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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S2000 and Vision Games. => Topic started by: rarestamx on January 14, 2012, 09:19:52 PM

Title: touch pad display problems
Post by: rarestamx on January 14, 2012, 09:19:52 PM
Working on a S2000 vision 3 reel, switched the display from 552 to 663. Set it up multi denom. Game works perfectly, as well as touch pad. Switches denoms as it should. But the display will not cycle the lights through the denoms. They all stay lit at once. Ive tryed all i know. switched, displays and touch pads, and display light boxes. And version chips. No change. all components work in my 5 reels, but this 3 reel is driving me nuts. Any one had this problem, and worked through it. ?

Title: Re: touch pad display problems
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 14, 2012, 10:24:45 PM
It is strange that the denom switches but the LEDs remain lit behind the Touch Cell pad.
I've never heard of this happening before.
It's very possible that the tiny wires coming out of the touchpad and going into the driver isn't seated right.
Gently push the back of the wires where they exit the driver board behind the little white Molex.
It's possible that one of the pins isn't seated right?

This touchpad works in another known good machine right?
If so, then there's nothing wrong with the driver board or harness - but rather, the harness that goes to the back of the display board.
The 2-wire (red and green) is what gives power to the LEDs from the s2000.
Check and see if it's not broken somewhere and grounding out on metal? especially the green wire.

If you have another touch pad - try swapping that with the display panel to see if you can single out the problem.
If the new touchpad LEDs stay all lit up, then the problem will be in the main display panel.
At that point - if you can swap that display to see if that clears things up on the touchpad LEDs.

Title: Re: touch pad display problems
Post by: rarestamx on January 14, 2012, 10:39:59 PM
Bunker, you lost me here. i have swapped, the 663, touch pad, and led light box. All wiring seems intack, and not rubbed through. All pins are seated in plugs. Swapped the jumper to the touch pad, all is the same. when old is install in another machine it works, correctly?

Title: Re: touch pad display problems
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 14, 2012, 10:52:33 PM
okay...let me simplfy it a bit.

Just change one thing at a time...not the whole shebang!

We're trying to find out what single unit of the whole display set up is causing your LED lights to all stay on at once.

For example...change a touch pad harness...if that's okay, then swap it back and change the LED light box.
If that works, swap it back and change the display.

One thing at a time.

Title: Re: touch pad display problems
Post by: rarestamx on January 14, 2012, 10:59:35 PM
I changed each one with a working machine One at a time. made no differance. this machine had no led lights or display in it. could this have anything to do with the problem. As i have changed everthing to led? or is there a controller board that i shoud swap.

Title: Re: touch pad display problems
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 15, 2012, 12:30:55 AM
...this machine had no led lights or display in it...

Now you tell me!  :279-

Change out the entire door harness that has any connection with the display at all.
But before you do that...( it's a lotta more work really) try swapping a door I/O card first.

Title: Re: touch pad display problems
Post by: rarestamx on January 15, 2012, 02:21:30 PM
Tryed the i/o cards. No differance. So i changed the door harness, same thing. can it be in the 504 board? dont have a non enhanced to test with, other machines are all enhanced