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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S and S-plus Reel Games. => Topic started by: mikejmcfall on January 06, 2012, 11:26:02 PM

Title: BV not working/Changed from DDD to Haywire Dlx & reset BV w/chip
Post by: mikejmcfall on January 06, 2012, 11:26:02 PM
My machine was a Dbl D Dlx (sp709 / ss4246) BV worked. Changed machine to a Haywire Dlx ( sp1274 / ss6418) reset BV with a chip, BV takes the bill all the way in, thinks for 1-2 sec. then spits it out. I put the DDD chips back in, reset BV and it works fine, tried with Haywire Dlx eproms, reset BV with no luck, takes bill in, thinks, spits it out.What do you guys think?????? could the ss or sp eprom for Haywire Dlx be programed for Canadian $$$$$. :137-

Title: Re: BV not working after changing from DDD to Haywire Dlx
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 06, 2012, 11:33:41 PM
could the ss or sp eprom for Haywire Dlx be programed for Canadian $$$$$. :137-

No, the chips don't know the difference in currencies unless you specifically set it up for Canadian money.
The chips work great for your U.S. money with the other chips.
 plus,...the Canadian money doesn't fit into U.S. DBV's - they're too wide.

I think you need to use the proper SET088 or SET091 chip for the newer SP1274 to enable the DBV.

Title: Re: BV not working/Changed from DDD to Haywire Dlx & reset BV w/chip
Post by: mikejmcfall on January 06, 2012, 11:36:57 PM
The Reset chip I used I got from Ebay, it has a #15 on it

Title: Re: BV not working/Changed from DDD to Haywire Dlx & reset BV w/chip
Post by: knagl on January 06, 2012, 11:43:37 PM
I think you need to use the proper SET chip for the newer SP1274 to enable the DBV.

I think you overlooked a key thing he said:   :71-

BV takes the bill all the way in, thinks for 1-2 sec. then spits it out.

The bill validator won't even try to accept a bill unless it's enabled, so his SET chip is likely fine.

What kind of bill are you using?  Try a nice $1 bill (only) for testing purposes.

Also, I strongly suspect that the ID requirement is different between the SP709 and the SP1274 -- I'll have to go look it up to confirm it.  What kind of bill validator do you have?  If it's a DBV-200, you simply need to (with the power off) flip DIP switch 10.

(Edited to add: Bah, the 709 PSR doesn't state what ID the bill validator is, but the 1274 does state ID 23 -- I'm nearly positive that's going to be the issue.)

Is the "Insert Coins" light flashing while it holds on to the bill for a few seconds?  If so, that confirms my suspicion.

Title: Re: BV not working/Changed from DDD to Haywire Dlx & reset BV w/chip
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 06, 2012, 11:47:56 PM
That's funny...the PSR for SP1274 specifically states that it needs either SET088 or SET091 ?
I wouldn't think the SET015 would do it - too old of a SET chip version?
You may be right about the DBV taking in the bill momentarily though - it my be "enabled"... :89-

Title: Re: BV not working/Changed from DDD to Haywire Dlx & reset BV w/chip
Post by: mikejmcfall on January 06, 2012, 11:49:41 PM
BV sticker is marked WBA-11-ss, also tried new bills , old bills, too many bills and no success.

Title: Re: BV not working/Changed from DDD to Haywire Dlx & reset BV w/chip
Post by: knagl on January 06, 2012, 11:54:46 PM
That's funny...the PSR for SP1274 specifically states that it needs either SET088 or SET091 ?
I wouldn't think the SET015 would do it - too old of a SET chip version?
You may be right about the DBV taking in the bill momentarily though - it my be "enabled"... :89-

It simply won't try to take in a bill at all if it's disabled.

As far as the SET chip, I've found that there are many more set chips beyond what is listed in the PSR that will enable a validator.  Of course, the "not listed" ones typically won't let you do SAS stuff and whatnot, but for the average home user it's just fine.

Back on track -- I'm not as familiar with the WBA-11s.  Does anyone know, is there any way to switch the ID from 22 to 23 on those, or are they fixed?

MIKEJMCFALL: Is there any indication on the validator about ID022 or ID023?  Does it have a removable EPROM?  I'm sorry, I'm showing my ignorance of the WBA-11, but I'm trying to figure out if you can switch between ID22 and 23 on those things.

(Also, not to muddy the waters here as I do think it's an ID issue, but there's this post ( with a similar situation, although the issue was the country code of the 1271 chip in that thread.)

Title: Re: BV not working/Changed from DDD to Haywire Dlx & reset BV w/chip
Post by: mikejmcfall on January 07, 2012, 12:06:37 AM
sticker on BV removable chip is WBA-10/11-ss  IDO 22/023 USA   V3.60-03 (OD8D) copy MGD DR/9/15/06. Ron from Samron slots sent me a IDO23 chip, I tried it but it didnt work so I put the orginal back in.I didnt move any dip switches but this BV has 8. When I say it didnt work I mean it took the bill in, thought about it then spit it out.

Title: Re: BV not working/Changed from DDD to Haywire Dlx & reset BV w/chip
Post by: coorslight115 on January 07, 2012, 12:56:41 AM
Everyone is going to say NO!!  :30- :30- but I have been here many times. You need to do a clear when going from a 709 to a 1274 when you get this issue. Fixes it everytime. And a set 15 will work with just about all SP chip for enabling the validator. It will not work for more important stuff like progressives ect...

Title: Re: BV not working/Changed from DDD to Haywire Dlx & reset BV w/chip
Post by: poppo on January 07, 2012, 03:26:13 AM
Someone has to ask - did you set the denomintion? And what are your credit limits with the the SP1274? If the denomination is not set, it defaults to zero and will reject bills. If you didn't set the credit limits, the bill might be putting it over the limit, and again reject it.

