New Life Games Tech Forums

**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S2000 and Vision Games. => Topic started by: eferry on July 30, 2011, 02:02:34 PM

Title: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: eferry on July 30, 2011, 02:02:34 PM
Can someone help me Trouble shoot my Dick Clark Rockin New Years eve vision game. Game was on and working. After about an hour or so . I came over to play it and the LCD was blank and so was the the credit panel. The cpu board lights were all on and the red light blinking.  So far I have checked all the connectors, swapped out the inverter board, swapped out the power supply. The cpu battery reads 2.6 volts. The battery on the lcd board reads around 2.2 volts. I am stumped at this point,  Has anyone else had this problem .
Note:  When you turn the game on the LCD neons light then go off and game does not boot.

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: eferry on July 30, 2011, 03:03:05 PM
New up date. I found a disconnected cable behind the coin box and reconnected. Machine has powered up and  some boot up errors. ram error etc. I have reset the machine and followed the options on the display panel. The display panel reads Waiting for the Video Display then says Display passed self test then says msverify comm 1 error then goes back to waiting for the video display. Lcd does not come on.

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: cowboygames on July 30, 2011, 03:09:56 PM
Your lcd battery is very low, that could be one cause. If your game uses a 1270 MPU board and the green battery is dead, that could be another. That's where I'd start

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: eferry on July 30, 2011, 03:28:20 PM
if i replace the battery will i need to key chip first before turnig on. I have key chip 000017 and 00097.

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: cowboygames on July 30, 2011, 03:30:30 PM
Generally, replacing the lcd battery doesn't require a key chip. Changing the MPU battery might though and you're likely to need a key31 for that

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: eferry on July 30, 2011, 04:50:22 PM
I have ordered a new mpu and cpu battery. Not sure aboiut the key chip for a vision game. Thanks for your input.

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: cowboygames on July 30, 2011, 05:10:57 PM
The key31 generally works well on vision games. Let us know how it goes when you get the new batteries in.

Title: Dick Clark vision LCD monitor won;t come on
Post by: eferry on July 30, 2011, 10:31:41 PM
Machine comes on and cannot get past communicating with video.  machine then says Call attendant then door open M then Video display comm failure. it will not get past connect to video. replaced CPU battery with no effect. replaced LCD inverter board and LCD fan. power supply is also good. Please help.

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: StatFreak on July 30, 2011, 10:52:17 PM
Topics merged and moved to S2000 Vision board.

Please do not start multiple topics for the same problem. Also, the monitor repair logs are NOT for questions; they are for posting solutions only.


StatFreak :31-
:nlg-  Global Moderator

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: eferry on July 31, 2011, 01:51:13 PM
OK this is my first post.  I do have a update.  Found a loose wire on the back of the front door that plugs in to a board with a white cover over it. It says on the board LCD display.  Machine powers up and door panel display reads the following.
Waiting for display
msverify comm error / msverify comm error / display passes self test / check video display / reels spin / call attendant / closuer  M / video display failure.

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: cowboygames on July 31, 2011, 01:58:31 PM
Do you EVER get any kind of display or message on the LCD display? I suppose it if you've replaced the battery on the driver board for the lcd display already there could be a problem with your ATA card up there. You might try unplugging and reseating ALL the plugs in the top box also. Could still be a bad connection there

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: eferry on July 31, 2011, 09:37:19 PM
I never got a display or message on the LCD.  I am waiting on a new lcd battery but old one reads 2.8 volts.  I will keep you up dated after that.  Thanks for your assistance.  I may have to start looking for a slot technician soon.

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: kforeman on August 03, 2011, 01:33:50 AM
 :238- first off welcome to NLG!!

i think your 17 chip will probably be ok for your vision game; back when the visions were new to casino floors that was about the only keychip around so i would think that all of the vision software would probably work with a 17 chip.  :89- in the future if you want some newer games on the S2000 platform you will probably want to get a 31 and/or 45 keychip though.
it sounds to me like your problem is with your top box LCD or the software as cowboygames mentioned, this isn't the news you wanted to hear i'm sure but... :280-

are the backlights on the top box LCD coming on?  can you verify that there is correct power going into the LCD?  if you turn the reset key or hit the white mpu button do you get any other error messages or does the game go into the menu?  :211-

btw: the "display passes self test" message isn't referring to your top box LCD so don't let that fool you. :7-

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: eferry on August 03, 2011, 07:19:24 PM
The neon lighting around the LCD screen comes on but the screen is black. Hitting the reset or pressing the the test switch has no affect . The display panel just says waiting for video. No lights are lit on the CPU board they go off when the machine reads waiting for video.  I have no clue what to do next.

