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**Video Slots** Gaming machines => Aristocrat Video Gaming Machines => Topic started by: custom_consoles on January 12, 2012, 11:17:49 PM

Title: n00b needing help - Aristocrat MK2.5
Post by: custom_consoles on January 12, 2012, 11:17:49 PM
Hi all :-) New member here,
Looking to get some info on a couple of Aristocrat MK2.5 I picked up from local dump.
I have a Lucky Strike Aristocrat machine that powers up but is locked on a screen with error 'stack overrun'??
Not sure what's up with that 1??

The 2nd machine was unfortunately home to rats for a while & most wires have been chewed up or damaged,
I removed the 'game board' & inserted it into the lucky strike machine & it boots to a screen saying
**Main Door Open** & *Tilt* Displayed on screen & no reaction to buttons ect, just frozen (same result with door closed),

I've done some reading here & would like to try a few things to try get something up & running,

Any help or info to send me in the right direction would be greatly apprieciated :-)

Title: Re: n00b needing help - Aristocrat MK2.5
Post by: custom_consoles on January 13, 2012, 08:52:54 AM
Here are links to Some pics of the Lucky Strike machine & the internals -

Both Machines including Lucky Strike - (

Screenshot of Lucky Strike with error on screen - (

Inside Lucky Strike - (

Lucky Strike 'game board' (MK2.5 on label) - ( (

Reset / Audit Key assembly (reset key barrel intact, I believe it's jackpot key barrel
been removed to show small black button) - (

The following pic is the 'game board' removed from the dead machine on left & installed in Lucky Strike to show **Main Door Open** **Tilt** error - (

So I'm currently stuck as not sure what to do with either board??

Title: Re: n00b needing help - Aristocrat MK2.5
Post by: custom_consoles on January 14, 2012, 11:59:30 AM
Just a bit of a follow up to my own posts here in case anyone was actually interested,

I managed to get 1 of the games 'mostly' runnIng for now :-)

The 1st Aristocrat MK2.5 'Lucky Strike' machine was locked on a 'Stack Overrun' error screen,
The 2nd MK2.5 'Money or the Box' machine was badly damaged by rats however the boards are mostly intact,
When I inserted the game board (1 with the game rom chips) from the 'Money or the Box' into the 'Lucky Strike'
machine it would boot to a frozen screen with **Main Door Open** (even while door shut) with no respond from any buttons/keys,

So for some reason I decided to try swapping the other board (1 with the red switches ect) from the 'Money or the Box' machine to the 'Lucky Strike' machine & when turned on I was presented with the same *Main Door Open** screen but this time the machine was actually beeping at me that the door was open & sure enough when closed the error disappeared & was ready to go :-)

There was even credit still on it so had a few presses & even got the feature & won a few $ (of coarse no $$ actually in it :-(

Did notice thou when I turned on to the Audit screen there was some weird flashing letters next to 1 of the values written on screen, but will research further into that tomorrow,

A few more notes to mention,
*i noticed some of the buttons on the machine were not working correctly,
Say I would press 'bet 20' & reels would spin & bet 15 instead? Or would press 'Take Win' & then reels would spin & would bet 20.. The wiring itself seems correct to the back of the buttons, could that be related to the weird graphics I was getting in the Audit Screen?

*Also just to note, when I tried replacing the 'Lucky Strike' game board I still get the 'Stack Overrun' error but I read in another thread here that's possibly related to a chip on that board that may need to be removed for a short period of time then replaced & put thru a memory reset so I may try that down the track.

I also originally had a problem with not having the Jackpot/Audit keys (as the machines were picked up second hand from local dump), I did manage to get around that problem quite easy after a while,

A mate ripped apart the Audit Key Barrel & we noticed it was just a basic contact switch that crossed the 2 wires coming from the back of the barrel when the key gets turned, so I had a few simple on/off switches from the back of PC power supply's so I just re-wired the 2 wires from the Audit Key barrel to the back of the switch so now I just have the switch mounted on the side of the machine, All I need to do is turn on the switch & I'm in Audit Screen Mode :-) Same goes for Jackpot reset switch (Can post pics if anyone is interested in that),

So I'm gradually making a few steps forward but would still appreciate any advise on the problem with the weird graphics in the Audit Screen & the strange mis-wired buttons..

Cheers :-)

Title: Re: n00b needing help - Aristocrat MK2.5
Post by: n8574r on January 14, 2012, 07:37:27 PM
Hey n00b I have exactly the same problem on my lucky strike but a mate is having a crack at it at the moment so if all goes well ill give u some more knowledge as he makes progress. :) n8574r

Title: Re: n00b needing help - Aristocrat MK2.5
Post by: n8574r on January 15, 2012, 04:11:33 AM
He ended up rewireing the audit and jackpot key like u said and did a basic reset and hey presto the darn thing works fine he even set it up to ba 10c instead of a dollar 4 me. Happy days hope that does something as I'm not the fixer just the player. ;P Nate