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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => **Reel Gaming Machines** **General Chat** => Topic started by: kimdol13 on December 28, 2011, 10:29:28 PM

Title: Can anyone check unmarked chips?
Post by: kimdol13 on December 28, 2011, 10:29:28 PM

I would like to thank you all for your assistance the past couple of days.   I was hoping that you might tell me how I could check some chips that were included with my machine.  I know there is supposed to be 3 games, but I have 9 chips.  1 is a CMOS, 1 is a SET.  I have identified a couple other as SP731, SP1160, SS3343, and SS3441.  I have no clue what the other 3 are.  Any suggestions on who I could send to?  Is there a way to check in the machine?

Hi there.  I'm happy to help you, although I would ask in the future that you please post your help requests out in the forum so that way everyone can help you (and you're not waiting on me to provide an answer when others could have already chimed in and given you help).

As far as the "unknown" chips -- are there not any labels on them?  The size of the chips could be a clue for some of them (for example, "27c256" or "27c64"), but on its own that won't tell us much.  Although, if you have 27c64 chips, those would likely be SS chips which you could use the machine to tell you what data is on them (using the method described here: ).  Other size chips, however, could be anything, and although it shouldn't cause much harm, I'd hesitate in suggesting that you stick them in your otherwise working machine.

It's possible to read in the chips with a EPROM reader/programmer.  I'm sure one of the members who has one handy would be willing to read them chips and label them for you -- you could post a request asking for that and I'm sure someone will volunteer to do that.  I do have a EPROM reader, however it is packed away in a box and I don't have easy access to it at the moment -- I know for a fact that there are other active members who have one hooked up and ready to go who will help you.

Again, welcome to the site.  You've found a great resource for help with your machine, and I'm glad to see that you've been digging through the FAQ files and have an interest in learning more about your machine -- that's what we're here for!  We're glad to have you here.


Title: Re: Can anyone check unmarked chips?
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 28, 2011, 10:35:26 PM
 :72- Looks like Knagl already answered most of it...!

If you really want to know what those chips are, mail them to me
and I will read them for you. 
I have an eprom reader... :89-

Title: Re: Can anyone check unmarked chips?
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 07, 2012, 01:52:58 PM
Okay Kimdol!
I have just received your chips in the mail last night.  :71-
Sooo... I'm here with my reader...results will be posted up very soon!
Thanks for the $2 bucks to mail it back to ya!
You didn't have to do that though but thanks anyways!! lol

Title: Re: Can anyone check unmarked chips?
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 07, 2012, 03:38:57 PM
I checked the 6 chips you've sent me.
You have one cool chip! An SS3343 Sizzling 7's 3CBP reel chip!
There's also a corrupted SP731 Type 0 10MHz chip that I cannot get to work at all.
I couldn't even erase it so I dumped it.
No use sending it back to you.

Here's the results of the others.
There's one mystery chip that looks like a SET or a Clear chip?
It's on an ST27C512 eprom.
I attached a snapshot of it here below for members o see if they recognize the "SSS+000" on address line: 2C50
The checksum is: CE35   Does anyone recognize it?
I will send them back in the mail Monday morning.

Title: Re: Can anyone check unmarked chips?
Post by: SLOTMAN on January 07, 2012, 03:40:32 PM
This may be a stupid question but you are reading low level language with a programmer / reader.  How are you able to determine exactly what the eprom is without having a clue like checksum?  I know every now and then there is info in ASCII but not always.

Title: Re: Can anyone check unmarked chips?
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 07, 2012, 03:42:01 PM
Here's the results of the others:

The 1st one is blank. (Checksum is:0000)
It's a STM27C512 chip and can be used for either an SS or SP chip.
I will stick a label that says blank on this one.
Here's a snapshot...>>>

Title: Re: Can anyone check unmarked chips?
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 07, 2012, 03:43:18 PM
This may be a stupid question but you are reading low level language with a programmer / reader.  How are you able to determine exactly what the eprom is without having a clue like checksum?  I know every now and then there is info in ASCII but not always.

If you look at the the photo Slotman - the checksum is displayed on the bottom row.
Thanks for the question - I hope that helps ya!

The 2nd one is a NMC27C64Q chip.
The checksum is: 4180
I have no idea what it's certainly not an SS or SP S+ chip.
Click on photo to enlarge...>>>

Title: Re: Can anyone check unmarked chips?
Post by: Buzz on January 07, 2012, 04:03:07 PM
Bunker the last one is pretty easy to tell you what it ain't.  It's not a SP because it's a 27C64  if it was a SS you would see the SS number bottom right  (BIN)

Title: Re: Can anyone check unmarked chips?
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 07, 2012, 04:07:38 PM
Bunker the last one is pretty easy to tell you what it ain't.  It's not a SP because it's a 27C64  if it was a SS you would see the SS number bottom right  (BIN)

I agree with you Buzz!
It's also NOT a reel chip either...although it can be used as one in the future.

The 3rd one you've sent me is a NM27C512 chip with 150ns speed.
Again, there is data written only on the 1st address line...not much to this.
I think it was a partially burned chip that someone uncompleted or couldn't fully erase.
Only the 1st 2 address lines have data... :103-
I will try to erase it to see if the chip can be used for something else.
 Here's a snapshot of it below...>>>

Title: Re: Can anyone check unmarked chips?
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 07, 2012, 04:19:06 PM
The 4th chip is an ST M27C512 device at 150ns speeds.
It's the perplexing one for me.
This one is that mystery chip I mentioned earlier.

I have seen this one somewhere before but cannot put my finger on it.
It has IGT in the top address line on the right hand side and also has that "SSS+000"
on address line: 2C50 and a check of CE35.

Is this a SET chip?
Don't SET chips normally have something like "(IVC123)" on an address line somewhere usually?
I'm going to pull out a SET and compare data...
ADD>>> I just looked at 5 different SET chips...nothing like this.
However, on the second photo does look a little similar to an SP731 chip ( you'll see the "SSS+731" in the address line data)
but this one has "SSS+000" ?  :103-

Of course, the last 2 chips are the Sizzling 7's and I fixed the SP731 chip to work!

Click on any photo to enlarge...>>>

Title: Re: Can anyone check unmarked chips?
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 09, 2012, 01:16:53 PM
In summary, this is what you have:

Chip#1) 512k Blank - could be used for something else!
Chip#2) 64k   Junk - can be used for an SS reel chip!
Chip#3) 512k Corrupt - can be for for an SS, SP, Clear, or SET chip!
Chip#4) 512k  ? - can be used for something else as well !
Chip#5) 512k Corrupted SP731 - Fixed!
Chip#6) 64k   SS3343 Sizzling 7's - Good!

Title: Re: Can anyone check unmarked chips?
Post by: knagl on January 18, 2012, 09:29:53 PM
K+ to you Bunker for taking the time and effort to help out another member.  Nice job, sir.

Title: Re: Can anyone check unmarked chips?
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 18, 2012, 11:14:04 PM
K+ to you Bunker for taking the time and effort to help out another member.  Nice job, sir.

Sir?!?!? You make me feel...uh...old!  :72- jk thanks knagl

I remember the first time a girl in a store said that to me...
I went out to the car with my stuff, got in, looked in the mirror and went "Aww...Sheeet!"   :96-