New Life Games Tech Forums

Homebrew Player Tracking and EFT Systems. => NLG Homebrew Player Tracking and EFT Systems. => Topic started by: JonaMX on June 02, 2011, 04:17:25 PM

Title: AFT Response from Machine but I can't send any command....
Post by: JonaMX on June 02, 2011, 04:17:25 PM
Hello again, here I am with another trouble ...

The problem is that I have a connection with the EGM it shows me many events like door opened, pressed buttons so it's means that the communication are established however I can't send any command the machine does not response like it ignore all from Rx... this happens with machines that has SAS 6.02 but only with the next machines' brands WMS NXT, Cadillac Jack, BGM ...

So what could be happend?