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: eferry on August 04, 2011, 06:51:08 PM
Latest update. Replaced LCD battery, CPU battery, replaced LCD inverter board, Checked all connectors, swapped out power supply and display board. Made no difference. Machine turns on an gets stuck on waiting for video display. Hitting reset switch or test button on main board has no affect what so ever. Very frustrated with the machine. I am out of patience and ideas. right now I have an expensive decoration piece.  HELP !!!!

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: kforeman on August 04, 2011, 07:16:30 PM
Latest update. Replaced LCD battery, CPU battery, replaced LCD inverter board, Checked all connectors, swapped out power supply and display board. Made no difference. Machine turns on an gets stuck on waiting for video display. Hitting reset switch or test button on main board has no affect what so ever. Very frustrated with the machine. I am out of patience and ideas. right now I have an expensive decoration piece.  HELP !!!!

it's been awhile since i've dealt with a vision problem but as cowboygames mentioned your top box LCD software could have crapped out.  or maybe the built-in PC on the LCD.  i do know that we had to reload the software sometimes when we had them and we did lose LCD's every now and then too, i think we were paying IGT around $5K for new LCD's in those days.  i would say it may be time to try to reload the software or look for an LCD unfortunately.  but it's been about 7 years since i had my head in a vision game so maybe one of the members who has one will suggest something else.  g/l  :50-

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: eferry on August 04, 2011, 07:34:26 PM
After the machine has been on awhile. Hitting the reset switch puts the machine in[ accounting status.] panel lights on are change, cash credit, select lines, spin reels ,play max credits.  I don't think the LCD is the problem. It doesn't seem to communicate to the cpu. LCD is blank. 

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: knagl on August 04, 2011, 08:27:36 PM
I'm very untrained when it comes to Vision machines, but it sounds to me like the PC that drives the LCD topbox monitor isn't booting.  Is there an external VGA port on that PC that he could plug a known good monitor into to test it and confirm that theory?

Are the power supplies for the top box PC easily replacable?

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: cowboygames on August 04, 2011, 08:44:47 PM
Which model MPU board does your game have? Does it's cmos battery slide in or solder in? Also, try starting the game with the door IO crads removed just to see if the LCD will at least light then. If you've got a slide in battery on the MPU I'm thinking your green NiCad battery might be bad. Barring that I'm wanting to also check if one of your IO cards is bad. And if you would, also try removing and re-seating the power supply behind the reels. Do you have a differant power supply you could swap into the machine for a test?

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: eferry on August 04, 2011, 11:18:01 PM
the board says model1952.0
sn d67694
75510504 revb
i am not sure what the io door crads are or located. the green battery was removed prior to me owning the game so it doesn't have one. Is that a problem.  I have a soldered battery. I have already swapped out the power supply with one from my other vision game.

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: cowboygames on August 04, 2011, 11:33:27 PM
That's a 504 board and shouldn't need the green battery so that's not thhe problem. The door IO cards are mounted on either side of the sheet metal plate on the inside of the door. They have handles so you can pull them out and are 7802 boards. The game won't start with them removed, but if they are the problem then removing them should allow the LCD to start and show some kind of message. You also have a cabinet IO board mounted to the side of the MPU housing which you might pull as a test also. If none of this works, just for shits and grins, try starting the game with the candle unplugged. Anyway, this is an elimination process and you need to eliminate these things as potential problems.

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: eferry on August 05, 2011, 07:36:38 PM
I have tried all of the above. Nothing has worked up to this point. I am taking a break from it for now. Thanks for your help.

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: TZtech on August 05, 2011, 08:09:54 PM
Hi There

Your machine wont start until it establishes comms to the LCD in the topbox. Either its not working or the wiring between the two is unplugged. Normally the LCD wont display anything either until it talks to the machine (Has been a while since I worked on one maybe somebody with a vision can confirm this statement). Anyways the LCD is just a small stand alone PC running a custom app from the flash card. There is a small jumper inside the LCD that you can enable that will enable permanet display on the LCD. Once you have done this you should at least be able to see the LCD perform the boot sequence.

