Issues ?
Post by: PLUNGER BOY on April 25, 2011, 02:02:22 AM
I think i will keep it confusing . if there is no money in and no payoff out .  they would  have a harder time  proving there is gambling and just not home  entertainment involved.

Title: Re: Legal Issues ?
Post by: StatFreak on April 25, 2011, 02:11:08 AM
Pardon my ignorance, but what's a DOJ?  :103-

An official registration with the Department Of Justice that you manufacture, own, buy, sell, trade, repair, or operate (casinos in legal situations) slot machines.

Title: Re: Legal Issues ?
Post by: StatFreak on April 25, 2011, 02:15:04 AM
I think i will keep it confusing . if there is no money in and no payoff out .  they would  have a harder time  proving there is gambling and just not home  entertainment involved.

Perhaps, but if you're picked on, the laws in most partially restricted states say that the machine must be older than 25 years (or whatever), so you're still F#$%D. Remember, even in states where slot ownership is unrestricted (like AZ, TX, NV, OH, etc.) it is a serious crime to use privately owned machines for gambling. For the less serious crime of owning a newer slot, they don't have to prove anything beyond the date of manufacture and that you had it in your possession without permission (State and/or Federal, depending on individual state laws.)

Title: Re: Legal Issues ?
Post by: reho33 on April 25, 2011, 02:36:00 AM
Like I said, look at my signature. We are not attorneys and do not give any legal advice on this forum. It really is up to the individual to decide if the information presented applies to them or not. I believe there are a  :96-lot more serious crimes on the scale so slot ownership is in the range of pot smoking and jaywalking.............LOL

Title: Re: Legal Issues ?
Post by: StatFreak on April 25, 2011, 02:53:52 AM
Like I said, look at my signature. We are not attorneys and do not give any legal advice on this forum. It really is up to the individual to decide if the information presented applies to them or not. I believe there are a  :96-lot more serious crimes on the scale so slot ownership is in the range of pot smoking and jaywalking.............LOL

Yeah. I would hate to get caught smoking pot while jay walking my machine across the street on a dolly. :127-  :5- They'd give me the chair. :30- :200-
 :208- :208- :208- :208-   (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

Seriously, good post.  :89-  We are not in a position to give legal advice to anyone.

Title: Re: Legal Issues ?
Post by: PLUNGER BOY on April 25, 2011, 03:01:07 AM
 I guess ill have to lock and load . if i can keep them at bay for 25 years then all i have to worry about is the firearms conviction  :97- :97- :97- :208- :208- :208- :72- :72-

Title: Re: Legal Issues ?
Post by: gordy on April 25, 2011, 10:23:20 AM
Stat, what is the matter with you!  They will not give you the chair.  They will give you a lethal injection but please notice your arm will be wiped with an alcohol swab to avoid infection.  An infection could kill you. You might not even be aware of the infection until it is too late. It can cause a funny look on your face like Nancy Pelosi and you will be incapable of blinking.
    A few years ago, a friend called the DOJ. The lady who ran this section said , " It just means we will not prosecute you for taking this stuff across state lines."

Title: Re: Legal Issues ?
Post by: danw on April 25, 2011, 10:45:33 PM
I think we in MA have it the worst.  There is a law stating that you can have a machine that is 30 years or older.  However, it is illegal to set up a shop to fix, repair, store, or sell the machines.  Also, a major part of the law states that in order to qualify, the machine must have a reel or drum in it.  I've had my business lawyer put two weeks into research for me and he just got back to me about it today.

Apparrently, if I buy a machine out of state and sell it out of state, its ok.  If it's a video machine, it's ok.  If it isnt based on cash, it's ok.

If you sell a machine that is legal to someone that uses it illegally, you can go to jail for promoting an illegal lottery.

I think they just try to make it so confusing, that nobody bothers.  And yet, at the same time, the sweepstakes rooms are popping up left and right and they all have machines in them.  The A/G shut them down a month ago, only to make them fix their signage and then they re-opened. 

Title: Re: Legal Issues ?
Post by: reho33 on April 25, 2011, 11:27:52 PM
It is a minor issue and I even had a lawyer tell me not to bother writing any state's AG's as they would not care enough. I think at some point I may "network" with some reps here in PA and see what I can get would be great to get the law like the other 13 states have. I still enjoy and have not even given it a thought. Life is too short to worry............take my advice, get some tequlia (if you drink, I don't) get a .357 (or assult rifle) and sit down at your Vegas-made IGT slot and have some fun!

Title: Re: Legal Issues ?
Post by: StatFreak on April 25, 2011, 11:51:27 PM
............take my advice, get some tequlia (if you drink, I don't) get a .357 (or assult rifle) and sit down at your Vegas-made IGT slot and have some fun!

In some states the assault rifle would get you into more hot water than the slot, and in some counties or parishes, the tequila. :96-  
:68-  :107-  :153-   :5-

... and THEN there's Arizona, where it's ALL good!  :az- :208- :208- :208- :208-

Title: Re: Legal Issues ?
Post by: reho33 on April 25, 2011, 11:54:25 PM
Assult on the senses? That should be more of a crime...................MA has some really strict laws......

Title: Re: Legal Issues ?
Post by: danw on April 26, 2011, 12:15:26 AM
I dont know if I'd call them laws or commandments...  Our politicians think the sun shines out of their um...   well, they think we need to follow the laws and they dont.  We had three house reps get brought up on federal corruption charges including the last speaker of the house in just the last year.  We even had a speaker of the house whose brother was the FBI's most wanted man for a while...

Not sure how that story fits into slot machine laws, but it's frustrating when you need to follow rules set up by corrupt people...

Title: Re: Legal Issues ?
Post by: reho33 on April 26, 2011, 12:17:03 AM
Whitey Bulger?

Title: Re: Legal Issues ?
Post by: danw on April 26, 2011, 12:22:20 AM
Thats him...  and when his brother Billy got tired of hearing about it and retired as speaker of the house, they put him in charge of the state university system at $400k a year...

Title: Re: Legal Issues ?
Post by: Mildly Annoyed on April 26, 2011, 02:14:37 AM
I'm impressed. I just hinted at asking a question and got most of my answers without actually asking one. :128-

Title: Re: Legal Issues ?
Post by: StatFreak on April 26, 2011, 05:54:38 PM
I'm impressed. I just hinted at asking a question and got most of my answers without actually asking one. :128-

[female computer voice] "Thank you for choosing the NLG Psychic Hotline. There is no need to press 1; we already know why you're calling."  :208- :208- :208-

Ah, but just wait until you actually ask a question!
...That's when we'll really confuse the heck out of you by completely changing the subject!  :200- :30- :5-  :47-

Stat :31-