New Life Games Tech Forums

**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S and S-plus Reel Games. => Topic started by: John0813 on June 07, 2011, 10:07:50 PM

Title: Problem with Game change to Wild Cherry
Post by: John0813 on June 07, 2011, 10:07:50 PM
I am trying to do a game change from an IGT S+ Double Diamond 3 coin Machine to a S+ Wild Cherry 3 coin machine.

I changed the Game and Reel chips and put in the Wild Cherry Reel Strips.....the game runs fine...I made sure that the reel strips were inserted correctly however when the symbols appear in the correct order for a payout....nothing happens...then in the next spin or two, even if the symbols are in the incorrect position, the machine pays out coins.....I think I put the reels in the wrong order.??....but the strip symbols are all the same on each strip..

Does anyone know the correct order of the 3 strips or did I miss something else? Was I suppose to do a RAM Clear on the reel prom?


Title: Re: Problem with Game change to Wild Cherry
Post by: knagl on June 07, 2011, 10:46:50 PM
Wild Cherry 3CM uses three identical strips.  So long as they're installed properly on the reels, it shouldn't matter which order the strips (or the reels) are in the machine.

Let's start with some basic questions.  What SS chip are you running?  If you would, please follow these instructions ( to determine the number, rather than trusting the label on the chip (in case the chip is mislabeled).

Are you using the same reels that had been in your machine and working correctly with your Double Diamond game, or a new (to you) set of reels?

If they're the same reels, are you positive that the reel strips are seated correctly?  There are notches in the reel strips that must match up with the one set of notches in each reel basket.  Check out the second and third paragraphs of this link ( for more details about the notches and how to match them up.

If they're new reels, are you positive that they're from an upright machine (and not a slant top machine), or vice-versa if you have a slant top machine?  Using the wrong reels (ie. slant top reels in an upright) will result in the wrong symbols being displayed, and weird payouts.

Finally, you do know that the Wild Cherry symbol is wild in any position (on, above, or below the payline), right?  I'm guessing that isn't the issue since you stated that it didn't pay when you expected it to, but I'm throwing that out there.

Please reply with the answers to the questions I've asked and we'll be able to get your issue resolved for sure.


Was I suppose to do a RAM Clear on the reel prom?

No, no, no.  You almost never need to do a RAM clear on an S+ slot.  Consider it to be a last-resort, and only do so if you're told on here that it will solve your issues.  :89-

Title: Re: Problem with Game change to Wild Cherry
Post by: coorslight115 on June 07, 2011, 11:19:26 PM
I am trying to do a game change from an IGT S+ Double Diamond 3 coin Machine to a S+ Wild Cherry 3 coin machine.

I changed the Game and Reel chips and put in the Wild Cherry Reel Strips.....the game runs fine...I made sure that the reel strips were inserted correctly however when the symbols appear in the correct order for a payout....nothing happens...then in the next spin or two, even if the symbols are in the incorrect position, the machine pays out coins.....I think I put the reels in the wrong order.??....but the strip symbols are all the same on each strip..

Does anyone know the correct order of the 3 strips or did I miss something else? Was I suppose to do a RAM Clear on the reel prom?


What SS chip did you install. And did you line up the notch in the strips with the notch in the reel basket? Do your strips have any numbers on them? And did you buy the kit complete from someone? or collect parts seperatly?

Title: Re: Problem with Game change to Wild Cherry
Post by: John0813 on June 08, 2011, 09:59:43 AM

I made sure the reels and the reel notches match and were aligned...

I took the reels and chips from a slant top machine and just put them into my upright machine (Double Diamond)....

Here are the results of my test for the numbers:

In the Winner Paid box....2 numbers cycled....a 0 and 3411

In the Credit Window only one number is shown....0932

Yes..the Wld Cherry is suppose to be wild in any position...

Hope this helps...thanks

Title: Re: Problem with Game change to Wild Cherry
Post by: Foster on June 08, 2011, 10:07:46 AM
The slant top uses different reel baskets. install the strips on your upright reels and you should be fine.

Title: Re: Problem with Game change to Wild Cherry
Post by: stayouttadabunker on June 08, 2011, 12:41:18 PM
The slant top uses different reel baskets. install the strips on your upright reels and you should be fine.

Foster is correct.
In the 1st photo I've submitted, you can clearly see the "UP" (as in "upright machine") molded onto the reel basket.
The triple encoder flags for the reel optics are also parallel with the shaft pin.
In the bottom photograph, you can see the "S/T" molded and the triple encoder flags for the optics are
on about a 45 degree angle to the left of the shaft pin and located right next to the slant stamp.

Even though the nibs that catch the reel strips notch are placed in the same locations with both baskets -
the triple encoder optic flags are not!

I've also encircled in light blue, the smaller encoder flags - which are placed
on the left-hand side of all the larger reel optic encoder flags.
This smaller encoder flag is placed on the right-hand side for bonus reels -
such as the Wheel Of Fortune games and other games that have bonus reels/wheels in the top box area...
Click on photos to enlarge if needed!>>>

Title: Re: Problem with Game change to Wild Cherry
Post by: poppo on June 08, 2011, 04:08:39 PM
I took the reels .... from a slant top machine and just put them into my upright machine ..

Sure wish all of the problems here were this easy.

Title: Re: Problem with Game change to Wild Cherry
Post by: John0813 on June 08, 2011, 09:43:09 PM
Thank you....thank you....thank you.....I followed your instructions about the strips and the reels....and everything is working correctly......You guys are GREAT.........How did you know that the reel baskets are different in an upright vs a slant top??

thanks again.....

Title: Re: Problem with Game change to Wild Cherry
Post by: stayouttadabunker on June 09, 2011, 12:12:09 AM
...How did you know that the reel baskets are different in an upright vs a slant top??

thanks again.....

By poking in and around  :209- a machine or two... :72-

Title: Re: Problem with Game change to Wild Cherry
Post by: knagl on June 09, 2011, 12:54:19 AM
Gosh, this sounds familiar, almost as if it was posted in the first reply of the thread (   :30-

If they're new reels, are you positive that they're from an upright machine (and not a slant top machine), or vice-versa if you have a slant top machine?  Using the wrong reels (ie. slant top reels in an upright) will result in the wrong symbols being displayed, and weird payouts.

Glad you got your game up and running properly, John0813.   :89-