New Life Games Tech Forums

**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S and S-plus Reel Games. => Topic started by: footballhi on January 30, 2012, 09:33:28 PM

Title: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on January 30, 2012, 09:33:28 PM
I am sure there is a post here to help me figure out my problem,I just can't find it.AND YES I HAVE LOOKED FOR HOURS..I have a s+ 2 coin Sizzling 7machine all works. but the DBV.that's OK by me i am a home user just having fun.the problem is when you win any amount, the candle lights up, and you can turn the rest key one time and play some more but its getting old . winning and not getting the give no codes for this.It came strait from a casino i think , and the chips have casino void  tape over them and they are .one is SP1271 and the other is SS3354 ...I someone can help point me in the right place . THANKS TO ALL..............

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: Foster on January 30, 2012, 09:59:21 PM
You need to adjust a couple of settings that are set to 0.

There is a button next to the power switch it is the attendant or test button, using it, the jackpot reset key, and the player buttons to adjust it.

Press the test button a few times until you see a 7 in the display a 1 in winner paid and a number in the credits display (one of the digits should be flashing) the value of the flashing digit is changed by the spin button. you change the digit with the jackpot reset key. go to next setting with the test button (if you miss a setting you will have to cycle back to it (you cant back up)

Here is what the settings mean

Hopper Limit <7> [1]   Determines when hand pays and hopper pays occur.
  Set the hopper limit to a low value 200-300 or you will be refilling it if it is cashed out and it runs out of coins/tokens.

Lower Jackpot Limit <7> [2]   Any single win over this limit causes the machine to go to a hand-pay condition.  For example, this limit must be set to 1,199 to lock up on 1,200.
Credit Limit <7> [3]   Determines the maximum number of credits that can be accumulated.
   Set the Credit limit high something like 9999

Upper Jackpot Limit <7> [4]   This page is not displayed if the jackpot to credit option is disabled.  Allows some hand pays to be directed to the credit meter.  This limit is the maximum number of credits that can be directed to the credit meter. 
   This one wont be shown normally

Bill Acceptor Credit Limit <7> [5]   Determines the maximum number of credits that can be accumulated before the bill acceptor is disabled.  This limit must be less than or equal to the credit limit, or a maximum of $3,000.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on January 30, 2012, 11:50:23 PM
Thanks Foster, you got me going.all is well my Bride is playing as i write you. .I found a set of 12 chips, it has all the most important on You get all 12 chips!



Bill Validator enable/disable chip

Clear Ram chip

Set004 Video









Set088       dose this sound like a handy set to have ....

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: Neonkiss on January 30, 2012, 11:51:54 PM
Welcome to  :nlg-  Footballhi
When in doubt, post up.

K+ to Foster for a clear and easy to understand answer for a newbe.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: Foster on January 30, 2012, 11:53:56 PM
The only one you need is a Set 090, and a clear chip.

Only use the clear chip if advised to do so.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on January 31, 2012, 01:33:09 AM
I have one more thing, the mixed 7s pay to the credits and all below but 3 red 7s call for assistance and not sure about the flaming 7s could someone tell me why it will not send the winnings for the three red 7s to the credits thank again.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: Foster on January 31, 2012, 02:08:43 AM
Here is what I would set them to:

Hopper Limit <7> [1]   Determines when hand pays and hopper pays occur. When you hit the cash out button.
  Set to 200-300

The following setting is the one you need to adjust to fix how wins are paid
Lower Jackpot Limit <7> [2]   Any single win over this limit causes the machine to go to a hand-pay condition.  For example, this limit must be set to 1,199 to lock up on 1,200.
 set it to 9999 for all wins to go to credits, but if you want the top award to be had pay set to just below the number of credits won for top award.

Credit Limit <7> [3]   Determines the maximum number of credits that can be accumulated.
   Set the Credit limit to 9999

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: poppo on January 31, 2012, 02:41:37 AM
Don't throw those other SET chips away though. They could come in handy if you ever change games and use a different SP chip that might require one of them .

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on January 31, 2012, 03:50:59 AM
I have the first one  set like this=    0300     1           7    ///the mixed 7s and all bars go to credit just  the 3 red 7s that pays 100 coins ,makes the light on top come on. ///and yes i'll hang on to the other chips....

                                                           THANKS FOR THE HELP..!!

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: Foster on January 31, 2012, 04:07:17 AM
That one is the hopper limit, once you see that one, press the self test switch again the 1 should change to a 2, adjust the low jackpot limit 7 2 using the jackpot key and spin button, then press self test which will change the 2 to a 3, adjust credit limit settings, then press self test the 3 will change to a 5 (it skips 4 since you do not have the machine configured for a W-2G key usually used on high denom machines)

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on January 31, 2012, 12:52:09 PM
This is what they all look like ,from the very first push self test botton..(maybe i have a problem somewhere else)   

                                 2            1            0
                                 10          1            1
                                 10                        2
                             8888        8888          8
                             this line of # keep cycling Thur all #
                                  0                         3
         this line tells me what EPROMS i have 4
                                               0           6
                              0600          1           7
                              1199          2          7
                              9999          3          7
                              1999          4          7
                              3000          5          7
                              0000                      8
                                00                       1
                              0  0                       0
                                 done with all points....                   I hope this is what you need to help me and ...THANKS AGAIN...

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: poppo on January 31, 2012, 01:02:56 PM
Those look ok to me, but try changing the:

0000 8

to whatever it will let you (might only let you set it to 0300 - your hopper limit)

Partial Pay Amount <8> Determines the number of coins paid from the hopper when a jackpot is hit, before a hand-pay lockup condition occurs.  The value cannot exceed the hopper or jackpot limits.

