New Life Games Tech Forums

Progressive Controllers, Displays and Slot Toppers => Mikohn Progressive Systems. => Topic started by: Joeylc on December 22, 2008, 02:08:29 AM

Title: WTB CON2i
Post by: Joeylc on December 22, 2008, 02:08:29 AM
ok guys we found a bug in the software of you try to upload 2 or more Attachments big Attachments it kills the topic .... to a blank page all data nuked,, am working on a fix for this ....  :104-

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 22, 2008, 02:18:11 AM
I tried to upload actually 5 pictures of my con1S  controller board to the topic of discussion...BOOM! all I saw next was a blank, white webpage...

Scared the crap out of me....I thought I either:

1)did something wrong  :5-
2)was in trouble w/our beloved moderaters :103-
3)some how killed NLG? :8-

Joey quickly responded to me and said that he was working feverishly on a restoration process. :89- :71-
He's the man! :131-

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: brichter on December 22, 2008, 02:19:39 AM
I tried to upload actually 5 pictures of my con1S  controller board to the topic of discussion...BOOM! all I saw next was a blank, white webpage...

Scared the crap out of me....I thought I either:

1)did something wrong  :5-
2)was in trouble w/our moderaters :103-
3)some how killed NLG? :8-

Joey quickly responded to me and said that he was working feverishly on a restoration process. :89- :71-
He's the man! :131-

It's all your fault!  :30- :30- :30- :30- :30-

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 22, 2008, 02:33:59 AM
Hey!  :99- me...I fessed up! If I didnt do it (Download  a billion pics at once)
 - we would have never known about this "bug"! :96-

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: Joeylc on December 22, 2008, 02:38:16 AM
To play it safe for right now we set it to only 1 upload per post and to 500 kb

If we need we can up the kb but 500 should work for most  attachments it was at 2999999 kb  :5- :5-  :30- :30-

Have you killed your NLG today  :97- :97- :97-

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 22, 2008, 03:06:27 AM we go again.
This is one pic of the con1S controller board I wanted to show:

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 22, 2008, 03:07:35 AM
Whaddya know works!

here's the close up of the chips on the board: (click on pic to enlarge)

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 22, 2008, 03:10:35 AM
Now, here's the two other chips onboard con1S controller:

Does anyone have close ups of a con2i (CON-TWO-EYE) controller board for comparision?

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: idesign on December 22, 2008, 12:26:50 PM
Now, here's the two other chips onboard con1S controller:

Does anyone have close ups of a con2i (CON-TWO-EYE) controller board for comparision?

A CON2i board is about 3X the size of a CON1 so there is no comparison.

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 22, 2008, 12:43:50 PM
Oooh okay!,
Thanks Idesign!
Well, now I know it will not work...oh well, back to the drawing board.
Kuduos+ to ya and have a great merry christmas!

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 22, 2008, 07:51:55 PM
I'm convinced to scrap the idea of converting a con2....does anyone have a con1S controller for sale?
Send me an email if you wish to sell.

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: jay on December 22, 2008, 08:51:23 PM
joey has a bunch.....

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 22, 2008, 09:11:02 PM
Thanks Jay! I wrote him an email already...Blueridgeslots has a con1S+...I'm thinking that might be something to try also.
He also has a whole bunch of con1iS+E and gateways to go with them.
I'm wondering....are those (the con1iS+E) the kind for linking two or more machines together to a large, single display?

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: jay on December 22, 2008, 09:49:39 PM
I use a single CON1 (32 station) to drive 3 internal displays for my slots, a gateway for my PE+ and a overhead 1x2.
I use a second CON1 (single model) to program the message for my huge 1x10, once the message is programmed in I disconnect it and then drive it off my first CON1.

The only reason(s) that I use 2 con1's is because
a.) I have two.
b.) I am too lasy to go to save the messages. This way I can just leave them programmed on each CON1.

For the most part you can run 8-10 displays from a singe CON1. I think the schematic shows that one of the sets of pins is for over head displays.
From what I can tell the only difference is a stronger serial signal to go over a longer distance. Not an issue in a home environment.

The only time the messages are transmitted is when you are programming and press the F1 SEND key. The rest of the time all the CON1 outputs is the new jackpot values.
So once you got the messages into the various LED5 (small display) or LED4 (large display) linkers. You only need a single CON1.

