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**Video Slots** Gaming machines => Aristocrat Video Gaming Machines => Topic started by: PHALANAX on October 18, 2011, 07:21:08 PM

Title: ARISTOCRAT GUNS AND ROSES draw poker 1994 era
Post by: PHALANAX on October 18, 2011, 07:21:08 PM
jUST GOT IT....screen working but was frozen with a call attendant message frozen also...the light tower was not keys....jimmied it open without damage ...door wasnt beeping on open ...screen works picture of cards on it but had a frozen call attendant message....Now after tinkering.. door beeps when opening...light tower goes green then after a while a second green flashes and screen message changes to call attendant hopper empty... this message now flashing whereas before there anyway of tricking the coin hopper into thinking a refill has occurred...Have noticed the microswitch in upper segment activated by key (that i dont ..nothing happens when i push it in...also other key switch ..ive cut the 2 wires to it ..nothing happens when i short them....The machine however is doing more than when i first got it going....Is there hope for a game of draw lighting working...Only have 4 of the coins it takes as these coins are not in circulation anymore...Is the hopper the least of my probs...Have 2 other fully working later model aristocrats....bought this one for spare parts but it seems to want to go....Id like to restore it to its former glory....It has all its service majors lots of 2w bulbs...from research..its a 2.5.mk4 ? internal power switch has no green led s on box...olde unit just fuse and metal on off switch...plated as a 2.5 jubilee model UPDATE ....  UNIT NOW FULLY FUNCTIONAL...FIXED IT MYSELF...LOL

Title: Re: ARISTOCRAT GUNS AND ROSES draw poker 1994 era
Post by: SS308 on October 18, 2011, 08:04:03 PM
Looks like your in NZ by your username?
If so contact Mike@Reelgames, he is on the northshore of Auckland sure he can help you out.

Title: Re: ARISTOCRAT GUNS AND ROSES draw poker 1994 era
Post by: PHALANAX on October 18, 2011, 08:09:32 PM
Yep... thanx for that....I know a couple of people that could service this model ...but am looking at using some good ole kiwi no8 wire taught myself to build and repair pc's am hoping to do the same with arcade and gaming machs....ALL BLACKS ARE GONNA STOMP FRANCE AND ADD THE RUGBY WORLD CUP TO THE LEAGUE WORLD CUP...SUNDAY...YEEHAH...look away if your

Title: Re: ARISTOCRAT GUNS AND ROSES draw poker 1994 era
Post by: SS308 on October 18, 2011, 08:11:59 PM
Yeh hope they do France in like they did to us on the WE, Mike @ reelgames kept the texts going throughout the match.
You in Auckland area??

Title: Re: ARISTOCRAT GUNS AND ROSES draw poker 1994 era
Post by: PHALANAX on October 18, 2011, 08:18:38 PM
Auckland...yep out west...timed out thats why it took me a while to figure out where the reply tab wondered off will email mike and see what the damage will be if I have no luck scouring the net.....prefer to fix it myself though that way I might learn ...

Title: Re: ARISTOCRAT GUNS AND ROSES draw poker 1994 era
Post by: PHALANAX on October 18, 2011, 10:58:49 PM
AFTER a bit of no8 repair work am glad to say unit is working all i need to do is refurbish the rusty exterior...signage is good.......Main thing is its working .....slight prob though ive only got 4 coins and one coin is needed for the  ANYWAY OF FOOLING THE COIN SLOT INTO CLOCKING UP CREDITS.....

Title: Re: ARISTOCRAT GUNS AND ROSES draw poker 1994 era
Post by: PHALANAX on October 20, 2011, 09:35:04 PM
Machine now fully functional everything working 100%......its a joy to play...coin comparitor accepts the new denomination coinage.....hoping to replace the locksets and resets jackpot key switches (had to damage to get door open ....) hoping to score a  collect button lower switch as i managed to fix the one ive got but it really needs a replacement (not sure how long the glue will hold...all minor issues but...light tower working all going primo will post some pics when i get time cheers............
If you want something done it mode works as well.....YEEHAH.... :200-

Title: Re: ARISTOCRAT GUNS AND ROSES draw poker 1994 era
Post by: PHALANAX on October 22, 2011, 07:53:30 AM
The machines actually a 1993 model....its going well and the screen is very crisp has very little sign of screen burn came from a West Auckland New Zealand bar known as 'shooters bar'  from the documentation recovered it spent a littleover 3 years at this bar..Where it went from there I am not sure the person I recently purchased it from had it for some time but was unable to get it fully working as they had no keys and didnt want to pull the locks....its up to 13000 +.. plays since a royal flush and from playing it is a tight  payer ..... the photo of the machine has not captured the bottom window accurately the signage is very clean and features 2 pistols ......I was tempted to have a look at re-plating the gold plate ...but have decided to keep it as is ..original... i have removed lightly the surface rust and given it a very light coat of grease inside and out ...I will play it for a while then store itHave posted pics ...the machine pic does not show the units light tower fitted was taken when i was working on im on the hunt for another slot project....