The zero setting may be causing it to go into lockup even if you have it set for wins to go to credit.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on January 31, 2012, 01:30:45 PM
the 0000             8        I changed it to 0600           8

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on January 31, 2012, 03:08:24 PM
OK,I got 3x3 BARS and it payied 100 coin to credits and i hit the 3 RED 7s and i for got to tell you  that nothing happens no win amount   just the HAND-PAY LIGHT.?

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: poppo on January 31, 2012, 03:14:03 PM
the 0000             8         will not let me change anything,

Be sure there are no credits on the machine before trying to change any of the settings, or it won't let you.

What is the payout supposed to be for the 3 red 7s?

Here is the PSR for the SP1271

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: Foster on January 31, 2012, 05:35:22 PM
change your 7 2 setting to 9999 that will allow all wins to go to credits.

Theme not in the IGT Bible under 2CBP and I don't have the PAR sheet.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: poppo on January 31, 2012, 05:48:20 PM
change your 7 2 setting to 9999 that will allow all wins to go to credits.

Theme not in the IGT Bible under 2CBP and I don't have the PAR sheet.

Here is the PAR for the SS3354. If I'm reading it right, the 3 red 7s only pays 100. :103-

<edit> I see footballhi got the partial pay changed, but don't know if it helped yet as it was edited after his next post.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on January 31, 2012, 06:02:41 PM
sorry,I did get it to change and now it will cash-out when done playing,Yes they only pay 100 coin,the only thing left to figure out is why ,when the 3xred 7s hit nothing at all shows ,just the candle on top (I TURN THE KEY 1 TIME AND YOU CAN PLAY AGAIN)and i have never hit the flaming 7s yet so im not sure what happens..   THANKS AGAIN...

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 31, 2012, 06:41:21 PM
...the only thing left to figure out is why ,when the 3xred 7s hit nothing at all shows ,just the candle on top (I TURN THE KEY 1 TIME AND YOU CAN PLAY AGAIN)...

Your Jackpot wins are not being got a "Hand-Pay" win!
If you had a bell installed - that would of be a'ringin'!
You can enable that in the settings to show on the reel glass display! :89-

Look Down Below!!  :72-

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: poppo on January 31, 2012, 06:41:42 PM
sorry,I did get it to change and now it will cash-out when done playing,Yes they only pay 100 coin,the only thing left to figure out is why ,when the 3xred 7s hit nothing at all shows ,just the candle on top (I TURN THE KEY 1 TIME AND YOU CAN PLAY AGAIN)and i have never hit the flaming 7s yet so im not sure what happens..   THANKS AGAIN...

Might want to enable page 0 option 13 to see what is going on.

Hand-Pay Display <0> [13]   Options are enabled {1} or disabled {0}.  If enabled, the hand-pay amount is displayed when the game goes into a hand-pay condition.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: poppo on January 31, 2012, 06:43:19 PM
Your Jackpot wins are not being got a "Hand-Pay" win!
You can enable that in the settings to show on the reel glass display! :89-

The real mystery is why it's going into hand pay on a 100 coin win. But if he enables the display as noted above it may tell us what is going on.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 31, 2012, 06:56:15 PM
There's 2 ways to win a 100 credits on the 2 coin Sizzling 7's game.
 (3 bars for a 1 coin bet or 3 red 7's for the 2 coin bets)
Those are one of the highest hits on that award glass.
Normally those are "Hand-Pay" attendant pays on the casino floors for that game when they were popular.

I wonder if his hopper limits are set at 100?

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: poppo on January 31, 2012, 07:04:32 PM
I wonder if his hopper limits are set at 100?

Come on Bunker, read the whole thread.  :30-  :96-

His hopper limit is set well above that and the 3 bars properly credits 100.

UNLESS......he is only playing one coin and hitting the 3 red sevens, in which case he would not win squat. And maybe the light flashes to say 'See, you should have played 2 coins'.  :72-

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 31, 2012, 07:06:48 PM
I wonder if his hopper limits are set at 100?

Come on Bunker, read the whole thread.  :30-  :96-

His hopper limit is set well above that and the 3 bars properly credits 100.

Oh I didn't read it all...  :182-

Okay then....It must that thing-a-ma-jig down in the back there.... :72-

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 31, 2012, 07:24:34 PM
UNLESS......he is only playing one coin and hitting the 3 red sevens, in which case he would not win squat. And maybe the light flashes to say 'See, you should have played 2 coins'.  :72-

Best way to check this is to go into the Paytable test <4>...
See attached PSR in Reply #14 above^^^

Set the reels to stop at reel stops 13/ 13/ 8 and see what it says on the display?
It should display "100" after the reels stop on the red 7's.

Check the [0000 8] setting again and see if it was saved.

I'll be right back with a better answer though...

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: Jim on January 31, 2012, 07:37:21 PM
the only real way to solve this problem is to do one thing.  do the paytable test, this will match the chip to the reel strips and to the glass payouts.  for each winning combo the machine will show the 1 coin payout and the the max coin payout.

I have never run 1271 chip, so I couldn't explain how to do it.  I only use SP731's   all controls are through the switches on the front panel, you never have to use the reset key switch for anything.  even going through the individual menus, you use the change button to advance, the paytable test is automatic, everytime you press the spin button it will advance to the next winning combo and display the results.
if the results of this test are good, then it has to be a setting.