I think the +E allows you to cascade down to other CON1's to increase beyond a 32 machine max. Someone feel free to correct me on this.

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 23, 2008, 06:10:19 PM
My con1S keeps getting the dreaded "C1" code ("communication loss controller to display").
I cannot communicate with the displays anymore.
I opened it up, removed the board and found this on the middle of the board.
Could this particular board be a "research & development" prototype board made in 1988?
I was wondering if anyone else has this particular, strange looking wire trace on their boards besides me?
I'm often getting the "C11" code as well with the "C1" code.
I checked out the Mikohn "Technician's Pocket Guide" , but that "C11" code is really meant for con2 controllers.
The "Guide" doesnt list error codes for the con1S.
In a con2, "C11" error code means ("Fiber bus communication error in the IART. Over 20 errors have been received from the fiber bus").
My con1S doesn't have fiber capabilities - this "C11" code must mean something else, but I don't know what?

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: jay on December 23, 2008, 07:06:28 PM
Are we talking LED4 or LED5 ?
Is it happening on all or just one of your dispalys.

The first thing I would look at is to make sure your Display out wires are punched down well.

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 23, 2008, 07:31:55 PM
The con1S brings up the "C1" and "C11" code on any display I hook it up to.
I had everything going great for a while. I was learning how to program all different kinds of fun messages and stuff.
I thought everything was going great and I was learning a lot about PSPV2.0 programming.
Later on, a few days later actually, I hooked up the con1S to reprogram a message on a LED4 and the codes came up.
Couldnt talk or even run tests anymore. I hooked up the con1S to a LED5 and got the same thing.
When I disconnect the con1S, the displays seem to work for a short while then start displaying the same two codes.
I bought another con1s from Blueridge...I hope it works.
And I hope it's not a prototype board...

ADD>>>I ran continuity tests on every bloody wire there is...everthing's tight.
Maybe the ram on the con1S needs to be cleared?

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: jay on December 23, 2008, 07:38:53 PM
Don't think there is a RAM clear.

Your DISPLAY out on the CON1 seems to be the common denominator. I would try some aligator clips to ensure you have connectivity Pin 1 and the last pin.

I had a similar issue but it turned out my connector was just offset one pin to the right. Thats what I get for using a 10 pin connector on a 8 pin interface.


Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 23, 2008, 07:44:43 PM
I have the con1S in front of me on my desk at the moment...I'm going to try a continuity test on pin 1 and pin8 and see what happens.

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 23, 2008, 08:02:03 PM
Pin-8 on the J2 header is good continuity-wise to the third leg on U8 (contains 22-leg eprom labelled "UCN 5801A")
Pin-1 on the J2 header is good continuity-wise to the 1/2 Amp fuse and R24.
Something's gone on this board I think...but I' not sure what just yet.
My line of thinking is that if unsolder the 5.3V battery for a short period of time (say two minutes), would that clear up the con1S's system?
(click on picture to enlarge)

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: jay on December 23, 2008, 08:03:46 PM
Your not going to get continuity between pin 1 & 8.

Either 1 or 8 is your common (common to all displays) I can;t remember which.

Assuming pin 8 is common then by connecting up one of the display wires to PIn 1 and the other to 8 you

should start passing data to the display and your C1 should go away.

You mention a fuse ? is it good.

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 23, 2008, 08:13:31 PM
Pin-1 goes to the good 1/2 amp fuse (Fuse checked as good).
In fact, pins-1/3/5/7 runs straight to the fuse while pins- 3/5/7/8 go straight to the eprom.
Pin-8 runs directly to the 3rd leg of the U8 eprom-there's continuity there as well.
I understand that I should not be getting continuity between pin-1 and pin-8 directly.
In the picture I put up, Pin-1 is on the right next to the fuse.

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: jay on December 23, 2008, 08:32:36 PM
I know I said 8 but is there perhaps 9 pins. I meant the first and last.

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 23, 2008, 09:50:30 PM
I see 8 pins on the J2 header and 5 pins on the J1 header.
Pin-1 and Pin-8 ( on the J2 header) goes to the LED controller.

When everything's working right - Pin1 and Pin5 on the J1 header (when shorted momentarily), put a credit on the display.
When Pin1 and Pin5 ( on the 1 header) are shorted for more than 4 seconds, the jackpot hits.

