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General NLG Chat => Welcome wagon and General Chat (Off-Topic Post Welcome) => Topic started by: kenokarz on July 22, 2011, 05:20:21 PM

Title: yahoo mail
Post by: kenokarz on July 22, 2011, 05:20:21 PM
does anyone know how to go back to old style mail on yahoo, they switch me to the new beta and it sucks im using windows xp
any help please getting the classic mail back

Title: Re: yahoo mail
Post by: Magicslots on July 22, 2011, 05:29:44 PM
I'm not sure you can go back...yesterday they forced? me to switch and I am using Win7 Ultimate...
Like you I prefer the older style :279-

Title: Re: yahoo mail
Post by: kenokarz on July 22, 2011, 05:44:48 PM
maybe someone here know how to set it back, I'm sure in a couple of days yahoo will get a ear full, if they want to change them they  should give us a option to go back, i have had my yahoo account so long i hate to change to a new email server, but maybe that's the way to go

Title: Re: yahoo mail
Post by: kenokarz on July 22, 2011, 05:48:33 PM
i went to yahoo page this is what they have posted

Can I switch back to a previous version of Mail?
Last Updated: July 20, 2011
Text Size: A A A

We have removed the "Return to Original Mail" link from the help menu as we're strongly encouraging all users to migrate to the newest version of Yahoo! Mail. We will continue to invest heavily in the latest version of Yahoo! Mail, further improving it and delivering more compelling features to our users.

We know that changing to a new interface can seem daunting, so we’ve done everything possible to make the transition easy. We have created help pages specifically for users who have recently switched to the newest version of Yahoo! Mail, highlighting differences that you may notice:

Title: Re: yahoo mail
Post by: kenokarz on July 22, 2011, 05:56:21 PM
i have also contacted them a sent them a email
your new mail sucks, i want my old classic view back please tell me how to get back to my old mail veiw, i have also contacted my buddys at
we have a post going , on how much the new mail sucks

Title: Re: yahoo mail
Post by: knagl on July 22, 2011, 06:48:41 PM
Switch to Gmail ( -- you'll never look back.  (Also, if Yahoo Mail supports POP3 protocol, you can configure your Gmail account to check for new mail from your old Yahoo account.)

Title: Re: yahoo mail
Post by: poppo on July 22, 2011, 07:42:55 PM
I have a Yahoo account, but I use Outlook or an e-mail client on my phone or iPad. I never use the web based interface, so any changes don't bother me.

That said, I also have a gmail account and the only reason I keep the yahoo account is I have so many things tied to it. But I don't use the web intrface for that either.

Title: Re: yahoo mail
Post by: daddy2yea on July 22, 2011, 08:14:18 PM
Two Methods to Switch back to Classic Mail:

First Method:
A •Safe Work Around• - in Firefox or Google Chrome Browser.
(Did Not Work In IE8)
Click "Tools" "Options" "Content"
UN-check/Disable •enable JavaScript•
click OK.

Log back in to Yahoo! Mail through Your Browser -- Switch to Classic Mail....
THEN RE-Enable your Java Script.
2nd Method:
Lower your Screen Display Resolution:
When The Screen Resolution is too Low for the "New Yahoo! Mail" (formerly Beta),
A message appears asking "Do you want to switch to Mail Classic?"
Click ►"Yes"......
Once Done, RE-Set your Screen Resolution.

♦IMPORTANT NOTE -- Do The Screen Resolution in Stages!
A Screen Resolution less than the Original Setting causes Unstable Effects
in the way web pages and formats appears.

Found on Yahoo answers.  Mike

Title: Re: yahoo mail
Post by: poppo on July 22, 2011, 08:19:10 PM
I think any switch back is going to be temporary until they remove the old version permanently. The e-mail I received back in April said:

If you don’t upgrade now, we recommend that you upgrade soon. Your current version of Yahoo! Mail will be available for the next few months, but eventually you will need to upgrade to the newest version of Yahoo! Mail , or review Yahoo! Mail Help for other options.