Title: Re: BV not working/Changed from DDD to Haywire Dlx & reset BV w/chip
Post by: poppo on January 07, 2012, 03:34:54 AM
Everyone is going to say NO!!  :30- :30- but I have been here many times. You need to do a clear when going from a 709 to a 1274 when you get this issue.

You are right - about eveyone saying no.   :96-
IMO if a clear fixes it, it's only because there was a setting that was set wrong to begin with. I've never needed to uses a clear going from any SP chip to another.

Title: Re: BV not working/Changed from DDD to Haywire Dlx & reset BV w/chip
Post by: mikejmcfall on January 07, 2012, 08:27:42 AM
I set the denomination @ 25 cents.Could someone explain how to set the credit limit? yesterday I got an error 12, I changed the battery about 1 yr ago. I don't know if this would be causing BV issues.

Title: Re: BV not working/Changed from DDD to Haywire Dlx & reset BV w/chip
Post by: OhioGaming on January 07, 2012, 11:41:16 AM
Everyone is going to say NO!!  :30- :30- but I have been here many times. You need to do a clear when going from a 709 to a 1274 when you get this issue.

You are right - about eveyone saying no.   :96-
IMO if a clear fixes it, it's only because there was a setting that was set wrong to begin with. I've never needed to uses a clear going from any SP chip to another.

I also agree with a wrong setting on a 10 MHz board.

On a 16 MHz board I believe a ram/set will have to be done more often than not when changing SP chips on a 16 MHz board i.e. from a 1309 to 1252.

EDIT: BTW this is when using a WBA. I really don't know if the results are the same using a DBV.

For the settings ..

Title: Re: BV not working/Changed from DDD to Haywire Dlx & reset BV w/chip
Post by: poppo on January 07, 2012, 12:47:48 PM
I set the denomination @ 25 cents.Could someone explain how to set the credit limit? yesterday I got an error 12, I changed the battery about 1 yr ago. I don't know if this would be causing BV issues.

After you set the denomination, did you press the self test one more time? If you don't, the setting won't get saved.

The 12 and battery issue should not affect anything. It will just cause the CMOS to lose it's memory. But it will get reloaded from EEPROM after the battery is replaced. You will get the typical 61 error to clear, but the BV settings are in EEPROM and will remain intact.

Attached is the PSR for SP1274.


Credit Limit <7> [5]   Determines the maximum number of credits that can be accumulated before the bill acceptor is disabled.  This limit must be less than or equal to the credit limit, or a maximum of $3,000.

If this is somehow set too low, the bill will still be accepted until it's value it read to see if it it will put over the limit.

While not directly related to your current issue, there is another thing to be aware of. Since the SP1274 is similar to the SP1271, this option is set in two places. First it must be enabled with the set chip before being able to change it. in setup. I'm not talking about enabling the BV, but there is another setting available when using the correct Set chip. If it's not properly enabled with the set, you can not change this setting and all bills will go to the tray. So at some point, you may want to get the right set chip for your SP1274. They are listed in the PSR

Bill Acceptor Pay Mode <0> [8]   The bill acceptor must be enabled with the set chip to change this option.  Options are pay coins from the hopper {2}, convert bills to credits {1}, or follow the player-initiated credit {0}.  If set to follow the player-initiated credit, bills are converted to credits if the player has selected the credit mode, or paid from the hopper if the player has selected the noncredit mode.

You can use this thread to help set up the SP1274, as they all apply. (

Title: Re: BV not working/Changed from DDD to Haywire Dlx & reset BV w/chip
Post by: mikejmcfall on January 08, 2012, 01:23:17 AM
Finally got some time to address the BV issue. I set the WBA 10/11 dip switch #1 to off and.......wait for it........wait for it
 :3- IT WORKS  :3- Thanks for everyone's input. I might put the #1 switch back to on and do a clear to see if that will work as well.

Title: Re: BV not working/Changed from DDD to Haywire Dlx & reset BV w/chip
Post by: coorslight115 on January 08, 2012, 01:31:47 AM
Finally got some time to address the BV issue. I set the WBA 10/11 dip switch #1 to off and.......wait for it........wait for it
 :3- IT WORKS  :3- Thanks for everyone's input. I might put the #1 switch back to on and do a clear to see if that will work as well.

Don't !   Leave it alone......It's not broke anymore...Don't fix it anymore !

Title: Re: BV not working/Changed from DDD to Haywire Dlx & reset BV w/chip
Post by: mikejmcfall on January 08, 2012, 01:34:49 AM
Maybe I can find a run of the mill S+ machine cheap and I can practice on it :30-

Title: Re: BV not working/Changed from DDD to Haywire Dlx & reset BV w/chip
Post by: knagl on January 08, 2012, 08:58:40 PM
Okay, I finally found some documentation I was looking for.

First, I agree, if it ain't broken, don't fix it.

Second, per the documentation I found from Robert E. Sult, DIP switch 2 controlls whether it's set for ID022 or ID023.  If switch 2 is on it's set for ID022.  If switch 2 is off it is set for ID023.

See the attached document for more details.

Title: Re: BV not working/Changed from DDD to Haywire Dlx & reset BV w/chip
Post by: poppo on January 08, 2012, 09:42:50 PM
Nevr mind. I read something wrong.  :25-

Title: Re: BV not working/Changed from DDD to Haywire Dlx & reset BV w/chip
Post by: Jim on January 09, 2012, 01:49:50 AM

I was looking through my wba notes. I found my wba flip cards, they also show switch -2 for the I/F  on=ID-022, off=ID023.  but in a hand written note is indicates switch 1 is the I/F for PE+.

next time I get to an S+ with a wba I'll do an experiment and post the results.
