New Life Games Tech Forums

**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => Universal Reel/Video Games. => Topic started by: iNiLLeR on November 10, 2011, 10:40:08 AM

Title: My universal slot machine is broken :'( help plz
Post by: iNiLLeR on November 10, 2011, 10:40:08 AM
Hello people (uniman helped me last time, so i especially hope for your help again :P) (

The machine has bin working since last time i got help.. but last week i took the wheels for a spin and sundently it won't work...

i can put a coin in the machine and it go directly to the other coins... but the display isn't turned on and the 3 lights on the top are all off as well

pray for some help, cause i really love that machine :)!!

(sorry for my poor english I'm DanisH!)

Regards iNiLLeR!

Title: Re: My universal slot machine is broken :'( help plz
Post by: uniman on November 10, 2011, 11:41:15 PM
Hello iNiLLeR,

Sounds like a power supply issue.
First thing is to check your power source and the slot power cord. Where the cord enters the machine at the bottom of the machine it can get pinched.
After power source and cord are checked out then check the power supply.
This thread can help;

#1 suspect is the power supply noise filter as they often fail. Not needed for home use it can be bypassed.