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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT Reel Touch Games => Topic started by: Forrhouse on May 14, 2011, 11:04:51 PM

Title: Netplex Down error Need help
Post by: Forrhouse on May 14, 2011, 11:04:51 PM
I turn my Reel Touchsrcreen on and get a netplex Display error. This is my 1st time firing this machine up.   I opened the door to check the connection to the display and notice that there is nothing pluged into the black 1x9 pin Molex SL socket.  I looked for the associated plug and couldn't find it.  I even removed the coin chute pannel that has the i/Os bolted to the front and back thinking that maybe somebody unplugged it and it fell behind there.  The only thing that I could find was a black 1x6  pin Molex SL connector on the main door harness.  It looks like it has never been used and further more, it has no slack to reach anywhere due to the way its tied.  This 1x5 plug has 5 brown wires with different colored strips and one red wire.
This display setup is the type that goes all the way across.  What cable am I missing? Is it an adapter that is missing?  Is there another place I should be looking for this display's connection.

Title: Re: Netplex Down error Need help
Post by: Foster on May 14, 2011, 11:47:47 PM
Post some pictures of the inside and outside of the door, reasonable close ups help

The 6 pin with brown wires for the 3 or 5 line pay line iight box

Where is the error being displayed?

Are you saying the VFD is not working?
Look for a connector with green wires if that is the case.

Title: Re: Netplex Down error Need help
Post by: Buzz on May 15, 2011, 03:00:40 AM
Foster seems to me if the VFD wasn't working, we wouldn't know that it was a netplex error.

So what do we have that's netplex ??  Printer and BV. what else am I missing ?? 

Title: Re: Netplex Down error Need help
Post by: PLUNGER BOY on May 15, 2011, 03:11:04 AM
Change your power supply  if it lost one 13v or 25 v  it can read netplex  down

Title: Re: Netplex Down error Need help
Post by: Foster on May 15, 2011, 03:56:20 AM
All I know is that the player display will show "no disp" if the VFD is disconnected.

I was thinking the top box computer system might be displaying the error on its LCD
Which it it could easily do since it has 2 way communications with the MPU via SENET.
The tpp box may also use the dedicated RS232 interface in the comm board.

Title: Re: Netplex Down error Need help
Post by: Forrhouse on May 15, 2011, 05:13:43 AM
Thanks Foster and Buzz.  Buzz, when you mentioned Bill validator I went and pulled itransport out.  I guess they pulled the chip out my WBA 13 transport when it was shipped and or sold.
I should note that I hear a clicking sound coming from the ticket printer when the machine is powered on, but I also noticed that none of the reels spin.

When the System is powered on it displays Netplex is down for about 3 to 4 seconds. The machine then displays checking memory and then finaly Displays System Error. The system error stays on the screen.

I'm guessing that the Netplex Down error is because of the missing validator chip.

Foster, the top Display seems to boot fine.

Anyways, let me know what you guys think.

Title: Re: Netplex Down error Need help
Post by: Foster on May 15, 2011, 05:29:10 AM
I believe the 9 pin Connector on the VFD in the first picture is for the 9 Line multiple coins per line display.

System error means there is something a miss with one of the following: Base Chip, Version Chip, SS Chip (S+ reel chip), RAM or the EEPROM on the motherboard or other hardware failure.

Turn the Jackpot reset key and it will display some more information
Each time you turn it note the next message that comes up, eventually it should ask you to press the button on the mpu and then close the main door.
The error might or might not clear.

Title: Re: Netplex Down error Need help
Post by: Forrhouse on May 15, 2011, 07:35:44 PM
Thanks Foster I will try it.