Bunker   you beat me to it  :5-   SCARY   we are thinking alike  :96-    took me to long to type this to discard it. :97-



Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 31, 2012, 07:48:30 PM
The PAR sheet shows the 3 red 7's on expanded line # 40...
I'll try the physical stops under Reel-Strip Test <5> and see what happens.
I have the game installed next to my bench.

Be right back...

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 31, 2012, 08:20:10 PM
Okay...I did a Paytable Test <4> on an SP1271 w/ an SS3354.

You hit the test button with the door open until you get to page <4> in the Coins Played window.
Then turn the reset key to see an "01" in the Winner Paid window (That's for the reel stop)
You also see a "1" in the Credits window ( That's for the 1st physical left-most reel strip) ,
then I entered 2/ 4/ 4/ into the Winner Paid and Credits windows
for the 3 reel stops:

Got a big fat zero for 1 coin played
and 100 credits for playing 2 coins.

I have no way of testing the game to see if it will lock up if I play 2 coins and hit the red 7's.
I am positive that only 1 coin was played when he hit the red 7's.

A lot of players forget that they're playing a 2 CBP  game and think that they will
get the Jackpot and all the winning payouts on the award glass for the second column -
and it happens much more often for the 3CBP games!
You won't believe how many times I've went down and explained to a player
that they needed to raise their bet to get the other larger payouts!  :72-
If he has played less than 10 games - he can go back into the "history" of the last 10 games played
and see what the "payout" was when he hit it.
I'll bet it will show that he played 1 coin?

Here's a short video clip I just made to show him how to perform a Paytable test on his 2CBP game...>>> (

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: poppo on January 31, 2012, 08:31:41 PM
Good video.  :89- Just to clarify, I'm assuming those are not the correct reel strips though, as they did not stop on all 7s.

The only question though is did he HAVE to turn the key to get it to play again? He made it sound like he did. If so, and if he is playing 2 coins, then something else is screwy. I seem to recall someone else having a problem with proper payouts and ended up doing a clear to fix it. Not sure if it really needed a clear, or if there was just some obscure setting that was wrong (i.e. set up for progressive or something)

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 31, 2012, 08:34:30 PM
Good video. Just to clarify, I'm assuming those are not the correct reel strips though, as they did not stop on all 7s're right Poppo - I just was trying to show how to perform the Paytable Test...
I have Double Diamond strips installed for a different game
but I installed a set of SP1271 and SS3354 for the Paytable Test.

On a side note>>> As I booted up the chips, the 1st reel came to a stop with the end of the strip 2 reel-stops above the the pay-line while the other two strip ends stopped on the pay-line.
That is normal for this particular game as it has a payout for 3 blanks.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: Jim on January 31, 2012, 09:00:24 PM
bunker, poppo

in reply #2   his list of 12 chips     what is a bill validator enable/disable chip????   :103-

can't say that I ever heard of one.  thought it was a set chip that did that!!!


Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: poppo on January 31, 2012, 09:20:17 PM
bunker, poppo

in reply #2   his list of 12 chips     what is a bill validator enable/disable chip????   :103-

can't say that I ever heard of one.  thought it was a set chip that did that!!!


I'm assuming it's just a generic set chip that someone labeled that way, like the ones you get on e-bay.

<edit> Actually it looks like it's not actually a chip, but just the description (

Listing is for 12 chips (I numbered them)

Bill Validator enable/disable chip
1 Clear Ram chip
2 Set004 Video
3 Set007
4 Set015
5 Set016
6 Set026
7 Set038
8 Set041
9 Set058
10 Set086
11 Set088
12 Set090

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on January 31, 2012, 10:06:47 PM
WOW y'all have been busy,i am using 2 coins and yes all is save as listed below,the 12 piece chip set i was asking if they would be a good idea i do not have and  chips .just the two that are in it. I HAVE NEVER  had a slot machine till  2 days ago. with  all you all helping ,every thing is working ,BUT THE 3X7s with  2 coins.i have tried to follow the info the best i can. here is a copy of what i have...This is what they all look like ,from the very first push self test botton..(maybe i have a problem somewhere else)    

                                 2            1            0
                                 10          1            1
                                 10                        2
                             8888        8888          8
                             this line of # keep cycling Thur all #
                                  0                         3
         this line tells me what EPROMS i have 4
                                               0           6
                              0600          1           7
                              1199          2          7
                              9999          3          7
                              1999          4          7
                              3000          5          7
                              0600                      8
                                00                       1
                              0  0                       0
                                 done with all points....                   I hope this is what you need to help me and ...THANKS AGAIN...

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on January 31, 2012, 10:15:35 PM
I just did what the guy in the video did .going to see what happens with the 3x7s ...

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 31, 2012, 10:25:57 PM
I just did what the guy in the video did .going to see what happens with the 3x7s ...

"That guy in the video" is a dumbass...I know him.... :72- :97- :208-

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on January 31, 2012, 11:00:11 PM
I did the video and it check out just as it did in  video,the  1 coin payed 0 and  2  coin  payed  100  and the reels ended on the 3x red 7s in the test, THEN i played till i hit the  3xred 7s nothing in any window,just the candle,..the mixed 7s pays 50 coin and the  3 x3 bars pays 100 coin,all the others pays correct  just the 3xred 7s dose nothing but the candle.NOT SURE ABOUT THE FLAMING 7s never hit them.i am sure you guys have heard enough for me but  i am  doing my  best to understand all this...THANKS AGAIN FOR ALL THE HELP...

