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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S and S-plus Reel Games. => Topic started by: bigphxguy on July 18, 2011, 02:27:59 AM

Title: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: bigphxguy on July 18, 2011, 02:27:59 AM
Hi all...Newbie to the forum here.

I have a S+ 4th of July with an SP1271 Game Prom chip.  I've read several other threads and have seen two possible solutions to my problem, but neither seems to correct my issue.

My dip switches are set to 1-on, 2-on, 3-on, 4-8 off.  However, if I understand correctly, the dip switches do nothing for the SP1271 chip.

In my self test setttings, test 2 is set to 1, or on, which results in the reel stop sound coming from the solenoid instead of the speaker.  I still get my "spin to win" sounds when landing on the 4th of July symbol on reel 3, coin drop sounds and "win" sounds" are all there...just no reel spin sounds.

If I change self test 2 to 0, or off, I get the reel stop sounds through the speaker instead of the solenoid.  That seems to be the only thing that changes when I change this setting.

Has anyone else seen this problem before?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: StatFreak on July 18, 2011, 03:00:11 AM
Very odd. :103- I've never heard of this.

2-1 would be the correct setting. That outputs spin music and diverts the stop pulse to the solenoid because the sound chip wasn't capable of producing both sounds at the same time.

Have you tried going into the sound test page and trying each of the different sounds?  Press the test button until you see a 50 in the winner paid window. (I think it's 5 presses.)
Turn the JP key to change the sound being tested and press the spin button to test each sound.

The spin "music" is actually composed of 4 separate tones comprising a C major triad with an octave. See if each of those tones works, as well as the rest of the test sounds. That will at least confirm whether there is a problem with the sound chip. It's possible that the spin sound data is corrupted.

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: bigphxguy on July 18, 2011, 03:05:19 AM
I've gone through all the sound settings and I get tones on every selection.  The sounds are there....they just won't play during a spin while playing the game!

Very perplexing...

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: poppo on July 18, 2011, 03:14:16 AM
If I change self test 2 to 0, or off, I get the reel stop sounds through the speaker instead of the solenoid.  That seems to be the only thing that changes when I change this setting.

Has anyone else seen this problem before?

As noted, the stop sounds always come from the solenoid. But see this thread about a similar issue I had with the PRS. (

Also, I would go here and verify you actually have a SP1271 in there regardless of how it may be marked. BTW, the SP1271 does not give you as many sound choices for the bonus spins. A SP1048 is a better choice. (

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: StatFreak on July 18, 2011, 03:19:59 AM
If I change self test 2 to 0, or off, I get the reel stop sounds through the speaker instead of the solenoid.  That seems to be the only thing that changes when I change this setting.

Has anyone else seen this problem before?

As noted, the stop sounds always come from the solenoid. But see this thread about a similar issue I had with the PRS. (

No they don't. In fact, the thread you've linked to points that out. When 2 is set to 0, there are no spin sounds and the stop sound is synthesized through the speaker. When 2 is set to 1, there is actually NO stop sound, and the handle release solenoid is actuated, creating the illusion of a stop sound.

According to his post, he's tried setting 2-1. Since he can hear the coin-in sounds and the music during the respin, we know that his volume is turned up and that the speaker/amp hardware is working, as well as at least some of the sounds generated by the sound chip.

Now that he's run the 50 test and has heard all of the sounds, that puts this squarely in the "strange" category.

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: poppo on July 18, 2011, 03:23:33 AM
No they don't. In fact, the thread you've linked to points that out.

Yeah, you are right. That was so long ago, I didn't re-read the whole thing. I just remembered the PSR being missleading.

But he should verify the SP chip is a 1271.

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: StatFreak on July 18, 2011, 03:32:38 AM
Hmmm. I wonder if it's possible that the SP1271 is corrupted. Maybe the subroutine that calls the spin sounds isn't being called, or the subroutine code is corrupted. But wouldn't that cause the chip to fail the checksum test? :103-

It might be worth trying a different SP chip, and perhaps even a differend SS chip (for giggles) to see if that solves the problem. If you have another MPU board, you might also try swapping it out.

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: bigphxguy on July 18, 2011, 02:18:19 PM
I'll see if I can get my hands on another MPU and a SP chip.  I'll give it a whirl and let you know what happens.  Thanks for the ideas!

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: bigphxguy on July 18, 2011, 02:39:26 PM
Does anyone have a digital copy of PSR1271 they wouldn't mind sharing with me?  I'd like to go through EVERYTHING and see if I can uncover something that may solve my problem.  Thanks!

