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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S2000 and Vision Games. => Topic started by: stayouttadabunker on January 20, 2012, 11:37:09 PM

Title: S2000 LED Blips
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 20, 2012, 11:37:09 PM
I can see it now...this thread will probably die out fast because no one will have the answer...

I have never seen this before...
There's absolutely nothing wrong with my machine except for 2 little things.

On the back of my VFD display, there are two little green LEDs.
The left one blinks fairly constantly but has a short 3-4 "mini" flash blips in the sequence.
The right green LED just blinks a single steady flash every few seconds...sort of like something
you might see at the airport.

When I look down at the front of the MPU board...the top 2 Amber LEDs do exactly the same thing but the 2nd amber LED is much fainter and hard to see but it blinks like airport lights.

What is going on?
Is it a warning of some type because this leads me to my other little problem...>>>

The game is a Ms. Little Green Men Vision.
The reels spin normally during a "pull" and stop on a dime when instructed to by the MPU.

However, the LCD display of the same reels spinning stop just over a half second late.
Is this by design so that the player can gaze up at the LCD screen
and see the same finished reel positions?


Should both sets of reels, one real while the other "virtual" - stop simultaneously?

Below is a short video clip I made of the LEDs but I'm not sure if my camera
will pick up the little "mini-blips" I see with my eyesight due to shutter exposure speeds...>>> (

Title: Re: S2000 LED Blips
Post by: poppo on January 20, 2012, 11:47:16 PM
Looks like it's just a communications monitor. Or do no other machines do it?

Title: Re: S2000 LED Blips
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 20, 2012, 11:52:02 PM
Looks like it's just a communications monitor. Or do no other machines do it?

I don't know Poppo.
This is the only S2000 I own...  :8-

I wonder if it has anything to do with the communication between the LCD computer and the MPU.
But why in the world would the VFD LED's be doing it too?
I'm only guessing when I say that it could very well be some sort of an Netplex issue... :129-

I didn't know that amber LED should be "ON" when the machine is powered up?
Does everybody else have that yellow light on the MPU when they open the door on their S2000's?

ADD>>> I'm thinking that if I add a Netplex progressive display - I may get the same blinking blips on those LEDs too.
That would mean that it's definitely a "Netplex" thing.
Looks a lot like logic signals similar to a LED probe doesn't it?

Title: Re: S2000 LED Blips
Post by: Foster on January 21, 2012, 12:37:32 AM
Poppo thats exactly what they are
They are connected to the Netplex Tx and Rx Lines on the VFD, and My Spectrum II also has them.
I have not diaassembled my FutureLogic Gen2 Printer to see if it has them as well.
I cant remember if the WBA and/or UBA have them (I know that JCM puts some LED's on the BV but I thinke they are to determine problems with the BV itself and may not be monitoring the Netplex Data lines.

Title: Re: S2000 LED Blips
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 21, 2012, 12:40:02 AM
I'm in total agreement with you gentlemen -
they DO look a lot like communication logic "blips"... :89-

Title: Re: S2000 LED Blips
Post by: cowboygames on January 21, 2012, 12:53:56 AM
And the mismatch in reel stops is the lag time between signals sent to two differant devices. Both my reel touch games are the same way. They're a product of their technology

Title: Re: S2000 LED Blips
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 21, 2012, 01:00:06 AM
Thanks to everyone! A Kudos + sweep happening!
That means my OCD was just working overtime
and there's not a bloody thing wrong!  :208-

Anyways, the mismatch in reel stops between the two sets of reels also means two separate reel stop sounds too.
The Vision has two seperate volume "dials".
Munch ain't going to like that with his good hearing...