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: CaptainHappy on January 31, 2012, 11:03:15 PM
I just did what the guy in the video did .going to see what happens with the 3x7s ...

"That guy in the video" is a dumbass...I know him.... :72- :97- :208-


Do we have you beating yourself up now? :117- Are you trying to say: "I resemble that remark!"? :103- I say that all of the time! :279-  :208-

CH :95-

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: poppo on January 31, 2012, 11:42:42 PM
                                 2            1            0
                                 10          1            1
                                 10                        2
                             8888        8888          8
                             this line of # keep cycling Thur all #
                                  0                         3
         this line tells me what EPROMS i have 4
                                                 0           6
                              0600          1           7
                              1199          2          7
                              9999          3          7
                              1999          4          7
                              3000          5          7
                              0600                      8
                                00                       1
                              0  0                       0

Ok, hold on. Look at the denomination. :209- It's set to zero. That may be the problem.

What value of coins/tokens is this using?

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on January 31, 2012, 11:45:57 PM
hey all  i am going  to go ahead and order some new  GAME AND REEL CHIPS do you all have some advice on  what all i should get .I need some in put . should i get a clear chip and what ever else is advisable to have on hand....

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on January 31, 2012, 11:47:39 PM
25 cent ,,, so i need the 6 set to what??

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: poppo on January 31, 2012, 11:51:35 PM
25 cent ,,, so i need the 6 set to what??

It should be 25. But you need a set chip to change it. Any of these will do.
SET088, SET089, SET090, SET091, SET101, SET102, SET116, or SET121

I'm not 100% sure that is the problem, but it's not right. Does this machine have a bill validator? If so, does it work and give the proper number of credits?

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on January 31, 2012, 11:59:03 PM
yes it has one ,but it dose not work,it make noise when boot up .i understand i need a chip to fix it.I do not have any other chips all those ones in a earlyer post was some i was asking you all should i get them.i need to order some but i am waiting till i understand just what too order.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: poppo on February 01, 2012, 12:06:26 AM
Well, you do need a set chip to enable the BV and set the denomination. But now I'm not so sure that is the problem. Maybe someone else can chime in on the possibility. I've never not had a BV, so I don't know what effects having it set to zero would be (if any) other than affecting the BV.

So, I would try to get a hold of a clear chip and a SET090. And in this case, I would probably do a clear and just start all over. You will probably have better luck putting a WTB in the classifieds here than going on e-bay.

The only other thing I would try is setting the
1199          2          7
0999      2         7
Since the top award is 1000, maybe setting it higher is screwing something up.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on February 01, 2012, 12:12:47 AM
ok  thanks poppo,i'll get a clear chip and a set090 chip.and what ever else you all think  is best to have i also am going to update the rell and game chips if it is better to do so... thanks again to all....

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: poppo on February 01, 2012, 12:14:56 AM
See my ninja edit above.

The game chip you have is fine and the reel chip seems to be a high %, so I think you are good to go on those.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on February 01, 2012, 12:47:33 AM
ok thanks  POPPO

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: Neonkiss on February 01, 2012, 01:34:32 AM
Where are you located in Florida?
I may be close too you.
If you wish you can reply in the open forum or by PM

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on February 01, 2012, 02:20:01 AM
chiefland fla 32626....

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: stayouttadabunker on February 01, 2012, 05:38:10 AM
...THEN i played till i hit the  3xred 7s nothing in any window,just the candle,..the mixed 7s pays 50 coin and the  3 x3 bars pays 100 coin,all the others pays correct~~~just the 3xred 7s dose nothing but the candle....

"Just the candle"

I still think you are getting the "Hand-Pay" mode...why? I don't know why because
you have all the settings and limits set high enough.
Also, you've changed the wins to be displayed on the credits window?
If so, then I wonder why you're not seeing the "100" in the display?
Please check your settings again -to see if they're enabled.

Is the game "locking up" and are you getting the candle to stop flashing by turning the reset key?
I'm wondering what you are doing when you see the candle flashing?  :103-

I have one more question...>>> When you hit the 3 red 7's, are you playing 2 coins or 1 coin?
I would like you to try to play the "Max" bet of 2 coins for every pull - until we figure this out.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: Neonkiss on February 01, 2012, 09:50:39 AM
chiefland fla 32626....
Ya, sorry too far from me. I'm at the other end of the State.

I do believe that a full clear and set chip will get the machine back to factory settings. This may be one of those cases where a Clear may be the only solution.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on February 01, 2012, 10:31:15 AM
OK  where is the best place to buy the chips , every one seemed to frown on eBay..

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on February 01, 2012, 10:38:45 AM
...THEN i played till i hit the  3xred 7s nothing in any window,just the candle,..the mixed 7s pays 50 coin and the  3 x3 bars pays 100 coin,all the others pays correct~~~just the 3xred 7s dose nothing but the candle....

"Just the candle"

I still think you are getting the "Hand-Pay" mode...why? I don't know why because
you have all the settings and limits set high enough.
Also, you've changed the wins to be displayed on the credits window?
If so, then I wonder why you're not seeing the "100" in the display?
Please check your settings again -to see if they're enabled.

Is the game "locking up" and are you getting the candle to stop flashing by turning the reset key?
I'm wondering what you are doing when you see the candle flashing?  :103-

I have one more question...>>> When you hit the 3 red 7's, are you playing 2 coins or 1 coin?
I would like you to try to play the "Max" bet of 2 coins for every pull - until we figure this out.

yes  always only 2 coins,just  1 turn of the candle sets it back to ready  and play  ,   and  nothing ever  show in any  windows  ,just the  candle.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: poppo on February 01, 2012, 10:56:16 AM
Also, you've changed the wins to be displayed on the credits window?

