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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => Other Reel Games => Topic started by: dhpnet on October 16, 2011, 06:50:40 AM

Title: Jennings 400 Payouts and Logic
Post by: dhpnet on October 16, 2011, 06:50:40 AM
I recently picked up what I believe is a Jennings 400 based on photos I have seen on the internet, and based on the manual I downloaded from jenningslots. It was in pretty bad shape, but I have rebuilt everything and now it works great. I actually really like this machine. It's fun to play around with. I have a few questions though.

First, Is it possible to change the amount that is paid out on a win? Currently the minimum payout on my machine is 20 coins. Can lower that to 5 coins?

Second, I figured out how the jumpers on the board behind the reels corresponds to the reel strips, and I plan to make new reel strips and add more jumpers to increase the odds a little. But my machine is only using the SB, DB and TB columns on the back matrix board. What are the B, P, O, and C columns for? Can I use these without making changes to the logic board? Or are these for other logic board configurations?

Third, does anyone have any information on the logic board itself? I would like to know more about how it works. If I cant find the info then I guess I will have to look up all the chips and draw it out myself, but it would be especially cool if someone already had that info.

Oh, and one last question. I seems like the motor/gearbox is quite loud. Is this normal for these machines?

Title: Re: Jennings 400 Payouts and Logic
Post by: Ron (r273) on October 16, 2011, 12:15:33 PM
 :238-  dhpnet.

I don't know anything about a Jennings but have you preformed a search for Jennings 400 in the search box above? This might
give you a little more information and find a forum member that is versed in Jennings machines. Op-Bell is one that comes to mind.

Ron (r273)

Title: Re: Jennings 400 Payouts and Logic
Post by: dhpnet on October 16, 2011, 08:34:20 PM
Thanks for the nice welcome. I actually did a pretty comprehensive search on the site. I even did a google advanced search to search though all the treads on this site. I saw a lot of stuff on Jennings 400 machines, but no answers to the questions I posted. Any help would be appreciated.

Title: Re: Jennings 400 Payouts and Logic
Post by: dhpnet on October 18, 2011, 01:30:19 AM
Well, I figured out some of the answers to my own question. I thought I would share what I found out in case anyone else visiting this forum has a similar question.

After doing some more Google searches I saw other jennings 400 machines that had Bells, plumbs, oranges and cherries on the reel strips. So I figured out that on the matrix board behind the reels TB stands for Triple Bar (my machine uses 7s instead of triple bars), DB stands for double bar, SB stands for single bar, B stands for bells, P stands for plumbs, O stands for Oranges and C stands for cherries. I tested my machine by placing a jumper on an empty cherry column for reel 1 and it paid out 2 coins. So I guess you can add additional payouts by adding more jumpers and changing the reel strips.

By playing with my machine some more I figured out the following payouts. My machine has one payout line and accepts up to 5 coins. Here is what I figured out on the payouts on my machine.

My machine uses 7s for the triple bar.
TB, TB, TB = 1st coin = 200, 2nd coin = 400, 3rd = 600, 4th = 800, 5th = 2000
DB, DB, DB = 100, 200, 300, 400, 500
SB, SB, SB = 20, 40, 60, 80, 100
First coin for three bells pays out 18
First coin for three plums pays out 14
Three Oranges = 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
Double cherry = 5, 10, 15, 20, 25
Single Cherry = 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

That is what I have figured out so far. If anyone has more info on the logic board, I would love to see it. Also, I am still trying to figure out if the motor on my machine is just extra noisy, or if all of these machines are noisy. I would love to hear what other owners of these machines think.

Title: Re: Jennings 400 Payouts and Logic
Post by: Op-Bell on October 26, 2011, 01:29:41 AM
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