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: poppo on July 18, 2011, 02:42:11 PM
Does anyone have a digital copy of PSR1271 they wouldn't mind sharing with me?  I'd like to go through EVERYTHING and see if I can uncover something that may solve my problem.  Thanks!

Here you go. But check that link I posted above to make sure you actually have a SP1271 in there. Would not be the first time a chip was mis-labeled.

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: bigphxguy on July 18, 2011, 03:02:00 PM
Thanks poppo!  I checked the chip on the LED is indeed a 1271.  I suspect a corrupted chip.  I'll be swapping chips later today...we'll see if that fixes my issue.

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: bigphxguy on July 18, 2011, 06:56:02 PM
So I threw my MPU board in another S+ machine, and voila!  Spin Sounds!  So I know it isn't the MPU or the SP chip.  Any ideas as to what else could possibly be affecting my reel spin sounds?  Again, all other sounds are audible, so it isn't a speaker or sound hardware issue.  Is there anything else in the actual machine (aside from the MPU) that could be causing this issue?

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: poppo on July 18, 2011, 07:01:30 PM
I suppose you might do a clear if you have the clear and set chips to do it. Some settings are stored in the EEPROM on the motherboard.

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: knagl on July 18, 2011, 08:13:43 PM
Yeah -- I'm stumped, too, but I'm with poppo -- at this point a clear wouldn't hurt and I really can't think of anything else that would cause this.

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: rickhunter on July 18, 2011, 08:45:36 PM
The last time I had weird behavior on my S+, I had to clear eeprom for it to go away.  So at this time, I would do a clear.

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: bigphxguy on July 18, 2011, 11:40:57 PM
I just ordered a clear chip on eBay.  I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but now I'm having an unrelated issue with being unable to change my page 0 option 8.  It's locked up at 2 and won't convert bills to credits and I can't change it...even after using the set denom chip.

Arrrrgggggghhhhhh!  Looks like I'll be waiting for the clear chip.

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: poppo on July 18, 2011, 11:50:11 PM
I just ordered a clear chip on eBay.  I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but now I'm having an unrelated issue with being unable to change my page 0 option 8.  It's locked up at 2 and won't convert bills to credits and I can't change it...even after using the set denom chip.

Arrrrgggggghhhhhh!  Looks like I'll be waiting for the clear chip.

Ha! I knew we would see this again.  Read this first post. You first have to change it with the set chip. Basically there are 2 places you need to change it. (

But also make sure you didn't have any credits on the machine when you tried to change it.

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: rickhunter on July 18, 2011, 11:51:48 PM
Remember, you can't change any options if you have credits on your machine.

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: stayouttadabunker on July 18, 2011, 11:56:17 PM
Hmm...I thought he had spin sounds when installed in another machine...
maybe it is possible there are some options and settings saved on that motherboard chip?

I'm almost certain that an IC component isn't shifting a register along it's path
and it's also possible that there's an diode completely out of specifications due to heat, age,etc.etc.
Chances are the 1k resistor that sums up the sound generators current sources - is getting out of whack.
When you put it into the other machine - it kind of woke it up!  :97-
I'd pull out the microprocessor chip and re-insert it to give new life to it's leg pins...
Be very careful as this is a very long chip with a whole boatload of pin legs.
It very possible the certain legs on the microprocessor chip have become oxidized
and started to work from the jarring the MPU got as you banged it around removing and installing it.


the motherboard chip in the other machine has those particular settings saved?

Clearing a RAM on the motherboard may not help as there are no sound bytes stored on that particular chip...
The sounds on an S+ are stored in the AY-3-8912 programmable sound generator chip.

BUT there MAY be some settings that you need to change?
Remember to remove all credits from this present machine in order to change settings.
Stranger things have happened... :72- >>>

ADD>>>  Sorry for the
I WAS WRITING ( ok...typing! ) WHEN PEOPLE WERE POSTING!!!!!  :208- :97- :72- :200- :96-

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: rickhunter on July 19, 2011, 12:00:39 AM
The theory at this point is that there's some kind of corruption in the eeprom on the mainboard, and that's why the MPU board is working on the other machines, but not on the one in question.  That's why a clear seems like the next step.

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: stayouttadabunker on July 19, 2011, 12:03:39 AM
Are there credits on the present machine?

Can he set the [2-x] to a [2-1] ?

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: poppo on July 19, 2011, 12:03:56 AM
The theory at this point is that there's some kind of corruption in the eeprom on the mainboard, and that's why the MPU board is working on the other machines, but not on the one in question.  That's why a clear seems like the next step.