He never said if he changed that or not.

footballhi ,
If you have not already done it, with no credits on the machine, press the self test button 2 times until you have 0 in the coins played and 2_x in the winner paid (x might be 0,1). You are now in 'page zero'. Now turn the reset key until you get 13_x in the winner paid. Press the spin button to change it to 13_1

Hand-Pay Display <0> [13]   Options are enabled {1} or disabled {0}.  If enabled, the hand-pay amount is displayed when the game goes into a hand-pay condition.

Now when you hit the 3 red sevens it should show you the win amount. This won;t fix the problem, but it may help to determine what is going on.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on February 01, 2012, 11:00:41 AM
I was wondering is this clear chip in  any other  electrical item i may have, that  i could use to set the slot with.  or is this a bad idea

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on February 01, 2012, 11:11:55 AM
Also, you've changed the wins to be displayed on the credits window?

He never said if he changed that or not.

footballhi ,
If you have not already done it, with no credits on the machine, press the self test button 2 times until you have 0 in the coins played and 2_x in the winner paid (x might be 0,1). You are now in 'page zero'. Now turn the reset key until you get 13_x in the winner paid. Press the spin button to change it to 13_1

Hand-Pay Display <0> [13]   Options are enabled {1} or disabled {0}.  If enabled, the hand-pay amount is displayed when the game goes into a hand-pay condition.

Now when you hit the 3 red sevens it should show you the win amount. This won;t fix the problem, but it may help to determine what is going on.

I just changed it ,i will play it and see what happens..SORRY I missed this earlyer...

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: poppo on February 01, 2012, 11:19:27 AM
I was wondering is this clear chip in  any other  electrical item i may have, that  i could use to set the slot with.  or is this a bad idea

The clear chip does 2 things. It erases the CMOS chip on the MPU (the big board) and it eases the EEPROM on the motherboard (the board that the MPU plugs into)

You can erase the CMOS by pulling it off of the board for a few seconds. It's battery backed up, so removing it will cause it to lose it's memory. However the EEPROM is a little more difficult. First it's soldered on the board. Secondly, you would need a EPROM burner capable of programming/erasing serial EEPROMS.

So it is possible to do the clear without a clear chip, but it would take more work/equipment.

You could try pulling the CMOS and see what happens. It won't hurt anything as it will get 're-loaded' from the EEPROM on boot up. But usually it's the EEPROM that has bad data in it that causes the issues.

But should you decide to try it, this is what you do.

1. With power off remove the MPU and pull out the CMOS chip. Wait a few seconds and plug it back in (don't put it in backward)
2. Put the MPU and hopper back in.
3. Power up the machine and you will get a 61 error.
4. With the door open, press the self test button until it changes to 61_1 (and it should make a ding sound).
5. Close and latch the door.
6. Turn the jackpot reset key once and you should be good to go.

FYI, after you use a set chip, you will always get a 61 error. After using a clear, you will get a few other errors too. This is all normal.
Here is a list of the common errors and how to clear them (

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on February 01, 2012, 11:58:03 AM

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: Ron (r273) on February 01, 2012, 12:16:53 PM
 :172-  Gave you some more reading material. :72-

Ron (r273)

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on February 01, 2012, 12:47:18 PM
Also, you've changed the wins to be displayed on the credits window?

He never said if he changed that or not.

footballhi ,
If you have not already done it, with no credits on the machine, press the self test button 2 times until you have 0 in the coins played and 2_x in the winner paid (x might be 0,1). You are now in 'page zero'. Now turn the reset key until you get 13_x in the winner paid. Press the spin button to change it to 13_1

Hand-Pay Display <0> [13]   Options are enabled {1} or disabled {0}.  If enabled, the hand-pay amount is displayed when the game goes into a hand-pay condition.

Now when you hit the 3 red sevens it should show you the win amount. This won;t fix the problem, but it may help to determine what is going on.

I just changed it ,i will play it and see what happens..SORRY I missed this earlyer...


Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: poppo on February 01, 2012, 12:57:13 PM

Well, I'm out of ideas, so it sounds like it's time to do a clear.

You can try pulling the CMOS, but I would not hold your breath that it will fix it. But it can't hurt. You won't have to set up anything again if you try it.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on February 01, 2012, 01:55:38 PM

Well, I'm out of ideas, so it sounds like it's time to do a clear.

You can try pulling the CMOS, but I would not hold your breath that it will fix it. But it can't hurt. You won't have to set up anything again if you try it.

            OK,  I removed the CMOS chip and waited a little bit and put it back, and powered up and no code was on it was just ready to play ????....

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: poppo on February 01, 2012, 02:06:49 PM
OK,  I removed the CMOS chip and waited a little bit and put it back, and powered up and no code was on it was just ready to play ????....

Are you sure it was the CMOS chip you pulled? It really should have given the 61. FWIW the 61 error is when the CMOS data does not match the EEPROM on boot.

Does your CMOS look like a regular chip of does it have what looks like a small box on top of it? I 'think' some of them have their own short term strorage (i.e. the little box thing) along with the regular battery. So you may try it again, but after pulling it, ground/short all of the pins of the CMOS on a piece of foil or something.

Note: This one does not have the small box thing on it.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on February 01, 2012, 02:33:47 PM
yes , it had it lad out just as your post below, i am going to do it again and leave it out longer.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on February 01, 2012, 02:47:21 PM

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: poppo on February 01, 2012, 02:48:53 PM

Did you get the 61 error this time?

