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**Video Slots** Gaming machines => IGT I-Game and Game King. => Topic started by: Harrj on January 10, 2012, 02:06:30 AM

Title: New Game king questions
Post by: Harrj on January 10, 2012, 02:06:30 AM
I received a Game King multi-game for xmas and I am trying to figure out how to change the games. I realize I need a key chip, but I'm not sure which one I need or where to purchase it. I have program version M0000526, program crc 0943, set version G00002214, EPROM set coooo35, intel i960  Can anyone tell me which chip I need?  also, this may be a dumb question, but I've read turning off the machine drains the battery. Is it okay to leave it off when not using it, but plugged in?  This forum is so helpful and I appreciate any advice.


Title: Re: New Game king questions
Post by: kforeman on January 10, 2012, 05:03:30 PM
according to the PSR you will need keychip 17.  you've got a GameKing 4.0 set so you should be able to choose from several poker games, some keno themes, some video slot themes and blackjack! :3-
at the casino the machines never get turned off so batteries rarely drain.  i'm sure some of the home owners around here will chime in with their opinions on how often you need to power your machine up and down.  if you're going to turn it on at least a few times for a few hours per week then i'm sure you'll be fine. :89-

Title: Re: New Game king questions
Post by: Harrj on January 11, 2012, 01:53:53 AM
Thank you.  I am new to this and I would like to purchase a key chip to make some changes to my game setup.  Do you think I should purchase a clear chip too? I'm not exactly sure what the clear chip does, but I want to make sure I have everything I need incase I have any issues.  From reading this forum, I think I may need clear chip 97 or the combination key 22?  What would you recommend? Again,  I really appreciate any help.  :131-

Title: Re: New Game king questions
Post by: Jimise on January 11, 2012, 02:10:46 AM

Welcome Harrj !

The key 22 works just fine with my GK 4.0

Title: Re: New Game king questions
Post by: kforeman on January 11, 2012, 09:24:46 PM
Thank you.  I am new to this and I would like to purchase a key chip to make some changes to my game setup.  Do you think I should purchase a clear chip too? I'm not exactly sure what the clear chip does, but I want to make sure I have everything I need incase I have any issues.  From reading this forum, I think I may need clear chip 97 or the combination key 22?  What would you recommend? Again,  I really appreciate any help.  :131-

a clear chip will wipe the eeprom and the static ram.  static ram is where events that are temporarily stored on the machine is kept - stuff like last bills inserted, last game recalls, etc. basically any event that isn't permanent and will be overwritten.  the eeprom is located on the motherboard and is where the secure settings are kept - stuff like payback percentage, denomination, etc.  basically all settings that the casino operator wouldn't want changed very often.  :89-

The key 22 works just fine with my GK 4.0

if the 22 works for jimise then it may work for you as well.  :3- the 22 can perform one or any combination of these options: clear ram, clear ram and eeprom & enter keychip mode.  when we are changing themes on a GK machine we will clear ram and eeprom and perform the keychip but this is mostly for accounting reasons.  you could probably be good with just a keychip, especially if you're not changing your software and just want to enable/disable the various themes your software already has or if say you wanted to change it from a 25¢ machine to a 1¢ machine; this would just be a keychip for a home owner with no reason to clear the machine.  be warned though that once you get more comfortable with your machine and learn how many different games you can get for it you will probably be changing software pretty frequently. :96-

if i were in your shoes i would want a clear chip or a keychip that can clear the eeprom as well; unless you find someone with your exact game chip program you won't know if the 22 will work until you get it in.  i think that the 22 will most likely work for you and that should be all you need unless you want to make your machine a new theme.

do you have 1 or 2 rows of buttons on the player panel?  1 row is GK and 2 rows is GK+.  the GK+ is much more versatile so hopefully that's what you got for xmas  :71-
if you only have 1 row you can make it a + by adding the necessary harnessing and hardware; it's not too tough but i don't know what the parts would cost you - probably a whole lot less than what i would pay IGT if i wanted to convert one.  :25-  the + is capable of running the IGame themes with fun bonuses and sounds as well as basic poker and keno themes.

Title: Re: New Game king questions
Post by: Yoeddy1 on January 11, 2012, 11:29:16 PM
A 22 or a 40 will work with that version.  I have run them both with 4.0.


Title: Re: New Game king questions
Post by: Harrj on January 12, 2012, 10:48:08 PM
Thanks everyone for all the information.  Being new to this, I really appreciate all the help.  It looks like I have a GK not GK+.  I am going to try and find a key 22 to purchase. There is a slot game on my machine that is not showing up and it is my dad's favorite.  I want to make sure it's available when he comes to visit.
I'm sure I will be asking more advanced questions in the future, especially since I just found out I can change software :61- 
Oh yeah...any advice from a home owner on the battery.  I play my machine at night and keep it off most of the day, but plugged in.  Is this ok?