Yep, that is my thought too. Most if not all of the settings are stored on the EEPROM. That is why you can pull the CMOS and you won't lose the settings after you clear the errors and it re-loads them from the EEPROM.

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: stayouttadabunker on July 19, 2011, 12:10:40 AM
If he has a bad ground on the resistor or speaker in THAT CABINET -
he will not have sounds....
however, he does have "other" I'm stumped.

I'd do the clear by sticking a magnet to the legs on the motherboard serial eprom -
WITHOUT the MPU installed!
That will definitely force the MPU to rewrite new data to the motherboard eprom.
He will get the [65-1] "Bad EEPROM DATA" error code which basically means the EEPROM data is "invalid".
or a code [67] "data eeprom changed"...
No problem, open and close the door optics will force the MPU to rewrite to the EEPROM.

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: StatFreak on July 19, 2011, 12:12:27 AM
I see that I'm late getting back to this thread, but I'll throw my hat in the ring with everyone else and suggest a full clear, as some sort of data corruption seems to be the most likely cause, and the evidence points to the EEPROM.

Stat :31-

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: poppo on July 19, 2011, 12:13:40 AM
Can he set the [2-x] to a [2-1] ?

He did that back on page 1

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: poppo on July 19, 2011, 12:18:47 AM
I'd do the clear by sticking a magnet to the legs on the motherboard serial eprom -
WITHOUT the MPU installed!
That will definitely force the MPU to rewrite new data to the motherboard eprom.

 :72- Sorry bunker, that's not how an EEPROM works. Maybe the magnetic field from an EMP pulse.  :96- (

But just for grins, I just happened to be working on this project (details to be released later  :79- ) that has a S+ EEPROM (the single one) and a bank of 4 other EEPROMS. I ran a big honkin speaker magnet all over them and it didn't do anything.

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: stayouttadabunker on July 19, 2011, 12:22:25 AM
Well...that idea I had about a magnet is no good because
that's what I would do if I didn't have a clear chip on hand. :72- :37-

How can we "purposely" mess up his motherboard eeprom
so the MPU will shoot out an error code [67]?

Can we McGuyver a way to mess it up with a couple of wires and a penlight battery?
Can't be THAT hard...there's only 8 little legs! lol
Which legs get the shock treatment?
I'm sure a 1-1/2 dc volt battery would mess up things no?

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: poppo on July 19, 2011, 12:27:49 AM
How can we "purposely" mess up his motherboard eeprom
so the MPU will shoot out an error code [67]?

With a clear chip.  :96-

Or if one had it socketed like some of us  :88-, just swap it out, or erase it in a eprom burner that supports I2C EEPROMS.

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: stayouttadabunker on July 19, 2011, 12:33:52 AM
okay..."erasing" or "clearing" it is basically just setting
all the memory gate registers to a "zero" or a "1" right?

Do we really need an IVC123 or IVC097 clear chip to do that
to a little 24c04 chip??
Just wondering you know...because the guy doesn't have a clear chip.

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: poppo on July 19, 2011, 12:36:09 AM
okay..."erasing" or "clearing" it is basically just setting all the memory gate registers to a "zero" or a "1" right?
Do we really need a clear chip to do that?

Either a clear chip, or pulling it and erasing it. Of course people have changed SP chips to a way different version to cause it to re-write everything. But not the preferred method.

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: stayouttadabunker on July 19, 2011, 12:41:32 AM
I've done that...
for example...sticking in an SP chip like an SP809 or SP732 when
the machine is using something more modern like an SP1271.

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: bigphxguy on July 19, 2011, 01:19:00 AM
I just ordered a clear chip on eBay.  I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but now I'm having an unrelated issue with being unable to change my page 0 option 8.  It's locked up at 2 and won't convert bills to credits and I can't change it...even after using the set denom chip.

Arrrrgggggghhhhhh!  Looks like I'll be waiting for the clear chip.

Ha! I knew we would see this again.  Read this first post. You first have to change it with the set chip. Basically there are 2 places you need to change it. (

But also make sure you didn't have any credits on the machine when you tried to change it.

I had read this thread once before, but I don't see how it can be changed using the set chip.  The only options I get when using the set chip are 9, which I have set to 1 to enable the BV, and then the denom set, which is at 25.  Pressing the self test button again brings me out of the programming mode and back to blank LED displays.  Can you please clarify the excerpt below?