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on February 01, 2012, 03:17:20 PM
YES IT  GOT THE 61 AND GOT IT CHANGED TO   61    1 AND IT PLAYED WIN  I HIT   THE 3X7s SAME OLD THING  NOTHING IN  ANY  WINDOW  AND THE LIGHT CAME ON UP TOP....THANKS FOR YOU HELP======SOMEONE said  i my  be able to  buy the SET090 and clear chip on  here? could  guide me to it ,all i saw for sale was a slot machine....thanks anyway i found the for sale stuff..

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: poppo on February 01, 2012, 03:22:36 PM
YES IT  GOT THE 61 AND GOT IT CHANGED TO   61    1 AND IT PLAYED WIN  I HIT   THE 3X7s SAME OLD THING  NOTHING IN  ANY  WINDOW  AND THE LIGHT CAME ON UP TOP....THANKS FOR YOU HELP======SOMEONE said  i my  be able to  buy the SET090 and clear chip on  here? could  guide me to it ,all i saw for sale was a slot machine....

Well, it was worth a shot. And at least now you know how to clear a 61.

As for the chips, just head over the clasifieds here (
and post a WTB for a clear and SET090. I'm sure someone will help you out.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: stayouttadabunker on February 01, 2012, 05:02:45 PM
I've never seen someone hit 3 red 7's so much!   :131-
Whaddaya doing...playing that thing for hours?!   
There must be a lot of 3 red 7's on that chip! :72-

Anyways, if you've now changed the Hand-Pay Display 13-0 to a should be displaying the 100 credit wins
for the red 7's on the display panel.
But every time you hit it - it doesn't display the "100" - that is SUPER strange!  :129- :128-

I agree with everyone here.
We've tried everything and it's still not working right.
Now's the time for you to get the Clear chip
and wipe out everything back to the ORIGINAL FACTORY SETTINGS.

NOTE To SELF: You noticed how we did NOT suggest using a Clear chip in 60+ posts?
The Clear chip procedure is the LAST resort
and is rarely needed for this platform.
In this case - it won't hurt to try a Clear now that the
slot homeowner has a better understanding of how to set up an S+.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on February 02, 2012, 10:14:27 AM
  NOT ALL THE TIME , BUT WHEN YOU ALL HAVE ME TRY SOME THING I HAVE TO PLAY IT TO SEE IF IT WORKED,  but any how i have ordered the clear chip and a set090 . i will let you all know when they get here and we can figure this out... THANKS YOU TO EVERY ONE FOR ALL THE HELP , I HAVE LEARNED ALOT IN THIS PROCESS ,THANKS BILL...

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on February 06, 2012, 01:11:19 PM
ok guys,i will have the set chip and the set 90 chip today, i need to know how to do this ,in detail i am sure,i can do with you all helping...

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: Brianzz on February 06, 2012, 01:53:06 PM
Here's the step by step on your SET chip

The clear chip is pretty straight forward, insert, turn on machine, wait till it counts up, remove

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: poppo on February 06, 2012, 01:55:48 PM
Ok, here you go.

1. Power down the machine and remove the MPU
2. Install the clear chip where the game chip goes. Make sure you put it in right.
3. Install the MPU. No need to put the hopper in.
4. Power up the machine and wait a few seconds.
5. Press the self test button and the display should count up a couple of times. When it's done power down the machine.
6. Reinstall the game chip making sure you don't have it in backward. Put the MPU and hopper back in.
7. Power up the machine and clear all of the errors using this guide. (

When that is done let us know and we will proceed with the set chip. Do not proceed with the set chip until the machine is clear of errors and will take coins and play.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on February 06, 2012, 02:17:28 PM
Ok, here you go.

1. Power down the machine and remove the MPU
2. Install the clear chip where the game chip goes. Make sure you put it in right.
3. Install the MPU. No need to put the hopper in.
4. Power up the machine and wait a few seconds.
5. Press the self test button and the display should count up a couple of times. When it's done power down the machine.
6. Reinstall the game chip making sure you don't have it in backward. Put the MPU and hopper back in.
7. Power up the machine and clear all of the errors using this guide. (

When that is done let us know and we will proceed with the set chip. Do not proceed with the set chip until the machine is clear of errors and will take coins and play.

  thanks poppo,i also found this info on another post.I'll let you all no how it turns out....

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: poppo on February 06, 2012, 03:16:30 PM
When you have that done, you can proceed to the SET chip. The SET chip is done in a similar manner as the clear. Make note of step #5 since you have a SP1271.

1. Power down the machine and remove the MPU
2. Install the SET chip where the game chip goes. Make sure you put it in right.
3. Install the MPU. No need to put the hopper in.
4. Power up the machine and wait a few seconds.
5. Since you have a SP1271, press the self test button until you get 8_x (x may be 0 or 1). Press the spin button to change it to 8_1 if it's not already there. This is needed to allow bills to go to credit. There is a separate option in the normal self test for this, but it needs to be set here first.
6. Press the self test button again until you have a 9_0. Press the spin button to change it to 9_1 to enable the BV.
7. Press the self test button one more time and you should have 00 displayed. Press the spin button to set your denomination. i.e. 5=$.05 25=$.25 etc. Press the self test button to save it.
8. Power down the machine. Note: if you press the self test button too many times and 'roll around' you may need to reset the denomination again. So just power it down after you have saved the denomination in the previous step.
9. Reinstall the game chip making sure you don't have it in backward. Put the MPU and hopper back in.
10. Power up the machine and clear the 61 as normal.

