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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S and S-plus Reel Games. => Topic started by: thegambler327 on November 25, 2011, 08:32:19 PM

Title: igt splus jackpot setting?
Post by: thegambler327 on November 25, 2011, 08:32:19 PM
heres my question of the week, is it possible to set my machine to to accumulate credits and then instead of cashing out quarters it would just lock up into a jackpot so i can reset it? I remember back in my days of working at the casino some machines were capable of doing that.So pretty much what i want to do is set the hopper limit at say 2000 credits and then it just turns into a jackpot when you cash out. Thanks again the new guy!

Title: Re: igt splus jackpot setting?
Post by: jay on November 26, 2011, 03:23:15 AM
On the S+ you have a Cash/Credit button.
Simply press this before your next spin and it will accumulate credits.

In the PSR you can have the game Default to Coin mode, Default to Credit mode or you can set it to toggle mode.

If it is set for Cash mode (per your described behavior)
If you do nothing for about 20secs after pressing the cash/credit button it will defaukt back to cash.

If it is set for Credit mode
If you do nothing for about 20secs after pressing the cash/credit button it will defaukt back to credit.

If it is set to toggle - it will stay as either cash or credit until you push the button again.

I recommend you go to Ricks FAq's on the middle of the page and use the supplied instructions to determine which game chip you have.
Once you have this post back and if your profile is up to date (with your email address) some kind sole might email you the PSR from their personal collection.

THe PSR (program summary report) is a document that shows you how to alter your S+ settings. The PSR is specifc to the game chip in the machine.

With respect to the cash out (and depending on which game chip you have) there is a settable hopper limit.
If the credits on the machine exceed the hopper limit the machine goes into hand-pay mode and you use the jackpot reset key to clear the payout.

There is usually a setting that sets max credits - for instance if you set this to 35 (super low number) as soon as the machine has 35 credits the machine will go into hand pay and make you clear the jackpot prior to game play continuing.

Hope this helps.

Title: Re: igt splus jackpot setting?
Post by: thegambler327 on November 26, 2011, 03:54:14 AM
i know how to let it accumulate credits. what i want to be able to do is let it go up to say 800 credits and instead of cashing out quarters i want it to go into a hand pay.i know how to adjust hopper limits.i dont want say a hit for 480 credits to be a jackpot i want it to just accumulate.

Title: Re: igt splus jackpot setting?
Post by: knagl on November 26, 2011, 08:23:59 AM
Yes, it's possible to do what you're asking, depending on the SP chip in your game (older ones can't, most newer ones can). What SP chip is in your machine?

Title: Re: igt splus jackpot setting?
Post by: thegambler327 on November 26, 2011, 12:54:18 PM
game chip is 932. now if that 1 wont do it i also have a 1271 that i ordered when i did my reel/game change.

Title: Re: igt splus jackpot setting?
Post by: knagl on November 29, 2011, 07:14:03 PM
On the SP932, the credit limit automatically matches the hopper limit, so that will not be able to do what you're trying to do.

The SP1271, on the other hand, supports separate credit and hopper limits, so you will be able to configure your machine the way you want by using that chip.  I've sent you some documentation via e-mail.


Title: Re: igt splus jackpot setting?
Post by: thegambler327 on November 30, 2011, 12:09:42 AM
ok got the email thanks and ill read up on that before i attempt anything

Title: Re: igt splus jackpot setting?
Post by: thegambler327 on December 03, 2011, 12:45:23 AM
ok i have to order a set chip now to get my dbv working again any ideas on where and what i should get? i went from the 932 to the 1271,i just swapped out my dbv from the 145 to the 200. i have a splus igt slant top

Title: Re: igt splus jackpot setting?
Post by: StatFreak on December 03, 2011, 01:05:52 AM
If you already have a SET015 or SET026 that you were using with your older chips, it will still allow you to turn on the DBV and set the denomination with the SP1271. If you're buying, the correct set chip for the 1271 is SET090. (Actually, it's one of several, all of which are listed in the PSR for SP1271.) It will also allow you to set up progressives in the future, if you wish.

If you don't have an older set chip for your older SP chip(s), I usually suggest the SET026 over the SET015 because it will let you set the denomination to a penny for those SP chips that support it (SP932 does). The SET015 only goes down to a nickel. Newbies usually like to have their machine denomination match the sticker and the coin, but after a while you might like the penny option because it allows you to get 100 credits per dollar (or 2000 credits for a $20 bill.) It makes putting lots of credits on the machine(s) for company much easier.