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**Video Slots** Gaming machines => Aristocrat Video Gaming Machines => Topic started by: michael44michael on November 09, 2011, 03:52:37 AM

Title: System Board Fan Faulty
Post by: michael44michael on November 09, 2011, 03:52:37 AM
It is an upright MAV-500, video, Buccaneer, top candle flashing, said System board fan faulty. I felt fan while running, turning fine, replaced it anyway and same problem there. System board fan faulty.

Suppose I should RAM clear the game?

Title: Re: System Board Fan Faulty
Post by: kforeman on November 09, 2011, 10:36:43 PM
It is an upright MAV-500, video, Buccaneer, top candle flashing, said System board fan faulty. I felt fan while running, turning fine, replaced it anyway and same problem there. System board fan faulty.

Suppose I should RAM clear the game?

ram clear and setchip probably won't do you much good.  on our MKVI games we just replace the fan even if it's still spinning; i've been told that the game monitors the rpm's of the fan and will give you this soft tilt when its spinning too slowly.  i have also seen 2 or 3 of these tilts only go away after changing a main board but that is very rare; those 2 or 3 have been over the past 9 years or so.  i think there was a discussion on the slot tech forum a few years ago that discussed a smt resistor on the main board that can be jumped to make the game stop monitoring the fan speed.  if i recall correctly the resistor was very near to the plug for the fan but i'm not 100% on this so modify at your own risk.  :60-
i would probably swap the main board withnew fan with another machine that you don't have the fan faulty message on and see if it follows.  or you could use a known good fan from another game to make sure you didn't get a bad new fan.
do you have any fluorescent lamps that are flickering or out?  flaky fluoros and their ballasts can cause all kinds of mayhem on an aristocrat machine. :103-

Title: Re: System Board Fan Faulty
Post by: michael44michael on November 10, 2011, 01:33:32 AM
Well had no flickering lights, but when I came to work today I see another tech looked at it and now the power supply has gone out. So now need to get a new power supply in before I can back to the origional problem. Will look for that resister or if all else fails, remove the tower lamp bulb. I know that's not good teching, but they are limited on spare parts, especially boards.


Title: Re: System Board Fan Faulty
Post by: kforeman on November 10, 2011, 01:41:34 AM
Well had no flickering lights, but when I came to work today I see another tech looked at it and now the power supply has gone out. So now need to get a new power supply in before I can back to the origional problem. Will look for that resister or if all else fails, remove the tower lamp bulb. I know that's not good teching, but they are limited on spare parts, especially boards.


i totally understand about pulling a bulb on an Aristo.  :89-  we had a few games with bulbs pulled because we didn't want to spend the cash on new I/O's when the only problem was a button lamp or candle lamp stayed on.  we've gotten past that since we learned how to replace the smt transistors on the I/O boards but i agree 100%; a system board fan faulty soft tilt isn't a good reason to change a main board at $900+  :81-
good luck with the power supply; those are a bitch to work on too.  there are several discussions about them on the Delphi slot tech forum if you need info.  :79- :50-

Title: Re: System Board Fan Faulty
Post by: ChizzleMonkey on December 06, 2011, 11:49:44 AM
When replacing those fans it's important to match the fan speed. Some thermal paste seems to help too.