Refer to attached.


Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: StatFreak on August 05, 2011, 10:16:58 PM
Ian,  :259- for the documentation. :71-

SF :31-

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: eferry on August 05, 2011, 11:14:49 PM
i will give this a try, my monitor has a top flash card and a second card on the side plus a cd rom player on the front of the lcd. Does this make a difference.

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: eferry on August 06, 2011, 02:10:59 PM
I have a new up date. I put a jumper on JP1 and LCD lights up white screen then in goes slowly back to black. removed the flash card but the monitor still does not boot up.

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: TZtech on August 06, 2011, 02:50:05 PM

Try removing the memory modules (RAM) and clean contacts with a eraser or something similar and replace them making sure they are inserted correctly

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: eferry on August 17, 2011, 12:00:24 AM
Latest update. CPU board was swapped out as well as the i/o cards. Still no power to the monitor. Spoke with Blue ridge slots and they will trouble shoot the monitor for me. Will post an update when I hear on the monitor. Special thanks to John for helping me out with the game. 

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: eferry on December 17, 2011, 04:13:38 PM
Does anyone know whats up with Blueridge slots. They have my Dick Clark monitor for over 3 months. They do not respond to emails or voice mail. I spoke to Jim 3 weeks ago and told him to just ship back the monitor . I still did not get it back. I am frustrated and wonder if any one else is having problems with Blueridge. Any ideas what I should do next?

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: knagl on December 20, 2011, 06:58:50 PM
Jim is a respected and valued member of the NLG community.  It's been mentioned on the forum before that he has had some health issues that he's had an ongoing battle with -- I'm not sure if that's what has happened here or not.  I can't speak to him not responding to your messages, but I can suggest that you try sending him a PM through this site (here (;sa=send;u=76)) -- he'll see it for sure next time he logs on, and hopefully will get back to you. 

I know a number of times in the past other folks have said they haven't heard back from him he had in fact replied, but the reply ended up the recipient's "spam" e-mail.  If you have a spam or junk folder in your e-mail, it might be worth checking that out to see if his reply may have gotten directed there by mistake.

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: eferry on December 20, 2011, 08:18:07 PM
Does anyone know Jim's user name through this site so I can contact him,

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: CaptainHappy on December 20, 2011, 08:29:23 PM
Does anyone know Jim's user name through this site so I can contact him,

Here is his profile....;u=76 (;u=76)

CaptainHappy :95-

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: knagl on December 20, 2011, 08:42:56 PM
I had also included a direct link to send him a PM in my previous reply.   :71-

I can suggest that you try sending him a PM through this site (here (;sa=send;u=76)) -- he'll see it for sure next time he logs on, and hopefully will get back to you.

Best of luck with your situation.  Jim is a stand-up guy -- I'm pretty sure there's just a communication snafu in play here.

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: Yoeddy1 on December 20, 2011, 10:36:56 PM
Very stand-up guy.  I communicate with Jim often and did last week.  The guy gets busy...maybe he's busy wrapping up for the year.


Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: eferry on January 14, 2012, 03:08:34 PM
Well I have tried contacting Jim again through this website and again no response to my requests.  This is just not acceptable business practice regardless of any health issues. I am concerned I will never get back my monitor and be left with a broken machine. If any one can help. I would certainly appreciate it.

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: keystone9 on July 25, 2012, 06:18:56 PM
This machine found it's way to my shop to try to fix all of the above problems and I found two problems with the machine. First the display battery was dead and second the three wire communication plug on top of the video display was not a good connection. Just a little tweaking of the connectors and the game has been up and running for about two months. It just go's to show, check the obvious first. Bill, Keystone Coin-OP

Title: Re: IGT Slot Machine Dick Clark Rockin New years eve Problems powering up.
Post by: Koni on August 10, 2012, 09:13:48 PM
This machine found it's way to my shop to try to fix all of the above problems and I found two problems with the machine. First the display battery was dead and second the three wire communication plug on top of the video display was not a good connection. Just a little tweaking of the connectors and the game has been up and running for about two months. It just go's to show, check the obvious first. Bill, Keystone Coin-OP
This is why I call you with stupid questions. You have taught me a lot. If anyone needs a strait up answer, call Bill he is a stand up guy!!! -Koni