Title: "The Hangover" Video Slot at a Harrahs Property near you! Post by: racergiant on June 28, 2011, 03:43:04 AM Has anyone seen or played this yet?
http://www.igt.com/games/game-page.aspx?type_id=8333 (http://www.igt.com/games/game-page.aspx?type_id=8333) The local indian casino near me has one and I played it. Pretty fun ! ! Here's a video capture from my cell phone. http://www.youtube.com/v/2BjHGsh229M?hl=en&fs=1 (http://www.youtube.com/v/2BjHGsh229M?hl=en&fs=1) This is one where the chair has speakers that are aimed towards your head, and a subwoofer and something that makes the chair vibrate. Title: Re: "The Hangover" Video Slot at a Harrahs Property near you! Post by: zarobhr on June 28, 2011, 09:21:32 AM i am going to harrahs and ceasars in AC this weekend ill have to check it out
Title: Re: "The Hangover" Video Slot at a Harrahs Property near you! Post by: StatFreak on June 28, 2011, 11:45:45 AM It does look like fun :71- and I like the pick-'n-match concept of selecting the bonus round, but calling 1050 coins a big win when the bet is 200 a pop is a bit deceptive. :47- That's like hitting mixed bars on a 2-coin dollar machine for $10. :25-
Are you playing four separate games at 50 coins per game, or are they interconnected? :128- Title: Re: "The Hangover" Video Slot at a Harrahs Property near you! Post by: racergiant on June 28, 2011, 04:41:41 PM It's 4 separate games.
Minimum bet is 50 cents which gets you one game. The minimum bet needed to play all four games is $2. Max bet is 6 dollars. All a $6 bet does is raise the multiplier to 3X. That is advantageous is when you get into the "Stu" and "Phil" and such progressive bonus rounds. For the Phil bonus round you are shown 7 "teeth" if you only bet $2 you get 1 pick plus one bonus pick. If you bet $6 you get more picks than just the two. I never got a bonus round the few times I bet $6 so I cannot verify how many extra picks you actually get... I could be a very addictive game. I can see "newbies" throwing alot of cash into that game. There always seems to be a line of people watching/waiting for their turn. Obviously because it's a new game but because it's fun too. This game has the "quickstop" feature where if you hit the 'spin' button again after the game has started - it will stop short. Quicker than it normally would. Does anyone know if the quickstop feature changes the outcome of the spin over letting the reels stop on their own? I've seen other games with that "quickstop" feature and it really sucks in the money. Title: Re: "The Hangover" Video Slot at a Harrahs Property near you! Post by: StatFreak on June 28, 2011, 08:07:04 PM Based on what I know of class III regulations, the outcome is selected once the bet is locked and cannot be changed. On machines where a bet can't be reduced or retracted, the outcome is chosen when the first coin is bet or the first button that locks in a bet is pushed ("bet one" or "max bet"). On games where the bet can be modified or removed, as it is with many multi-line/multi-coin games, the bet is locked when the player initiates the spin.
You're going to lose faster because you're playing considerably faster. That said, it would be impossible to prove without looking at the program. However, my observations have shown that if one looks very carefully, the game begins to draw the first of the lines that will end up in the final window when the "Stop" button is pressed. In other words, if the windows displays 5 horizontal lines on a 5-reel machine (5 symbols stacked from each reel), then it will begin drawing the bottom line at the top of the screen at the instant the player stops the spin and continue drawing all 5 lines for each reel until all 25 symbols are in place. This happens in a split second. Basically, it just skips to the chase. Another thing to consider is that on some (or many?) machines, you may not even be seeing the true symbols in strip order while they are spinning, because they may be using phony teaser strips for the animation. My Gamemaker does this with the 8-line game Wizard of Odds. Not only does it display way too many 7s while spinning, it will even display half a 7 in the final display above or below the symbol that hit to make it appear as if you "just missed" the 7. Since there is only one 7 per reel out of 100 symbols, this should only happen once every 50 spins on any given reel, but it happens almost every spin. If this trick were illegal in Nevada, I would think that they would have come down on Bally by now. Title: Re: "The Hangover" Video Slot at a Harrahs Property near you! Post by: mab69us on July 19, 2012, 10:38:01 PM i would like to buy this for my game room is there any other cabinet that i could buy and just convert