<edit> Depending on the set chip used, the denomination may not be right after the 9_1 as stated in step 7. You may have to press the self test button until there is a 6 in the coins played window.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on February 06, 2012, 03:44:11 PM
When you have that done, you can proceed to the SET chip. The SET chip is done in a similar manner as the clear. Make note of step #5 since you have a SP1271.

1. Power down the machine and remove the MPU
2. Install the SET chip where the game chip goes. Make sure you put it in right.
3. Install the MPU. No need to put the hopper in.
4. Power up the machine and wait a few seconds.
5. Since you have a SP1271, press the self test button until you get 8_x (x may be 0 or 1). Press the spin button to change it to 8_1 if it's not already there. This is needed to allow bills to go to credit. There is a separate option in the normal self test for this, but it needs to be set here first.
6. Press the self test button again until you have a 9_0. Press the spin button to change it to 9_1 to enable the BV.
7. Press the self test button one more time and you should have 00 displayed. Press the spin button to set your denomination. i.e. 5=$.05 25=$.25 etc. Press the self test button to save it.
8. Power down the machine. Note: if you press the self test button too many times and 'roll around' you may need to reset the denomination again. So just power it down after you have saved the denomination in the previous step.
9. Reinstall the game chip making sure you don't have it in backward. Put the MPU and hopper back in.
10. Power up the machine and clear the 61 as normal.

ok ,poppo ,i just got them in my hand from the mail. going to do this ,i'll be back in a few...

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on February 06, 2012, 04:50:28 PM
When you have that done, you can proceed to the SET chip. The SET chip is done in a similar manner as the clear. Make note of step #5 since you have a SP1271.

1. Power down the machine and remove the MPU
2. Install the SET chip where the game chip goes. Make sure you put it in right.
3. Install the MPU. No need to put the hopper in.
4. Power up the machine and wait a few seconds.
5. Since you have a SP1271, press the self test button until you get 8_x (x may be 0 or 1). Press the spin button to change it to 8_1 if it's not already there. This is needed to allow bills to go to credit. There is a separate option in the normal self test for this, but it needs to be set here first.
6. Press the self test button again until you have a 9_0. Press the spin button to change it to 9_1 to enable the BV.
7. Press the self test button one more time and you should have 00 displayed. Press the spin button to set your denomination. i.e. 5=$.05 25=$.25 etc. Press the self test button to save it.
8. Power down the machine. Note: if you press the self test button too many times and 'roll around' you may need to reset the denomination again. So just power it down after you have saved the denomination in the previous step.
9. Reinstall the game chip making sure you don't have it in backward. Put the MPU and hopper back in.
10. Power up the machine and clear the 61 as normal.

OK,after get to the 9 all went well ,after changing the 9 to 9   1.  i pressed the button again and I got a 31 in the winner and a 0 in the credits and a 0 in coins .... if you hit spin it will change the credits 0 1 thru 4 and back to 0 . that is where i am .......

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: stayouttadabunker on February 06, 2012, 04:55:18 PM
OK,after get to the 9 all went well ,after changing the 9 to 9   1.  i pressed the button again and I got a 31 in the winner and a 0 in the credits and a 0 in coins .... if you hit spin it will change the credits 0 1 thru 4 and back to 0 . that is where i am .......

For some reason, pressing the test button skipped a few things -
you're now in the Progressive Selection[31] and there's 4 options.

Just leave it at zero and press the test button again.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on February 06, 2012, 04:58:08 PM
OK,after get to the 9 all went well ,after changing the 9 to 9   1.  i pressed the button again and I got a 31 in the winner and a 0 in the credits and a 0 in coins .... if you hit spin it will change the credits 0 1 thru 4 and back to 0 . that is where i am .......

For some reason, pressing the test button skipped a few things -
you're now in the Progressive Selection[31] and there's 4 options.

  now it is 43 winner and 0 in credits

Fixed a broken quote tag. -KN

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: poppo on February 06, 2012, 05:02:02 PM
Don't worry about any settings except 8_1,  9_1 and the denomination.


I see the denomination is farther down on a SET090. Press the self test button until there is a 6 in the coins played. It should be 9 presses after the 9_1


Bill Pay Mode <0> [8]   Determines how inserted bills are paid.  Options are bill pay mode is fixed to changer only and cannot be changed in self test {0}, or bill pay mode is self-test selectable {1}.

Bill Acceptor <0> [9]   Options are enabled {1} or disabled {0}.
Coupon Capability or

EFT <0> [11]   If the communication type is MISER, this page determines whether the coupon capability is enabled {1} or disabled {0}.  If the communication type is SAS, this page determines whether EFT is enabled {1} or disabled {0}.

Country Code <0> [30]   This page is not displayed if the bill acceptor is disabled.  Determines the country code associated with the bill acceptor.  Options are United States {37} or Canada {7}.

Progressive Selection <0> [31]   Options are none {0}; primary-level link, secondary-level link {1}; primary-level link, secondary-level standalone {2}; primary-level standalone, secondary-level standalone {3}; and primary-level standalone, secondary-level link {4}.

Progressive Levels <0> [35]   Options are one progressive level {1}, or two progressive levels {2}.

Jackpot to Credit <0> [43]   If the communication type is MISER, this page determines whether jackpots can be directed to the credit meter.  Options are enabled {1} or disabled {0}.

Progressive Type <0> [60]   Options are high/low {0}, or alternating {1} progressive.  The progressive level must be set at {2} for high/low progressive.