I don't know what pins2/3/4 (on the J1 header) are for?
Come to think of it, I don't know what pins2/3/4/5/6/7 (on the J2 header) do either.
I wish we had some kind of technical manual for this con1S.

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: jay on December 24, 2008, 12:03:00 AM
Its for the other 3 machines.

5 is common, 1 through 4 go to each machine.

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: brichter on December 24, 2008, 01:52:26 AM

I wish we had some kind of technical manual for this con1S.

When's the last time you went poking around in the "Submit a new file" area? :103-

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 24, 2008, 02:32:30 AM
Thanks guys...
kudos to both of you and I wish you guys a very merry xmas.
'll check the "S-A-N-F" section...
The last time I looked...the manual in there was for a CON1...I'll have to take a relook at that manual and see if it had anything useful about the con1S.

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: jay on December 24, 2008, 03:45:14 PM
The con1 and con1s are the same beast.
The E+ and F are a bit different but I think the functionality is well described.

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 24, 2008, 05:19:07 PM
After re-reading everything I could get my hands on... :47-
I agree that they are the same beasts... :89- ..............but mine doesn't function  :8-

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: idesign on December 24, 2008, 08:08:18 PM
The con1 and con1s are the same beast.
The E+ and F are a bit different but I think the functionality is well described.

As I recall the CON1s is a stand alone version of the CON1 so you can't chain more than one machine to it.

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: brichter on December 24, 2008, 11:56:14 PM
After re-reading everything I could get my hands on... :47-
I agree that they are the same beasts... :89- ..............but mine doesn't function  :8-

Make sure you got the right cable and try to download immmediately after rebooting the CON1s. You may have to do that to upload to it also.

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 25, 2008, 04:13:20 AM
I tried that several different times with out any success.
I know the serial cable is correctly jumped because I had programmed different messages a week ago with fantastic results.
I put everything aside for a few days to do some other things.
When I came back and tried to do some other message programming, I couldn't talk to the LED4 via the con1S.
This is what's happening:
The instant I connect the 2-pin harness that links the LED4 to the the con1S port, the "C1" pops up- immediately.
The con1S will not communicate with the LED4 at all.
Rebooting the con1S (powering off then back on) only displays "C1" then alternates with "C11".
When I remove the 2-pin harness, I have to reboot the LED4 to get rid of the "C1" code.
"$0.00" is then displayed on the LED4 display panels (1X2").
The very instant I try to re-connect the 2-pin harness from the Led4 to the con1S - the frigging "C1" pops back up.
Because of this persistent "C1" or "C11" codes - I cannot get the con1S to communicate w/the LED4.
It seems like the con1S is causing the "C1" to pop up every time.
That's why I went shopping and bought another con1S from Blueridgeslots -  to see if that's gonna happen again when I connect the 2-pin harness to the LED4.

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 27, 2008, 07:32:40 PM
The con1E (S) V8.0 came in from Blueridgeslots today. :91-
I was apprehensive at first about it because the board looks way different than the con1S.
I hooked it up and voila!       All new messaging worked!! :89-
I have no clue what is wrong with my old con1S controller...
I am sure I must of somehow burned something out because this controller[con1E (s) ]  came with a 9vdc adapter...the other con1S used a 12vdc adapter.  :103-

Anyways, no more "C1"'s or "C11"s

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 27, 2008, 07:46:01 PM
This is the chip that's in it>>>

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 27, 2008, 08:58:33 PM
This is the con1E(S)V8.0 hooked up to a CHAM "1x2" with 2   LED4 displays at the moment... (

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: idesign on December 27, 2008, 09:42:31 PM

I am sure I must of somehow burned something out because this controller[con1E (s) ]  came with a 9vdc adapter...the other con1S used a 12vdc adapter.  :103-

The CON1S runs on 9V too so you probably did burn something up on it

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: brichter on December 27, 2008, 09:55:20 PM
I am sure I must of somehow burned something out because this controller[con1E (s) ]  came with a 9vdc adapter...the other con1S used a 12vdc adapter.  :103-

 :98- :98- :98- :98-

But at least you're up and running! 

 :105- :136- :136-

Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 28, 2008, 10:28:08 PM
 now here's the stupid part...I put the 9V 1A power supply to my old con1S that I thought was burned out??
Guess works    :103-


Title: Re: WTB CON2i
Post by: jay on December 28, 2008, 11:37:18 PM