New Life Games Tech Forums

**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S2000 and Vision Games. => Topic started by: RobertBasil on June 04, 2011, 05:04:38 AM

Title: Credits without cash?
Post by: RobertBasil on June 04, 2011, 05:04:38 AM
Is there any *easy* way to add credits to an S2000 without having to keep inserting bills into it? Keep in mind I'm very new at all of this.


Title: Re: Credits without cash?
Post by: RobertBasil on June 04, 2011, 04:40:44 PM
If there is no menu settings or switch to rack up credits I see mine also takes tickets. Might printing our own tickets be an option? My wife is playing the heck out of it and we normally don't keep cash around and what cash we do have is a pain the the butt to insert, then open the door to remove the cash and then insert the cash again and again. Or can I use the menu to give me more credits for the amount of cash we put into it?

Or is there a way to tell the machine to accept cash with the front door open so we don't. have to close and open it each time?

I'm just trying to throw all of my ideas out there to see if any of them are possible and how hard would they be to do?

Title: Re: Credits without cash?
Post by: cowboygames on June 04, 2011, 05:21:42 PM
Only way to do this is to set the token value to a high amount. I set mine to $10 so on a quarter slot I get 40 credits for each coin inserted. This option is in the keychip menu and requires a keychip to change the value. If your machine doesn't have coin handling you could set the accounting denom to a penny so you at least get aten thousand credits for 100 bucks. This also requires a keychip

Title: Re: Credits without cash?
Post by: reho33 on June 04, 2011, 05:24:13 PM
If you have a hopper, then you can go into the setup menu and "tokenize" 1 token to equal 100.00 dollars lets say. This requires a key chip and some skills to to this. If you have no coin in components , then the other option ( you still need a key chip and instructions) is to set the base denomination to 1 cent and save it. 20 dollars will give you 2000 credits and that should be enough to keep you busy for a while. But the people on NLG will help you get there, pick their brains, and soon enough you will be able to work at a casino as a slot tech!

Title: Re: Credits without cash?
Post by: brianfink on June 05, 2011, 12:00:13 PM
getting a key chip and setting your denomination to a penny is probly your best option you also might want to clean your billexceptor or get a new one if it isnt working very good or if u have coin handling you could buy a bunch of tokens

Title: Re: Credits without cash?
Post by: knagl on June 06, 2011, 06:54:15 PM
If there is no menu settings or switch to rack up credits I see mine also takes tickets. Might printing our own tickets be an option?

The short answer to that is, "no, you can't, you'd need a backend casino TITO system to do that."  ...but as a techy guy, you might be interested in this section of the forum ( which has a few people working to try and eventually get our home machines to accept tickets.  It won't be simple or quick, but eventually it might be possible.  For now, going the "token" route if your machine has coin handling stuff would likely be easiest, or keep a $100 bill in the machine to cycle through.