SAS Progressive <0> [63]   This page is not displayed unless the SAS communication address has been set.  Determines whether the SAS progressive is enabled {1} or disabled {0}.

SAS Bonusing <0> [64]   This page is not displayed unless the SAS communication address has been set.  Determines whether SAS bonusing features are enabled {1} or disabled {0}.

Denomination <6>   Determines the game denomination.  The Credits window displays the current denomination, in cents.  The Winner Paid and Credits windows display denominations larger than $50.00.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on February 06, 2012, 05:09:24 PM
ok i went to the next one with just a 0 and hit spin it changed to 5,10, 25, so i hit the button after the 25 and  i pushed the button till nothing showed closed door and now i have a 0090 in credits

Title: Re: Need help after replacing battery in S+ round-top
Post by: footballhi on February 06, 2012, 05:11:29 PM
OK, after going around again ,power down and put 1271 back ,ALL SEEMS TO BE RIGHT ,AND THE BILL LIGHT IS ON........YEA BABY....

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: poppo on February 06, 2012, 05:12:07 PM
ok i went to the next one with just a 0 and hit spin it changed to 5,10, 25, so i hit the button after the 25 and  i pushed the button till nothing showed closed door and now i have a 0090 in credits

You still have the set chip in there. That is showing that it's a set 090

See my post above. I would go though it again. After you power down, you have to put your game chip back in.

Title: Re: Need help after replacing battery in S+ round-top
Post by: stayouttadabunker on February 06, 2012, 05:15:29 PM
OK, after going around again ,power down and put 1271 back ,ALL SEEMS TO BE RIGHT ,AND THE BILL LIGHT IS ON........YEA BABY....

 :72- That's good footballhi but you posted in the wrong thread... :25-

Title: Re: Need help after replacing battery in S+ round-top
Post by: poppo on February 06, 2012, 05:15:57 PM
OK, after going around again ,power down and put 1271 back ,ALL SEEMS TO BE RIGHT ,AND THE BILL LIGHT IS ON........YEA BABY....

Great. Except you posted in the wrong thread.  :96-

LOL Bunker beat me to it.

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: poppo on February 06, 2012, 05:21:32 PM
OK, after going around again ,power down and put 1271 back ,ALL SEEMS TO BE RIGHT ,AND THE BILL LIGHT IS ON........YEA BABY....

In case footballhi is too busy playing his fixed machine to post this in the right thread.  :96-

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: stayouttadabunker on February 06, 2012, 05:29:28 PM
oh yeah...we won't be hearing from him in a while until he sticks his chip in backwards!  :96-

Title: Re: Need help after replacing battery in S+ round-top
Post by: footballhi on February 06, 2012, 05:41:15 PM
OK, after going around again ,power down and put 1271 back ,ALL SEEMS TO BE RIGHT ,AND THE BILL LIGHT IS ON........YEA BABY....

Great. Except you posted in the wrong thread.  :96-

LOL Bunker beat me to it.


Fixed a broken quote tag. -KN

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on February 06, 2012, 05:50:39 PM
oh yeah...we won't be hearing from him in a while until he sticks his chip in backwards!  :96-

IF THATS ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY ,do me a favor and keep it to your self,,,,AS TO  POPPO ,Your are the man all works like new ,my bride played till she hit  those red 7s and it payed  to credit for the first time, bills working ,Thanks a lot to all of  you...YOU Guys really rock,

Fixed a broken quote tag. -KN

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: Ron (r273) on February 06, 2012, 06:15:31 PM
oh yeah...we won't be hearing from him in a while until he sticks his chip in backwards!  :96-

IF THATS ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY ,do me a favor and keep it to your self,,,,AS TO  POPPO ,Your are the man all works like new ,my bride played till she hit  those red 7s and it payed  to credit for the first time, bills working ,Thanks a lot to all of  you...YOU Guys really rock,

footballhi, Bunker was just kidding. He meant you were so excited to get it working you wouldn't have time to post any more. The only time you would if something went wrong. We all do the same when were working on a machine for a long time.

Bunker is one of the most helpful guy I know of and he adds a little humor when he can. If you not sure what someone means look for our smiley faces  :96- :200- :72- :97- or PM him. It's easy to interrupt a different way than someone meant, so we try to use a smiley face(s).

Ron (r273)

Fixed a broken quote tag. -KN

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: poppo on February 06, 2012, 06:22:05 PM
Yeah, it's when you see ones like   :81- :125- :283- that you better :hide4-

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: footballhi on February 06, 2012, 06:33:24 PM
well how ever it turns out ,I really do think   you guys  are the man with these slot ,I thank all of you .....AND YEA I'LL MAKE A DONATION,FOR THE HELP!!!!!

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: Ron (r273) on February 06, 2012, 06:38:00 PM
well how ever it turns out ,I really do think   you guys  are the man with these slot ,I thank all of you .....AND YEA I'LL MAKE A DONATION,FOR THE HELP!!!!!

 :244- :3- :285-  Be sure to put your user name with it.

Ron (r273)

Title: Re: HELP FIND!!!!!!????
Post by: knagl on February 06, 2012, 07:02:51 PM
Oy.  I did some  :194- and fixed some broken quote tags, moved some posts to the correct thread, and the like.

Congrats to footballhi for getting your machine running again, and K+ to everyone who helped out.

footballhi: understand that Bunker was just kidding around and making reference to a number of people who come here asking for help and then vanish off the face of the earth.  Thank you for updating us on the outcome of your machine issue, and congratulations again on getting it figured out.