Title: Re: S2000 LED Blips
Post by: cowboygames on January 21, 2012, 01:21:35 AM
In cases where both units have their own reel stop sounds you could always shut one off to eliminate overlap

Title: Re: S2000 LED Blips
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 21, 2012, 01:25:53 AM
In cases where both units have their own reel stop sounds you could always shut one off to eliminate overlap

Excellent thinking cowboy!
You get another Kudos +  :89-

Keep it up!  :72-

Now why didn't I think of that?  
I have to go check the options again.... :79-  :91-

Title: Re: S2000 LED Blips
Post by: cowboygames on January 21, 2012, 01:30:33 AM
You're welcome Bunker. There should be an option under sound settings for turning reel stop sounds off and I don't beleive it will have any affect on the sounds from the LCD control board

Title: Re: S2000 LED Blips
Post by: Buzz on January 21, 2012, 01:36:13 AM
Mark  My VFD doesn't look anything like the one in the video. ( long glass)     Just a 3 reel S 2000 no amber lights lit on the front of the MPU.

My vision, both sets of reels stop at the same time.  I only hear one stop per reel. (5)

 Do you think maybe you have to long of a cable going to the monitor.  I heard that electricity travels kind of slow in the cold country.  I shouldn't post BS like this, someone might believe it.

Title: Re: S2000 LED Blips
Post by: Yoeddy1 on January 21, 2012, 01:54:20 AM
Bunker it sounded like a Model-T in there.  Was that the hard meter spinning around?


Title: Re: S2000 LED Blips
Post by: Buzz on January 21, 2012, 02:27:45 AM
Bunker  I took a look at my Mata Hari Vision And it's got one amber light lit on the MPU ( I think I saw one other blink once )  I have no LEDs on the VFD board, This one also has long glass ( like you could have short glass and 5 reels) 

Title: Re: S2000 LED Blips
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 21, 2012, 03:00:35 AM
Buzz in your picture on Reply #10, that VFD  was those older VFD's displays with the colorful ribbon cable.
Mine's one of those newer fancy Netplex jobs.
The older ribbon cable VFD's DO have the green LED lights.
Look down on the other end of the ribbon cable in the holes of that white box!  :209-
There will be some green signal LEDs in there for Netplex communications!

Thank you for checking that we both have the amber LED light on the MPU box!!  :3-  :89- :3-

Bunker it sounded like a Model-T in there.  Was that the hard meter spinning around?


Haha! It's the LCD computer fan...noisier than me hammering pegs!
I think I gotta take it out and replace it with new bearings of find a similar voltage/CFM/replacement fan.

Title: Re: S2000 LED Blips
Post by: Buzz on January 21, 2012, 03:05:50 AM
Buzz in your picture on Reply #10, that VFD  was those older VFD's displays with the colorful ribbon cable.
Mine's one of those newer fancy Netplex jobs.
The older ribbon cable VFD's DO have the green LED lights.
Look down on the other end of the ribbon cable in the holes of that white box!  :209-

Thank you for checking that we both have the amber LED light on the MPU box!!  :3-  :89- :3-

Well that figures, they keep all the old crap on the West Coast and send you guys all the good S**t.    :8- :8- :37- :37-

Title: Re: S2000 LED Blips
Post by: Yoeddy1 on January 21, 2012, 04:05:57 AM
Buzz in your picture on Reply #10, that VFD  was those older VFD's displays with the colorful ribbon cable.
Mine's one of those newer fancy Netplex jobs.
The older ribbon cable VFD's DO have the green LED lights.
Look down on the other end of the ribbon cable in the holes of that white box!  :209-
There will be some green signal LEDs in there for Netplex communications!

Thank you for checking that we both have the amber LED light on the MPU box!!  :3-  :89- :3-

Bunker it sounded like a Model-T in there.  Was that the hard meter spinning around?


Haha! It's the LCD computer fan...noisier than me hammering pegs!
I think I gotta take it out and replace it with new bearings of find a similar voltage/CFM/replacement fan.

Oh that's right, I was thinking it was a standard S2000 and couldn't imagine what could be making that kind of noise.  I have heard that those fans can make some racket.