•You should see "8  n" in the window, where n= 0 to 2. Press the spin button until it reads "8  1"
               This will force all bills inserted to go to the credit meter. You will never accidentally end up cashing out your bill.
                  [ADD 5-30-2011] It turns out that this setting has to be enabled when the dbv is set up using the SET chip. If the SET chip option is
                  configured as disabled, this option can't be changed and all bills will always go to the tray. If the SET chip option is configured as enabled,
                  then the option is set here. If enabled, a set chip is NOT required to change this setting.

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: poppo on July 19, 2011, 01:22:09 AM
I had read this thread once before, but I don't see how it can be changed using the set chip.  The only options I get when using the set chip are 9, which I have set to 1 to enable the BV, and then the denom set, which is at 25.  Pressing the self test button again brings me out of the programming mode and back to blank LED displays.  

Most likely you have a SET015 which does not change the option you need (if you tried it in self test with no credits)

From the SP1271 PRS
IGT utility program SET088, SET089, SET090, SET091, SET101, SET102, SET116, or SET121 is required to configure options for this version

If the bill pay mode selection is enabled, the operator can specify in self test how inserted bills are paid.  Use the set chip to enable/disable the bill pay mode selection

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: bigphxguy on July 19, 2011, 01:28:39 AM
Most likely you have a SET015 which does not change the option you need (if you tried it in self test with no credits)

From the SP1271 PRS
IGT utility program SET088, SET089, SET090, SET091, SET101, SET102, SET116, or SET121 is required to configure options for this version

How can I tell which set chip I have?  It isn't labeled with anything other than "set denom".

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: poppo on July 19, 2011, 01:30:36 AM
How can I tell which set chip I have?  It isn't labeled with anything other than "set denom".

If you bought it on e-bay, it's probably a SET015 (most common sold there). And since it's not giving you the option, then it's not one of the ones listed above.

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: poppo on July 19, 2011, 01:47:33 AM
For a little more about this setting, see this thread starting with this post (

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: bigphxguy on July 19, 2011, 01:59:51 AM
For a little more about this setting, see this thread starting with this post (

Thanks for the link.  I have the PSR for SP1271 (thanks poppo! :259-) and it makes total sense.  I just can't get to the setting in the SET chip. :37-  I'm guessing poppo is right about me probably having a SET015 which clearly is not listed as an appropriate SET chip for SP1271.

And now that begs the question...where the heck do I get my hands on a SET088, SET089, SET090, SET091, SET101, SET102, SET116, or SET121?!?!?!   :279-  All I see online is SET015.

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: poppo on July 19, 2011, 02:02:31 AM
And now that begs the question...where the heck do I get my hands on a SET088, SET089, SET090, SET091, SET101, SET102, SET116, or SET121?!?!?!   :279-  All I see online is SET015.

Put a WTB in the classifieds here or contact any of the vendors at the top of the page. I would probably go for a SET090.

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: bigphxguy on July 20, 2011, 08:15:22 PM
New SET090 and Clear Chips have been ordered.  And now I sits and waits... :204-

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: stayouttadabunker on July 21, 2011, 12:10:32 AM
lol! We "sits & waits" as well!
I hope it does the trick!

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: bigphxguy on July 21, 2011, 07:00:21 PM
While I sits and waits, I'm trying to learn more about my machine.  Does anyone have a copy of the PAR for SS4169 and SS4171 they wouldn't mind sharing?  I have both of these SS chips but know nothing about them.   :99-


Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: poppo on July 21, 2011, 07:05:09 PM

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: bigphxguy on July 21, 2011, 07:19:46 PM

Thanks...AGAIN!!!  (What don't you have???)  :131-

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: poppo on July 21, 2011, 07:23:19 PM
(What don't you have???) 

The winning lotto numbers.  :72-

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work (SOLVED!)
Post by: bigphxguy on July 22, 2011, 11:07:42 PM
Yahtzee!!!   :109-

I received my Clear Chip and SET090 Chip today in the mail.  I must have sounded like a little kid on Christmas morning when I opened the mailbox!   :204-

With the help of the clear chip, the SET090 chip, and a little knowledge and assistance from this forum  :131-, my machine is running like new again and all of my annoying issues are HISTORY!!!   :185-

Thanks to all who helped me out  :291-.  Hopefully I can pay it forward. 

Cheers!!!  :151-


(I discovered the second page of emoticons...can't you tell???)

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: poppo on July 22, 2011, 11:10:26 PM
Glad you got it working.  :244-

Title: Re: S+ No Reel Spin Sounds, all other sounds work
Post by: stayouttadabunker on July 22, 2011, 11:50:40 PM
yes...We "sits and waits" no more!!!  :72-
Well, until the next problem pops up!  :96-